
In Marvel With A Symbiote

I died and was reborn in a world I really do not know much about. Luckily I got two things, a minor gamer ability and a Symbiote that can't control me. Here's hoping I don't mess it all up! MC will be an SI. Rated M for language and implied illicit actions. I will try to keep the snu snu out of story, but hopefully romance will be involved. [Story will be updated when I feel like it. I'm a night shift worker and a pop pop of 4]

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'Friendly' Battle Scenario

The week passed quickly and Friday had finally arrived. I was stoked! I might not have been able to train the kids, but I will enjoy seeing the fruits of their labor!

My entire family was all together and ready to go once the kids got home from school. We even had M.J convince Peter to join us and see what all the hub bub was about. Felicia, of course, tagged along in her civilian attire. I guess everyone was familiar enough with one another that secret identities didn't matter.

Abby: "Now that we are all ready, let's be off."

We were enveloped in the shadows and quickly hustled along. Damn do I love the shadow traveling. Since our students, formerly mini brotherhood, already were taken to the Xavier institute with Mystique, we could head there right away. And already I could feel a headache coming on.

What's the first thing I hear? Why that would be Scott being an asshole towards Lance, aka Avalanche.

What'd the first thing I see? Ororo smacking Scott upside the head. Now that was solid gold in my opinion.

Ororo: "You shall be courteous to our guests Mr. Summers or I shall suspend you from today's training exercise and any outer ventures that do not include school."

Oooooo~! You got in trouble~!

I swear that kid needs a to take a chill pill, or a midol. I can attest that they do help! But anyways, I waved hi to the kids. Huh? Did we get more added to our bunch?

Abby: "Yes hon, your eyes are not fooling you. We added two more members. Say hi to Tabitha Smith, who likes to call herself Boom Boom. And to Pietro's sister, Wanda Maximoff, whom is called the Scarlett Witch." [Though she hates the name, still hasn't decided on what she wants to be named]

Me: [Ah, I gotcha] "It's a pleasure to meet you, young ladies. I hope Abby and Raven havn't been too rough on training ya."

I made sure to give my winning-iest smile. Gotta have a decent first impression when meeting the new kiddies. Wanda only nodded. But Tabitha. .

Tabitha: "It's a real pleasure to finally meet you! I have heard awesome things! Can you really grow wings? You're even faster than Pietro?! What's it like being in a harem? Can I join?!"

Geez this girl talks fast. . .

Me: "Yes I can. Yes I am. It's a challenge. And no."

Well that was probably the quickest way I ever let a girl down. She wants in, she has to get through Abby.

Which now that I think on it, hopefully she doesn't realise that soon. Wanda was smirking. . I don't like it when the ladies around me smirk. It means I'm out of the loop on something and that terrifies me.

I gave the downtrodden Tabitha a pat on the head and went to greet the guys. I can actually see a difference in them. Lance seems more in control of himself. Less angry. Pietro's head is out of his ass, that's always an improvement. Mortimer. .well dang it, the kid doesn't look ashamed to be here! Like he earned his place. Which I'm sure he has. And Duke, well the kid's smile is less devious looking now. He probably needs more work, which is understandable with his history.

Me: "Seems to me like you guys have matured a bit. Almost like respectable young men. I'm glad, so have you been well?"

I got an affirmative answer from them all. It was good knowing that their fates have been changed with just someone actually giving a crud about their well being. Hopefully they can stay that way. . .Or Abby gonna punish them. Once you become her kids, I can tell you, it's permanent to her.

Abby: "It seems we are all here. Are your students ready, Ororo hon?"

Ororo: "Yes, they have all been diligently training. I do hope they can all learn from this."

Abby: "As do I, darling."

I took a look behind me to see how Bruce would take this. .And strangely, he wasn't fazed. I mean, really? We got shadow transfered half way across the state! Oh, he may not realise how far. Anyways, Jenn was glowing. She enjoyed the fresh air out here. Dare I say, as much as me!

Why is she rubbing her stomach and smirking?

At the back of my head, I didn't see Ororo glaring her down. Apparently while I was gone, they met up when Abby introduced them to each other. Ororo might have bragged she was the first of the harem to enjoy my services. But Jenn was the first to carry my child and gloated over her about being the first. .Just wish I had known about this before I was brought here, I might have stayed home.

We met Xavier in the main hall with some new students. Holy wings batman! He's got feathery wings! I think that gu.y was a rich kid.

Xavier: "Hello everyone. A pleasure to meet you again. These are our newest students, Warren Worthington III (Angel), Jubilation Lee (Jubilee), Roberto da Costa (Sunspot), Danielle Moonstar (Psyche), Robert Louis Drake (Iceman), Rahne Sinclair (Wolfsbane), Amara Aquilla (Magma), and James Madrox (Multiple). They will be observing the two teams in the training scenario."

By that, he means combat. But hey, he always did things soft handed around kids.

While everyone did have an amicable greeting, dear little Scott was not so socially nice. I could hear the small mumbles about how the enemy is in his home. That we might be planning something evil. How he is ready to strike us down. Yeesh kid, Abby seriously just wanted to help these kids. Now I'm wondering if I need to introduce you to the tentacle of chompiness and rid us all of the headache!

Xavier lead us down towards the sub levels. Abby's students, I shall name the mini brotherhood as, were astonished by the level of technology down here. Heck, I'm still astonished! It all looks so freaking cool! Bruce was going nuts over everything. Wait until you meet Hank the beast. That dude and you can geek out together.

Speaking of which, we arrived at where said person was standing. And hole lee sheet, it was Gambit! This dude is an icon! A bit of a womanizer too. .but his only fault of character! Oh, well he is a bit of a lush with a bottle in hand. Not to mention he gambles alot. .Ya know, I'm hushing up now.

Me: "Yo Hank! How ya been!"

Hank seemed to be arguing with Gambit but looked our way with my calling towards him.

Hank: "Ah, hello Mr. Klyntar. It is a pleasure to meet you and your family again. I see your new students seem eager to enter."

Gambit: "Ah, mon cheri's, a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Remy LeBeau, but you can call me Gambit."

Ororo: "You can stay there, Gambit. I am already familiar with your way of trying to 'get acquainted'."

Yep. He's a womanizer in this world. He was shot down as he tried to walk over to our group. I wonder if he and Rogue will hook up like in the comics?

Xavier: "Yes, well everyone, this is our newest member of the faculty, he specializes in survival training and hand-to-hand combat."

And stealing. Don't forget he was, or still is, part of the Thieves Guild. Damn Cajuns. . .Whoops, my redneck side came out. Ahem.

Taking a good look past him, I saw the one place that has fueled many imaginations. . I saw the Danger Room.

Jubilee: "Woah, what is this place?"

Beast: "One part training course, one part survival training, affectionately called the Danger Room."

Ororo: "This is where you shall have your mock battle. It will be a 5v5 training match. Abby shall choose her team, and I shall choose ours."

Abby decided to have all the boys be our team. I guess that's because they were here for the start, then they shall be the ones to finish.

Abby: "I have faith in you boys. Don't worry if you lose. .the training afterwards will be adjusted to help any shortcomings."

Did. .did they just shudder? Hey Abby love? Just what have you and Raven (Mystique) do to these kids?

Ororo chose Scott, Evan (Spyke, the cruddy nephew), Jean, Kurt (Nightcrawler), and Kitty (Shadowcat, and Lance's love interest).

Seems like a decent line up.

Ororo: "Each team to one side. We shall start the battle after we get to the viewing room and assure you are ready."

Xavier led the way, Bruce and Beast were already hitting it off. Something about how specific genes can be isolated and spliced to pinpoint what genetic changes have occured.

And here we were. The viewing deck! Dun dun daaaaahhhh! Yo wassup Logan. I brought out some spiced rum and passed it to him. I know he appreciates a good drink.

It was time. I couldn't wait to see the match!

Ororo: "Are you all ready?"

With the cheers of confirmation, she set the room to danger level 1.

The room had changed. It created 'holographic' buildings? They seemed almost tangible, honestly. So our kids actually went into a building to hide. Nice, nice. And Ororo's kids. Sigh. Scott took charge, of course, and started commanding then. Evan didn't want to listen and argued on how to approach the fight.

Kurt tried to diffuse the situation while Jean pacified the guys. Kitty was keeping an eye out, good situational awareness. Pietro used his speed to his advantage. He's learned that just running past obstacles doesn't help. He went from one spot to the next with quick bursts to avoid detection.

Pietro returned to his team and assembled them. They started their way over slowly. I was watching closely. Man was it suspenseful! I think I was clenching Jenn and Ororo's hands. Bruce was astonished to see Pietro's abilities and was waiting to see the others. Abby. .was being herself. Which means thinking, planning, calculating, and foreseeing the match.

Duke started the assault. He charged in with a roar. The X-Teens responded quickly. Scott fired lasers right at Duke's face while Evan fires spikes to obstruct his charge. Too bad for them, he's learned from Abby. He focused his mind and used his hand to block the beams. Once he could see better, he was able to bash through the spikes withour being slowed down.

Pietro was directing the team and supporting like he should. Lance was directed to shake up the floor. With the X-Teens stumbling about, Duke was able to stand his ground. Holy bees wax, did he discover his gravity ability? Mortimer was hopping around with ease, and went full Capoeira on Evan's ass. His strikes avoided all the spikes on Evan's body and knocked him down hard.

Heh, his spikes got lodged in the floor and he was stuck. He kept struggling to get up. Um, kid, can't you withdraw the spikes? Or at least 'launching' them would proper you upwards and free yourself. Kitty went to help him but Pietro intervened. With his quick reactions he was able to disorient her and stop her every time she came out of her phasing.

The limelight was watching Jean and Danny combat against each other. Since Jean is the real threat of the team, Danny kept her at bay. Each thrown rock was blasted with hot flames. Wait, rocks? You mean it isn't all holograms? Oh dang, the tech in this room is amazing! Oh shizzy whizzy! Kurt teleported in and grabbed Danny before taking them off to the other side of the room.

Jean thought she would finally be able to help the team, but alas, Danny blasted his way back over with flames at his feet. The propulsion sent him careening towards Scott where he was able to blast him out. With Scott out, the match was quickly handled.

Duke just sat on Evan, heh heh. Kitty. Wow gurlfriend. She was enjoying the lip locking with Lance. I guess he didn't want to wait any longer. Kurt was distraught his plan didn't work. Though Danny was there to give him a high five. Jean looked quite fine. Like she expected this to happen.

Ororo: "Match end. Winners, Klyntar mutants!"

The viewing deck was hyped up. Even if Xavier's school lost, the fight was fun to watch. I can almost see everyone excited to give the room a try themselves.

Time. It's a relatively interesting concept to me. It can go slow, fast, forwards, backwards, even veer off into some other tangential direction. But at this moment, it was slow.

I heard a fwip, it was Evan throwing a spike in anger. The problem though was that it headed in Jean's direction. And she was like a deer watching headlights. It zoomed in closer and closer. A mere millimeter in her bosom and I had my hand grasped around the offending object. I was infuriated. Evan and Scott have been a thorn in this team's side and now he almost killed a member.

I used a small, teensy, weensie, meenie, bit of my symbiote skin to heal her skin. And then I focused my attention onto Evan.

He slowly backed up into a wall when I was approaching him. I may not have been thinking clearly at the time but I regret nothing.

I bent that kid over my knee and whooped his butt. If he's going to act like a child, then he's going to be whooped like one.

Me: "You. Almost. Killed. Your team member! When. Will. You. Grow. Up! You. Shame. Your. Family. You. Shame. Yourself. You. Shame. Your. Honor."

I don't know if he came from Wakanda or not. But I know that honor means alot in that nation.

When I dropped him on the floor, I looked up to see everyone looking at me strangely. Everyone's face looked so flushed. Oohh, y'all is embarrassed. Well count your lucky stripes I ain't whupping you.

Me: "Are you okay Jean? I think I healed the cut."

She passed out on me. Celestials damn it all.

As you all know, fight scenes, are not what I am good at. But I hope you enjoyed non the less.

Long chapter, but that's to make up for having you wait so long for releases.

As always, hope you enjoyed reading. /bow

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