
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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56 Chs

Sent To Work

That was an. . interesting night. To say the least. All the ladies conspired against me and that was not something I expected. But I won't complain needlessly, seeing as their argument was quite compelling.

And as for Ororo. Well the ladies made sure she got her wish. Every time I felt close, or even twitched a little, I found myself back in her. If she isn't pregnant after tonight then I fear what they will do to make sure it works next time. Again, I'm not complaining.

The real astonishment was from Raven herself. Even she took me for a spin. .heh, spin me right round, she did. But the moment we had still sticks in my mind.


. Slight Flashybackness


Me: "Wait, you too?"

Mystique: "What? Surprised I want a taste of what the other girl's are having?"

Me: "Well. .I kind of figured you didn't want this. Ya know, 'this'."

Mystique: "Just because I don't want a man as my partner does not mean I cannot enjoy the act itself. Besides, I thought I made it clear you are not like most men."

Me: "Well thanks I gu-hss. . .Holy tightness."

She smirked at me. Why must they do this to me. Those dang sexy smirks or sultry smiles will be the death of me, I swear.

Mystique: "I hope you can stay strong. This will be nice and slow."

I need a hero to save me. .


. End Enriching Flashback


When I woke, I found myself elevated. Oh wait, I'm getting a lap pillow. That's nice. .

Wait, what? I looked up and there she was. Abby.

Abby: "Took you long enough, hon. Did you enjoy your nap?"

Me: "Not sure. I can barely move my body."

Abby: "That would be because of our ladies. They all found you to be a comfortable pillow."

Ah. .I looked down and yeppers, she was right. Jenn was cuddled into one side, Ororo was drooling over my arm, Felicia was drapped over my legs, and Mystique was sprawled over my torso. We must look as ridiculous as it sounds.

Abby: "My love. .One of the heroes you remembered. He's finally revealed himself . You ready to recruit him?"

Me: "Must I do it? Sure, he's an amazing guy and all, but his ego is just ugh."

Abby: "Oh? And here I was working on all I could because you asked me to. Now everything I did will be wasted. Le Sigh~"

Did. .did she just le sigh at me? That's my thing! How dare she! Mmmmm~. Nevermind. A hot kiss has won the battle. I am at your command, milady.

Abby: "Tony Stark is officially Iron Man now. We can wait if you wish."

Me: "No, no. I can do it. Just being whiny. I've gotten too used to you spoiling me. I am ready and able. Of course, once everyone gets off me."

Once again, I get my body up and get to gettin'!

Shush it, it was funny in my head.

I wonder what this trip is going to be like. Bruce already abandoned me for his new buddy, Hank. So I can't have those two meet just yet. That was going to be how I reeled him in! So I need to figure something else out. I wonder if he is interested in a new bodyguard?




I swear to anything almighty that that man is an egotistical bastard! I bring my happy bum all the way here freaking California, the land of blazing trees and constant earthquakes, for an interview and he says I'm not suited for the job?! I'm the best suited! I'm literally in the BEST suit. . .I mean with the best partner. I am not in a suit, that was rude of me.

But honestly, it turns out the bodyguard is for his beau Pepper Potts. He was just the judge. . oooh, heh, he thought I would take away the lady he has the hots for. Silly Tony, I'm not interested.

So what am I going to do now? Hmm. .I choose to sneak in via shadows. Always fun to do! I wonder if Jarvis will be able to detect me?

I worked my way up slowly. I seriously need to practice my S.T skill. Jumping from shadow to shadow, like they are portals, is fun and all but I'm still slow when moving.

I get hitch a ride from each individual as best I can. This was actually kind of fun. Time the shift just right, wait for them to rub shoulders, or transfer to the potted plant and wait for my next cab!

I finally made it to the lovely lady, Pepper Potts. And holy smokes. It was Black Widow! Oh em gimme!

Turns out I got here to the point where Tony will be transferring his corporation over to her! Thought I already missed that but my luck has come through!

I transfer over to Widow and enjoy the ride. I do have to say that the way she annihilated Happy was quite the enjoyable sight. While he is not a bad guy, I still get a tickle watching guys get knocked on their back by their 'weaker looking' opponents. Ah, it's the simple things in life.

And so the ride continues! With Widow, I really need to remember her name, on her trek to finalize the paperwork, she decided to make a detour. Oh? I love espionage work. Take me to your hide out! Share your sssssecrets!

B.W: "Agent Romanoff reporting in."

That's her name!

B.W: "Our target has given away his company to his lover. Contact only accessible through second option."

Huh, this one is more. .professional? And what's the second option? Ah shnit, I should have paid attention. I try to listen in. .oh. .heh, subtitles!

Nick Fury: "We need him on-board with our plans. Get him whatever way you choose, Agent Romanoff."

B.W: "Yes sir. Agent out."

Ya know, time for some improvisation. This is a quick way into S.H.I.E.L.D.

Me: "I'm surprised in you S.H.I.E.L.D. . I never thought I'd see the day y'all being sent in to seduce people to join your organisation. Color me impressed!"

Please be right that's the second option. I mean come on. It's Black Widow! Either she's sent in to gather intel first, kill second, and thirdly seduce. And if they want Tony, I'm sure the killing part is passed over.

B.W: "Who's there! Show yourself!"

Me: ". . Does that ever really work?"

B.W: "You'd be surprised."

Me: "Huh, true. I probably would be. Well what if I don't wanna? I kinda enjoy the view from where I'm at."

Even if this is a small room, she still scanned every nook and cranny to try and find me. Tough luck to her. No one ever looks in their shadow. Heh heh heeeeh.

Oh, she pulled her gun out. Where the heck did she hide that?

Me: "Just so you know. That won't work. And don't you think firing that thing will alert people to you? I thought S.H.I.E.L.D was trying to stay low key off the normal civilians' radar."

Ooohhh~ I got her gritting her teeth! Yeah, this B.W is different from the one I remember. Then again, I don't know much about Marvel anyway.

B.W: "Show yourself and I won't shoot."

Hmm. .Tempting.

I guess I can.

I slowly twist out of the shadows, like a gooey black slime. Or maybe more like sinew. All I know is she was dumbstruck by my appearance, allowing me to knock the gun away. Which surprises me because most people scream when they see weird stuff like that.

Me: "Hello little one."

I'm also surprised by her tenacity. She went from dumbstruck to nut kick. Too bad for her, I reinforced that spot. No more bringing me to my knees! No sirre!

B.W: "I see the monster who can go toe to toe with the hulk is far from home. What are ya gonna do to me?"

Make me drop my guard with a conversation. Small insult to irritate me so I might not notice her hand slowly inching towards a new weapon. Man she is good. She even had the small quiver in her voice to make me think she was scared. Too bad for her, I read too many novels and fanfiction in my life!

Then again, I only notice these things because I'm more amped up in my senses than a normal human would be. Otherwise, she'd just clock me out!

With a quick wave of my hand I have both her arms held behind her back. I hold my other hand over her mouth so no one can hear her cries. She kept struggling and kicking against me but to no avail. Oh how scared she must be. Only to be scared further when I bring the tentacle of chompiness out to say hi. I even changed the tip to look like the Alien monsters head.

It slowly inches forward and her eyes are bulging at this point. Her heartbeat is thumping erratically. And then.

Me: "Boop!"

I quickly shuttled away into the shadows on the wall. Leaving a very confused Black Widow behind. I guess my job here is done. For now. Muwhahaha. .ahh crap, how am I going to explain this to my wife.

Howdy all. Been far too long. Had this story mostly finished but was unable to get back. My move is completed but slumlord is giving me a headache. My wife has given up on the security deposit, and honestly, so have I. But new place! So yay!

As always, much respect to you all. May you stay safe and read many great novels. /bow

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