
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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56 Chs

Creepin' N Weepin'

Abby: "So you were unable to get the job?"

Somehow those words hurt more than they should have. I mean really, we rich. I don't need no stinkin' job! Still hurts though.

Me: "Apparently I was not a good fit for the job that was needed. I honestly think he was just intimidated by me."

Abby: "So how are you going to get close to him then?"

Me: "Uuhh~"

Abby: "I figured that was what your response would be. It is fine hon, I can get you in other ways."

Me: "Wait! I have a way in! I may have an inside person that I can use!"

Abby: "Oh? Do share?"

Now maybe I should have left out the ending details. Like the fact I booped B.W on the nose or that I was being creepy. .again. But I am sure I can get back to her and talk my way into her plans!

Abby: "It will not work. You know that, Richard. Look, he has an event in Monaco that he will be attending. Some race event. We can meet him there and try to see if we can use the sentinels as a way to get into his expo. The technology is not the greatest, but I have been putting some effort into it and I believe I have modified it to be more effective than how it was originally designed."

Did. .Holy ta ta's, my wife has become a geek? A nerd? A techie?! When did this happen?!

Abby: "Have you heard what I said, hon?"

Me: "Honestly, yes. Understood you, yes. Thank you for not going too heavily into details, but I want to try my way. You can go as an upcoming tech guru, and I'm going to go convince a femme fatal spy to let me join her."

Crip. I think I heard her facepalm. Well she knew I am a difficult man. Always have been. But it's time to go find me a very dangerous spy.




Now finding someone is easy. Trying to convince them that you're not a creepy and murderous individual is not so easy. Especially since our last meeting may not have been ideal, in any way, but I wanted to talk to her to explain myself.

Ah, who am I kidding. I chickened out. I did follow her in the shadows to learn more so I wouldn't make a colossal mistake, like say mentioning I like her in that dress, or her fiery hair shows the passion she keeps bottled inside. Ya know, really creepy weird shnit.

And so here I am. In the shadows while shadowing B.W as she does her work under Pepper Potts. I only have to say that running a corporation takes ALOT of work. Just wowzers! I think both the ladies keep in great shape because they never have time to eat!

But anyways, Tony is still being us usual self. Which is an annoying bastard. I do get to enjoy watching him deflect off some ponce named Justin Hammer who wants to get in on the Stark Expo.

And then I see Abby and Felicia both show up. Abby is rocking a very fashionable dark red dress that shows off her back. The bottom part of the dress was loose enough that she could walk fluidly through the crowd. While Felicia has opted for the very form fitting white shirt and black pants. Damn, these ladies took control of the room by just existing.

With B.W stuck close with Potts, she had no way of stopping these two from meeting with Tony. And how I wish she did. Because now I wish to kill Stark.

He had his damn hand caress down her arms and rest it on her hips. This mothertrucker has his hand on MY WIFE! Thankfully Felicia made sure to twist that useless pinkie and make him regret that action.

Oh it may not have stopped him from flirting, but he isn't touching her anymore. I wonder if Tony can make himself a new hand after I cut that one off? What am I saying. Of course he can! I hope he doesn't lose his mind when I take his hand and tear it to pieces.

Abby: "Thank you kindly, Mr. Stark, for listening to my proposal. I hope you will be willing to invite us to your expo so we can show everyone my new sentinel defense system."

Tony: "Please, call me Tony. And I would gladly invite you two ladies over. To the expo, I mean. Here's my card. Give me a call."

And away he goes. Walking with a gait like he's a Greek god that blessed the world. I want to break his legs. I want to tear that hand off. I will crush his worthless skull and drink the bloody mess that is left. .Woah. where did that come from?

Potts and B.W made a beeline to my ladies once Tony was on his way to do whatever he was doing. Wow, this looks alot like a high school drama. Potts was in the lead with B.W trailing behind her to Abby who also had Felicia behind her.

Potts: "Hello. I'm sorry to catch you like this, but may I inquire to your meeting with Tony like this?"

Abby: "Not at all Ms?"

Potts: "Potts. Pepper Potts. The new CEO of Stark Industries."

Wow, that smile looked vicious on her face. While Abby looked serene compared to her

Abby: "Ah, so you were the one I was trying to get in touch with! I'm sorry if it seems I'm cutting the line, but with me unable to reach you I had to meet with Mr. Stark to see if it was possible to join the expo."

And that was when I sneaked up on B.W. One tap on her shoulder and she responded with a quick jab to my gut. Her second reaction was surprise when I didn't bend over in pain.

When she got a good look at my face, the poor woman went completely still. She looked like she was ready to call for S.H.I.E.L.D but I held her hand while putting a finger to my lips. I pointed back to Abby and Pepper.

She saw what I did. Both of those two were getting along swimmingly. I suppose Abby alleviated Potts worries. Yep, that's Abby for ya. Able to get into the hearts and minds of her fellow women. . .Oh heck no! I veto Potts! I don't care if Abby plans to bring her in, but I say no on this one. Potts is Tony conscious and I don't want to change that. The fact she will keep him away from Abby hasn't crossed my mind at all.

A sudden explosion distracted us all. Oohhhh~! This is when that weird Russian guy with the electric whips shows up! I fudging love that look! Why? Because whips are awesome. It's why me and the tentacle of chompiness are good friends after all.

Potts was terrified for Tony and had called for Happy. They were about to start running off before Abby stopped her.

Potts: "What are you doing?! I have to get his suit to him!"

Ah. She was carrying his "suit"case with her. Heh, that's hilarious, he put his suit in a suitcase.

Abby: "I have someone better in mind."

While Potts and Happy looked to Felicia, B.W looked to me. I just smiled.

Abby: "Mr. Lazy, hon, would you please go help Mr. Stark. I need him saved immediately."

I'm Mr. Lazy? Uh, ehh, I can take it.

Me: "As you wish."

I may have broken a window or two, maybe a wall was knocked out, but I did fly over quickly at least. Just in time too. Mr. Whippet had already blown up the race car and Tony patted the flames off his arm.

Just as he was about to take another swing at Tony, I swooped in. I grabbed his arms and slightly pulled back. Oh. Whoops. I think his arms may have popped out. Well let's just remove the outfit while I'm at it.

I stored it away in my inventory via shadows.

Me: "Yo"

Tony: "You"

Me: "Me?"

Tony: "Do I know you?"

Sonofa. .Ya know what. Just do what Abby asked. I grabbed him by his racing outfit and flew us back to the ladies waiting for us. Mr. Awesome Whips was left behind. Who knows, maybe he will return as a pain in Tony's bum.

I landed softly as I could. Didn't want Potts being angry at me damaging Tony any more than he already was.

Abby: "Thank you kindly, dear. Well Ms. Potts. I have returned your boyfriend. I think you should keep him at home. He does seem to attract trouble."

Abby and Felicia took me by each arm and started to walk us away. Um, why?

Tony and Potts: "Wait!"

Ooh, this was planned. When did they plan this out?

Tony: "Just who the hell is he?"

Potts: "Who are you three?"

Abby: "This is my husband and our girlfriend. Thank you again for giving us a chance to join your expo, Mr. Stark. I'll give you a call soon Ms. Potts to schedule our meeting."

I gave a small wave back to them. Why does Tony look like he wants to cry? Maybe he is a little more hurt from the attack than I thought.

B.W. Well. She just disappeared when everyone was not looking. Probably to report to Fury.

I have horrible devastating news.

I lost my sticky notes during the move!

I have been scouring the boxes for where they could have been, but I think we lost them! I'm literally depressed beyond measure!

Okay, maybe not that much, but I am bummed out. I may know how this story ends, but the way there may have changed slightly. >.<

I feel this chapter may not be my usual way of writing but as always, hoped you enjoyed reading. /bow

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