
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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Welp, That Just Happened

So here I am. Sitting on a park bench at a, you guessed it, park. And I have no Emotion Suppressor to help me.

Basically I am now going APE SHIT CRAZY! I am sooooo not prepared for this. I landed in the Marvel Universe and i don't know where or how everything starts in canon.

Currently reading a newspaper that was thrown away, I have at least discovered I am in New York City. Great news, always wanted to visit. Bad news, this newspaper is biased and hating on Spider-Man.

You guessed it, I am reading the Daily Bugle. And man do i really feel sorry for Pete. JJ digs deep in his abyss of a heart and pulls out the worst descriptions he can use to discredit Spider-Man. Does the man even realize

that people are still alive because of Spider-Man (kid? don't really know how old he is just yet. I should look into that if I come across him) taking out all the bad guys.

Don't know about you but if I saw a dang near 7 ft tall man, in a gray suit, calling himself The Rhino, AND smash a car off to the side of the road, I would probably have to wash my underwear 4 times.

Yet he still belittles Pete in his articles. Lets all have a le sigh moment in the stupidity of men.

Moving on, having been here for about two hours now I should get going and figure out how to get some money. This man ain't sleeping outside, no sirree bob. Time to be a hero!

Pfft. . . heck no, Imma go rob some crack dealer. Gotta figure out how to work my Gamer ability and use the Symbiote.

Hmm. . System? No. . Interface? No. . . Help? Really? Nothing at all. Well that's a cop out. I know it was a Minor Gamer ability but come on. What perks do I get? Can I at least put in a report or get a phone call?


Say what now? Holy crap I can feel the scrub force seeping into my soul at this point


<Hello, you have reached the R.S. help desk, how may I help you?>

(Wow. . it worked) "Umm yeah, I got the Minor Gamer ability and I need to access its settings and main tab. How do I access the options tab?"


(Oh hey, that worked!) "I'm sorry, I figured out already. Just didn't say the right words."


Well that's handy. Glad I still get that.

<Sir, we apologize, we had forgot to unlock the tab and you should now be able to use the Gamer ability>

Oh, so I didn't figure anything out. Was just almost jipped out. Glad to know. . .

<Will that be all sir?>

"Yeah, thanks for the help."

< We hope you enjoy the R.S experience and this one time help feature has been used. We wish you luck in your new life!>

"Say what now? Hello? You there? Moshi Moshi? WHY YOU DO THIS?! NOOOOoooo"

Welp, that just happened. Crud.