
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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[A little bit of mushy gushiness, no sexy scenes just yet. Havn't been able to sit down and think one up yet]

It was interesting being back home. I had finally gained the courage to open the door and enter the townhouse with Bruce. There was no one in sight, strangely.

Me: "Hello? Anyome home? Me and Bruce have finally arrived."

Bruce: "Where is everyone?"

Me: "No idea, bro. No idea."

We searched the first and second floor, no one was here. I even checked the basement, can't let Bruce down there since it's Abby's lady cave. . .that just sounds wrong. .

Oh. Hahaha. Whoopsie daisy. I can contact her mentally.

Me: [Hon, where did you ladies go? Me and Bruce finally got back]

No response. .

Well this is irritating. I head over to my kid's place and knock on the door. Bruce was just gazing around and thinking whatever scientists think about.

Since no one was answering, I decided to barge in. I own the place, they my kids, I do what I want. One handy dandy symbiote made key and I'm in. We both head in and I regretted it then. Bruce wished he didn't have to see his own cousin like this. I wished I didn't have to see my wife do this.

How could they do this? Abby, Jenn, Felicia, Raven, Ororo, the X-Men girls, my own daughters all panting and gasping together in unison. I couldn't handle it, honestly.

They were having the baby shower without me! I'm the daddy! Why can't I be here?!

Bruce dragged me away, both in somber silence. Him for his own reasons, I'm sure were different from my own.

So for a pick me up! A bottle of rum!


. Start the mushiness!


I must have dozed off. I really do sleep alot? Nah. Because I awoke to someone jumping on me and kissing me all over my face. It's kinda nice. I returned the kiss to Jenn before my face was promptly pulled over and Ororo gave me a deep kiss. Mmm, chocolatey. Felicia gave me a quick one on the neck. Oh my. My girls, Tasha and Jaz gave me a kiss on the cheek. This was kind of fun to be honest.

Jenn didn't remove herself from my lap, so I just held her there. I noticed Raven was relaxing in one of the living room chairs, no smoochie for moi? Heh, that's okay. I'm fine with not every woman of Abby's having a go with me.

On that note, where is Abby? Oh. Hi hon.

She was behind me and pulled my head back to lay a hot kiss on me. Her tongue invaded my mouth and twirled around my own. Which just to say, is hotter than I thought it would be. I was disappointed when it ended.

Me: "Not to say I didn't enjoy that. .But what brought all this on."

Abby: "Why, my love, we cannot just show you our love?"

Me: "Not saying no. I know I enjoyed it. Just curious what brought it on."

Jenn had placed one of my hands on her stomach. Oh. She just smiled at me. I couldn't stop myself from smiling back.


. End the gushiness!


Jenn: "Well it's about time you two made it back. What took you so long? From what Abby said, you were able to knock The Hulk out and dodge the army."

Me: "We talked. We bonded. We shared manly moments. I might have somehow ended up in Africa, no idea how, bunch of ladies with spears kept yelling so I ran away. And we passed through customs at the border. They didn't like a drunk Hulk."

I swear I could feel everyone's stare boring a hole into me. Thankfully, I have thick skin when it matters!

Jenn: "Wait a second. You got my cousin drunk?. .What's that like?"

Me: "Quite a blast actually. It's even funnier watching him as the Hulk trying to smash things. I remember him trying to hit a metal detector, only it 'wouldn't break', the poor guy couldn't tell which one was real and the other blurry lines were fake."

Abby: "Well once he wakes from his drunken slumber, we can finally talk to him. I'm sure Jenn has some words for him"

She nodded vigorously. Poor guy. Welp, I wish him luck!

Once he awoke, Jenn laid into him. He was huddled into a corner of the couch and she didn't let him out. The guy had a headache from all the drinking we did, so I felt even doubly sorry for him.

Jenn: "So are you going to talk to Betty or not? She's been worried about you since this whole thing started."

Bruce: "No."

Jenn: "No? What do you mean no?! You ran off and left her behind! She deserves to know!"

Bruce: "No Jennie. I won't. I broke it off with her before I left. She can have a life now that it doesn't involve a mad and smashing green giant."

Well that started a whole 'nother arguement. So I spent my time with Ororo who was relaxing against me. Felicia took over Jenn's spot, claiming she was keeping it warm for Jenn.

Me: "So have the X-Teens been well? I know we kind of left on rocky terms, but I still worry on how they are doing."

Ororo: "They are well, Richard. Jean can never stop asking about you. I think she's quite smitten with you. My nephew and Scott have calmed down. .Though they are now distant from Kurt. I am still working on those two."

Me: "Well that's good they are well, though I do hope Jean grows out of that. I'm not a pervert to look at young girls. So. . um. . Are Kurt and Danny. .ya know. .?"

She giggled at my oddly asked question. I mean come on! I wanna know if my kid is dating her kid, in a sense.

Ororo: "No, I'm 'fraid not, love. They are quite friendly towards one another. Kurt will never abandon someone to be alone just because they are different from other people. He dealt with that most his life."

Well that makes sense. I hope little Danny isn't crushed by that.

Abby: "Okay Jenn, hon, you should at least forgive your cousin. He's back here at the least. So let him talk his peace."

Jenn looked heapin' mad. Felicia jumped to my free side so Jenn could claim my lap again. Geez. How do those so-called 'harem kings' deal with this. It gets hot with all the dang body heat!

Bruce: "Thank you miss Abby, was it? Yes, well I don't apologize for running off. My reasons are solid in my book. The only reason I'm back, well two really, is because Jenn called on Richard to chase me down so I could see my future nephew or niece. And also, so I can see about this school he wants me to teach at."

Yep. I got us a science teacher. The best you could have, really. Because exactly who would want to piss off the teacher who can kick your arse when he's mad! Muwhahaha! And with his intellect, him and Hank (the Beast) could study on the x-gene together!

Abby: "And why should I hire a possible flight risk?"

Well that made him falter.

Bruce: "I'm sorry? What was that?"

Abby: "I'm asking you, Mr. Banner, is why should I hire you? I know for a fact my husband didn't offer you a job, he enticed you with a new subject to learn. Which I'm sure you would use as a 'possible way' to cure yourself. So once again, why should 'I' hire 'you'."

Bruce: "Uh, well, um. .I could help find why the kids are afflicted the way they are. I can study their abilities and find the root of the cause. And I can help them situate themselves into a new life."

Abby: "You see, Mr. Banner, I do not want you curing anything. I want you to help them. They do not have an affliction that needs curing. They need an adult figure willing to assist them. They need a person who can see past what they 'can do' and help them with what they 'want to do'. Can you do that Mr. Banner? Can you help children with who they are and what they want to do with their own lives?"

God damn I love it when she dominates the room. Pfft to anyone who doesn't love a strong woman. That shit is hot!

Bruce. " I. .I. .I. .I suppose I can."

Abby: "Not a suppose I can. I want a yes!"

Bruce: "Yes ma'am!"

Abby: "Glad to hear it, Mr. Banner. I welcome you to the Klyntar Office for Advancing Children."

And with that, we secured a teacher! Hey-o!

But what's with the weird name she came up with? It sounds like Kawyk . .she called us a Cock?!

Sorry for the horrendously long wait! We are moving to a new home! Bye bye apartment with lousy upstairs neighbors, hell yeah to a townhouse!

Still far from done. She packs the home up and I do the moving. Thankfully we have until the 10th, so we can move at a moderate pace.

As always, thank you for reading! /bow

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