
In Marvel as The Hive

Author: ZeroX0666
Ongoing · 2.3M Views
  • 102 Chs
  • 4.4
    47 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is In Marvel as The Hive

Read ‘In Marvel as The Hive’ Online for Free, written by the author ZeroX0666, This book is a Movies Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, REINCARNATION Fan Fiction, SYSTEM Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Liliana Goldbrone, she was a normal girl living in a normal world, living out her normal life.As normal as she could mak...


Liliana Goldbrone, she was a normal girl living in a normal world, living out her normal life. As normal as she could make it at least, until one day she found herself drifting away into an endless sleep. Waking up, she found herself in a world she had only seen in stories. She decided to live her life to the fullest in this new world, as a new race. As the Hive.

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Essence of Creator : The Godly Chaotic Emperor

This is the original version of my story ×Essence of Creator : The Godly Chaotic Emperor× ----------------------------------------------------------------- Setelah peperangan besar yang melibatkan semua kubu untuk bersatu dalam melawan sesosok Makhluk yang mempunyai dua kekuatan Absolute, membuat tatanan dunia dan semesta menjadi tidak stabil. Makhluk tersebut sangat sulit sekali untuk dikalahkan, karena di tangannya, ia mewarisi dua kekuatan yang bahkan mampu menyamai kekutan dari Tuhan yang menciptakan alam semesta itu sendiri. Tetapi pada akhirnya, peperangan besar nan dahsyat tersebut pada akhirnya mencapai puncaknya, ketika makhluk tersebut berhasil dikurung untuk waktu yang tidak terbatas. Dengan segala kemuliaan dari sang pencipta, dua kekuatan Absolute tersebut masih diturunkan kepada makhluk-makhluk yang istimewa, sebagai upaya untuk mencegah akan terjadinya hal yang sama. Mereka yang dipilih adalah makhluk-makhluk yang berhati mulia, mereka akan diberkahi oleh kekuatan yang sangat luar biasa, tetapi di lain sisi, akan ada suatu kutukan yang menyertai keberkahan tersebut. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Pada Kota Kuoh, hidup seorang pemuda berambut putih dengan wajahnya yang tampan. Pemuda tersebut sedari kecil sudah mendapatkan takdir yang buruk, entah kenapa banyak sekali takdir buruk yang menimpanya dalam kehidupannya, tidak ada yang tahu. Akan tetapi, takdir hidupnya yang buruk, berubah sepenuhnya ketika ia pertamakali melihat rambut panjang berwarna merah darah milik seorang gadis yang begitu sangat cantik sekali. Pada puncak takdirnya yang menyedihkan, pemuda tersebut harus mengalami kematian yang begitu sangat pedih dan menyakitkan. Tetapi pemuda tersebut juga merasa sedikit senang, karena pada akhirnya, ia akan mendapatkan ketenangan di dunia sana. Akan tetapi, takdir sebenarnya sama sekali tidak mentakdirkan pemuda tersebut untuk beristirahat dengan tenang dengan begitu cepat. Karena sebenarnya ia adalah sesosok makhluk yang paling beruntung juga sekaligus yang paling tidak beruntung, dikarenakan, ia adalah satu-satunya pewaris dari kekuatan mutlak yang pernah menggetarkan alam semesta ribuan tahun yang lalu. Dengan kekuatan mutlak ditangannya, apakah pemuda tersebut akan merubah nasibnya yang menyedihkan menjadi nasibnya yang begitu menakjubkan? Atau malah, ia akan jatuh kedalam kekuatan mutlak tersebut untuk selama-lamanya? Saksikan perjalanan pemuda tersebut yang akan dipenuhi dengan aksi yang luar biasa dalam cerita Fanfic terbaru : ×Essence of Creator : The Godly Chaotic Emperor× Highschool DxD milik © Ichie Ishibumi © × Gambar yang tertera dalam cerita ini sama sekali bukan milik saya, semua saya dapatkan dari internet. ×

Maulana_Skyiz · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
1 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :The Beginning
Volume 2 :The Morlocks
Volume 3 :S.H.I.E.L.D
Volume 4 :Journey To Antarctica


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Hey there, author here! Decided to do a Marvel novel for fun. Keep in mind I'm not aware of every small detail that takes part in the marvel universe and as such some things may seem odd, so just take it as an AU. :) Hope you enjoy.


Reveal spoiler


Where are the updates? Where is the Author? Please do note drop


Eh justnbot my cup if tea its a solid 3/5 but irs basically a borderline gotta kill them all type of fic kill eat gain DNA lose what but of humanity you had in the first few chapters if your interested in mindless murderhobo this is the fic for you nothing wrong with it so far outside of the MC feels.. I don't know but puppet comes to mind so far and nothing really good either so take it as you will


this marvel is bing chilling im freezing :cold_face: this book was exactly what i needed to keep my uncle away from me. the plot is good and character i love bc i can relate to when I got to frog land in a world with a new power. i was micheal yakson


Reveal spoiler


love it so far but i wish they updated more it’s so good


Here's your 5 Star Author! I've read it and all I can say is that I love it


Reveal spoiler


It was such a great start and there were no grammar mistakes. The story is interesting and Liliana reminds me of myself, to be honest. Keep it up, Author!


if it will gonna ever be finished see you guys in 20 years😂


interesting concept but ultimately ruined by generic copy and paste mc. I just really don't see the appeal of edgy, no emotion,cocky, mcs. I just find it to be so boring.🫤


4 months amd 28 chapters. Fo i really meed say more. Its good bit not worth getting into because author will just take forever or disappear ......


Read all the chapters in 4 hours, really liked the concept and pace of story. Hope that author keeps updating the story because I am hooked and want to see what will happen in future. ...................................d.d.d.x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x..xx.x.x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x..x......x.x..x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x..x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x.x..x.x.x.x.x.x


The writing is great with no grammatical errors as far as I am aware of. The stability of updates are great, they take breaks to think on the story but when written it comes out quickly, and so is basically a bunch of chapters come out over some time then a break then repeat. The story development is well written, organic, and well thought out. The character designs are good. While the world background is vast.


Don’t really know how to write a good review, but the book has been looking good so far :)


I like it a lot and I hope the updating Scandal wil Main Daily or Weekly I hoe it Will not go on hiatus any time soon en you keep the updates stady


Pretty enjoyable read, had to look up what a few things might have been cause i’m not the most informed on Marvel, but even without that th story flows fine and is easily understandable. Author is consistently updating again as well.


Well written and great direction doesn't feel rushed like eell reach the Max power with nowhere to go and lots of plot set ups rn so looking forward to the future slow updates but everyone has a life


Pretty easy to follow along, decent chapter size and good writing. Pretty good read


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