
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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56 Chs

Slightly Lemony - What To Do Now?

[Not a big part, but it was supposed to be a naughty chapter. xD. So you have been warned, Rated N-18 for reasons]

After fleeing. .I mean relocating. . to a new location, I was curious how Abby would spin this. Rogue does need alot of help, but I have no idea how to do that. I mean, seriously, that girl gets the first human touch in maybe 2 or 3 years and I fled?

Damn, should have thought that out better. But in my own defense it was better I did.

So. .now what? I have no idea where the heck I am. Oh wait, I do. I'm currently in a shadow ball at home awaiting my punishment. Or at least I think I am. Abby didn't look too happy when she confined me in here.

So how am I going to plead my csse. .hmm. Oh hi babe! Abby was a tid bit unhappy if her frown was to go by.

Abby: "Why did you never answer Jean?"

Wait, that's it? Really?

Me: "I honestly didn't think about it? Was kind of tryin' to get out of the Rogue situation."

Oh boy, she's rubbing her temples. Just how bad was it at the mansion?

Abby: "The kids are upset with you, my love. They are fiercely protective of Rogue, as they are aware of her 'interesting' powers. Calming everyone else was doable. You will have a lot to apologize for."

Geez, now I'm hanging my head. That was stupid of me, indeed.

Me: "Crap. So you think I should get back and apologize to Rogue? Well I suppose I should. That was stupid of me to ask."

Abby: "And talk to Jean. She is quite interested in your 'harem'."

Me: "Shush it you."

Sigh, she giggled at me. This means I'm going to die. Giggles never end well for me.

Abby: "I think you should practice your speech with Jean. You can even try it with me."

Sexy woman say what now?

Me: "Okay, easy. 'Jean. No.'"

Well that got me a hit on the back of my head from a shadow whip. I swear me and her must have a fetish for using whips and tentacles. . .Anyways. .

Abby: "Are you listening to me?"

Me: "Yes ma'am!"

Abby: "What did I say then?"

Umm. .aw shit. Crack! Ow! Why'd you hit my head again! She just continued talking like nothing happened. .Meanie. .

Abby: "I said that will not work. She's a young woman. Eighteen years of age. She is dealing with her emotions as best a psychic can, but those hormones that you humans are so chock full of are making it difficult to process things efficiently. You need to be gentle with her. Look. I shall transform into her and you will practice."

Sigh. As you wish.

Jean(Abby): "Why not me. ."

Damn she transformed well. She has the iconic red hair draped over her face, the voice is so quiet and demure I felt like I had to lean in to listen. I don't, but I felt like it.

Jean(Abby): "Why won't you let me be apart of your lovers! I'm smart, I'm strong, I'm hot, damn, every boy wants me at the school! I swear I could be a capable woman as part of your growing family! I want to be loved too!"

Me: "I. .I. .I don't know what to say here. Look, I just can't do it."

She approached me when I looked away. And damn is her grip strong right now. She pulled me around to bring me into a hot and smoldering kiss.

Jean(Abby): "Give it to me. Please. I've always wanted to be loved. For who I am. Just please."

Damn Abby's acting is good. Her hands are roaming over my body. She knows I can't resist her. I just wish she'd stop using Jean's face for this.

Oooh damn. She slowly lowers herself to groin level while looking into my eyes. I must have an eye fetish, I swear.

Jean(Abby): "Anything those women can do, I can do too. I'm a quick study. I will make you accept me. ."

She lowers my zipper with her teeth. Holy beeswax she is into this roleplaying a little too much. Wait, where are my clothes?! Her hands are caressing my legs. Oohh~~ man her silky smooth skin feels so good. Why does it that feel amazing?

She rubs the length of my member, all the while looking astonishedly at it. Damn she is revving me up. Her light kisses up and down are making things difficult. .When she opens her mouth, I am plunging my way inside. Taking no remorse for what her actions have caused.

I pulled her hair back to get a better look at her. Damnit, stop using her face. Fine. .You want to roleplay, let's roleplay.

Me: "You like that, huh? You enjoy being used for my pleasure? All the women before you could take it down their throats. You gonna do that for me?"

Jean(Abby): "Yes, anything. Make me yours."

Me: "Damnit, you agree too easily. Fine, you're going to be my bitch tonight."

Her throat was so tight that I wanted to release then and there. But she's going to be punished thoroughly. I pulled out to hear her gasping for some air, but I bent her over my knee.

Bad women get punished for teasing. I slapped her tender rump.

Me: "This won't be easy for you. I'll make you work for the position."

I kept alternating my slaps. Her ass was as red as her hair now. I grasped and rubbed the tender skin, knowing just how much Abby loves the slight tingling and pain can heighten her pleasure. I grabbed her cheek to turn her to me.

Me: "Each of my women are special. They can have any man or woman they wanted, but they choose to be with me and my wife. We'll never let them go. You sure you want in? There will be no turning back for you."

Jean: "Fuck me you bastard."

And fuck her I did. Abby really tightened herself up. I made my thrusts count. Her loud grunts and deep moans made me more hungry than ever. I was going to break her tonight if that was the last thing I did.

I towered over her body while deeply pressed inside of her. She never let go of me. She desired me and that turned me on fiercely.

Heh, she was passed out with a smile on her face. I think my job is done.

Or at least until I saw the bed and Abby fade into the shadows.

Abby: "My my, you really out did yourself, my love."

Why is she behind me. .

I turned around to face a fully fresh Abby. .Oh no, no she wouldn't! Oh my goddess. .she did.

Abby: "Not just me, my love. .We all did."

What? I looked around and all the ladies were around us. .

Me: "You were all in this? But why? She's just barely legal? I don't think I can do this! For fuck's sake, I need to go apologize to her for taking advantage of her!"

Ororo: "No, darling, you shall not need apologize for giving her what she wanted. We all agreed that this should happen."

Me: "But why?! And what of my choices?!"

Felicia: "Because you're a man. You guys can't see the blaring neon sign that says 'take me' even when we flash it in your face."

Jenn: "And also honey, she needes you. You're not a selfish man. You are not running off trying to claim every booty that crosses your path. You truly cherish each and everyone one of us. Even that grouchy man hater, Raven."

Raven: "I am no grouch, you muscled bean green bean. But the women are right. You are one of few men who do not take us women foe granted. Even if we have not done it yet, I would not mind being with you."

Oh. Well damn.

I don't know what to do now.

Abby: "Why that's easy my love. .Take us. Claim us like you did Jean."

Ororo: ". .And give me a child."

Jenn was smiling from ear to ear while holding Ororo close to her. These women. .Just what the hell have I gotten myself into. .

All these bad comments and people dropping my story. . .Ehh, I'll live.

Now my body on the other hand. It hates me. Thankfully we got all the heavy stuff in the townhouse, just need to grab all the small stuff now. Which apparently is ALOT! Thank goodness I still have 6 more days left to finish.

No idea when next chapter comes. I'll be busy and worn out.

But as always, I appreciate you all. And hope you enjoyed reading. /bow

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