
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

PopPop · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

It's Getting Hot In Here

I guess I shall have a look at my menu at least





Status! Show me the goods!

Name: N/A

Super Hero/Villain Name: N/A

Race: Human/Klyntar?

Age: 30

That's it? Wow, minor gamer ability indeed. Ehh it's okay. I don't need all the excess gamer stats to become strong, working towards that goal the old fashioned way is more my style anyway.

Inventory. . please please please let it be like how I always dreamed of.

A small screen pops up and I can see the boxes all lined up in a 12 x 12 format. It may be smaller than what I hoped, but I can manage! Tis not the size that counts but how I use it! I can see at the bottom my money count. . . it is at $12.88 Yay~

Count my blessings that I am not entirely broke like I assumed I was. Damn tech dropped me here with my wallet and I.D. but no dang money in it. Still need to rob a crack dealer. . or anyone of the guilty as sin variety. Don't want Spider-Man kicking my ass tonight.

Alrighty then! Let's take a lookey at Volume. Hope they have subtitles. Subtitles are amazing.

[Enable/Disable Sound] ON

[Master Volume] 100%

[Music] 0%

[Ambience] 30%

[Sound] 35%


[Subtitles] OFF

[Auto - Translate] OFF

Huh, I guess I was alot more hearing impaired than I believed. Let's turn that sound all the way to 100 and enjoy the sweet sweet sound of perfect. . . aaagh! holy sweet fiery balls of fire EVERYTHING IS SO LOUD. . turn that down to 75. Wow, okay, perfect hearing in a city, despite being in the middle of a park, is way too much.

Turning on subtitles because they are god mode in my honest opinion. Now this auto translate has my attention. If that means I can understand all languages then this "Minor" gamer ability just shot past the roof and became "The Best".

Uuu, I cannot wait to give it a roll. Never ever let anyone know i understand them. Talk smack people, I will always know. Muwhahaha.

So truth be told I keep stalling on the Symbiote tab. Not too sure what will happen. I mean come on, even I know how they can take over their hosts mind. Not all do but they can. Kind of scared now. Like really terrified. I think that covers I don't have a gamer's mind ability with my minor version. Probably no gamer's body either. Crud, just realized I didn't have an HP under my name. I don't even have a name? WTH!

Okay. Calm down. Breathe. You can do this big guy. Just like grandma always said, one step forward will become two. And two can become a hundred. Breathe one more time. Okay. RAWR. DO IT.


Thug: "Hands up man. Don't want me twitching would ya?"

And now I'm sweating bullets. Ha, I'm so punny. Probably dead too. Money ain't in the wallet. Wow, did it just get hot in here? Well I am outside after all.