
In Loving Memory (MHA)

Izuku Midoriya has been living what most people would call a hard life. Bullies, being uncharacteristically shy, and being stuck without a power in a world where the norm is to be supernatural. In a hypothetical universe crafted to make you, the reader, yes you, violently sob, (Don't you feel special) Izuku Midoriya fell off a roof and lost his whole world. Upon his premature death in a hospital bed, Izuku finds there is more to this world than meets the eye and that death isn't the end of the story. Katsuki is broken. A boy he's known since birth is gone and it's his fault. Still, he applies to U.A academy, if not for the same reasons as before. Before, he wanted to be the best. To surpass even All Might. Now, he's doing it in his friend's place, to save people in remembrance and recognition. But secrets are abound even in the afterlife, and not everything is as it seems.

Valkyrie_Rain · Others
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24 Chs

There's no Epi-pen for an allergy to death

Sakura laid the ghost boy on her bed, "So run this by me again," she sighed.

"He was possessing this one weird guy and he was in there for a while and was probably fighting for control and was shoved out," Yosuke explained.

"Ah, I see," she said quietly.

"How are his vitals?"

"He's dead, Yosuke. He doesn't have vitals."

"Oh. But is he okay?"

"I haven't looked. Get out of my light."

"Right." Yosuke backed up quickly. Sakura stared at him for a moment.

"Hey kid, are you conscious?" She asked. Izuku nodded. "Alright, he hasn't passed out or anything, a good sign. Ghosts don't really sleep, but they will if they get really tired or if they're trying to maintain their habits in life. I think the main trouble is that he's not entirely aware he's dead, so if he possesses somebody and steps out on his own accord, he'll be okay." She grumbled and ran her fingers through her hair. "Are you okay with that, kid?" Izuku nodded shortly. Sakura sat on the bed next to Izuku. "Here. Possess me for a second. Then hop out. You should be fine after that. A turn it off and back on again kind of deal." Izuku sat up in the bed and slowly stepped into the body. A moment later, he stepped out.

"Hey kid, are you okay?"

"More or less," Izuku said quietly, still wobbling a little bit.

"Sit down, Midoriya. You need to rest," Sakura yawned. "It'd be best for you to take a nap after that, but not here. I have to get some sleep before my next class. We have online classes today since the professor is sick, but that doesn't stop me from needing some rest."

"Thank you for the help," Yosuke sighed in relief. "I owe you again, Sakura."

"You don't owe me anything. But you do owe the kid an apology. You didn't teach him anything about practicing safe possession after you taught him?"

"I- He was fine after like, fifteen minutes with you so I thought he was like me."

"Nobody is like you, Yosuke!" Sakura snapped. "He's not a natural-killed poltergeist or some kind of possession prodigy like you! You've got a literal kid in your care right now and you forgot to tell him how to not have a panic attack or something when undergoing extended possession! I know you know how to do it and I know you've taught other people, so why on Earth would you think some kid would be any different?" Yosuke was silent. "Listen, if you're gonna teach somebody, you gotta do it right. Juniper would be disappointed in you."

"I'm sorry," Yosuke muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"No. Not to me. To the kid."

"Sakura, are you talking to your ghost boyfriend again?" Sakura's mom shouted from downstairs.

"He's not my boyfriend, Mom!" Sakura shouted back.

"Tell him I said hi, hon!"

"You know he can hear you!"

"Tell him I said hi!"

"Can't your parents see ghosts too?" Izuku asked.

"No," Sakura sighed. "I'm adopted. My dad has a fire quirk and my mom is quirkless. My birth parents died in a car crash. They visit every now and then. Now Yosuke, that apology?"

Yosuke sighed. "Kid-" he started, then corrected himself. "Midoriya. I'm sorry for putting you in that pain because I was being careless. I'll teach you right this time." Izuku wasn't really sure how to respond, and only nodded in response.

"Now get out of my house, Yosuke. Midoriya can stay if he wants, he's not perpetually annoying." Yosuke grumbled and walked through the wall. "Are you okay, kid?"

"I'm fine," Izuku said. "Mostly. I forgot what it was like to breathe, I guess. And then I kind of died again and it felt wrong."

"I've never really died, so I don't know exactly how you feel," Sakura said, typing away at her laptop. "I've almost drowned before, though. I don't know if it's anything close." Silence fell upon the room. "What's on your mind, kid?"

"Do you know anything about Yosuke? Like how he died or what he was like in life? Anything?"

"Nothing, really. Besides, it's usually considered pretty rude to ask a ghost about how they died. I've only known him for a few months, and all he's mentioned is that his death involves a fire, but he doesn't talk about his life or people he knew or anything about himself. He's always asking about me. He hasn't even told me his quirk." Sakura sighed. "Not like I'm all that concerned with learning about him, anyway. He mostly just gets in the way. Why do you want to know, anyway?"

"He feels familiar. I feel like I know him from somewhere."

"Yosuke has been dead for over fifty years," Sakura shrugged. "So unless you're like me and can see ghosts, it's unlikely you've ever seen him before you died."

"Do you think he appeared to me sometime when I was alive?"

"He can't appear in the land of the living," Sakura said, punctuating her statement with a rough tap to a key on her keyboard.

"Oh. I should have thought so. I'm told it's hard to do."

"You have a gift, kid. An affinity for ghost things. Maybe it's a quirk or something, I don't know."

"I'm quirkless, though."

"Eh, probably." Sakura typed faster. "Who knows what counts as a quirk and what doesn't, anyway? My mom has these really long acrylic nails. They never break, no matter what she does. Who knows if that's a quirk or not?" She looked at Izuku. "We live in a world where the smallest of abilities can be called a quirk and the biggest of magic tricks can be explained. The fantastical is replaced with reality. You're a smart kid, Midoriya. That puts you a step ahead of some people. I know some heroes that are running on two braincells bouncing around the inside of their head and both of them are fighting for third place. How they got a license is beyond me."

"I mean, yeah." Izuku sat in an unoccupied chair.

"Is that all that was on your mind?"


"Is there anything else you wanna talk about?"

Izuku pursed his lips. "My death."

"What about it? I mean, it must have been rough, dying as young as you did."

"I fell off a roof, but…" He paused. "It's weird. I remember sitting on the roof and I remember hitting the ground, but I don't remember falling off. I don't know if I jumped or slipped or what."

"I'm sure you're mostly concerned about forgetting the death more than you're concerned about how you died. In my experience, ghosts have a little bit of memory loss for a while after their death. As for how you died, well you probably just fell off, most people won't-" Sakura stopped in her tracks. "Wait, you think you might have jumped off?"

Izuku stiffened. And I accidentally let that slip, he thought, grimacing a little. "Yeah," Izuku said tentatively. "I… I was in a really bad place before I died. And I can't say for sure if I died because I decided it would be better for me to not be there or not."

"It'd certainly be an awful way to die," Sakura sighed. "I knew a guy once who died in a villain attack but we found out from a note left in his room that he had planned the entire thing. He'd arranged for minimal property damage and nobody to be hurt except for him. I talked to the guy after he died. He was really upset that death wasn't the end of his existence, but he's stuck like that now."

"What's he like now?"

"We're mostly good friends. Though he's a little eccentric. His girlfriend is still alive though, and she stops by to talk to him every now and then. But if you really want to know about your death, I think I can help."

"How can you help?" Izuku looked at her in confusion.

"I have connections, remember?" Sakura smiled. "On both sides of this world. I can find someone who can help. Come back in a week, I'll probably have something new to tell you."

Meanwhile, Katsuki was sitting in the nurse's office, getting a kiss on the forehead from Recovery Girl to heal his minor scrapes. He had gotten off easy in that fight. Other kids were in rough shape, everything from broken bones and concussions to hemorrhaging and internal bleeding. "How are you feeling there, sweetie?" the old woman chirped.

"I'm fine," Katsuki scoffed, which was true, at least physically. But the situation in the cafeteria stirred around in his brain, and the more he thought about it, the more it confused him. What had been the point of the attack? Who was that weird guy who had lead the attack? What were those monsters, and why did they look like they had been made in a rush? Why did all the monsters start acting weird? Why did the weird guy just collapse on the floor? And more importantly, why had a disembodied voice that sounded strangely like Deku point out the haphazardly created creatures? Deku was dead, and Katsuki would never see him again, but why did the universe seem dedicated to constantly reminding him of the boy?

Everything around him seemed to be Deku speaking to him from beyond the grave. He saw Deku's excited scribbling in his notebooks in every hero, every news article, every villain fight in the street. He saw Deku's smile in the little kids on the street who watched the world pass by with wonder in their eyes. And with everything reminding him of how much this was almost certainly his fault, he had brushed off the sound of Deku's voice in the training exercise as him hearing things. But the time in the cafeteria was too hard to brush off. He shivered again at the thought. For the first time in months, he knew deep in his soul that he had heard Deku speak to him. Why was Deku hanging around him, if at all? Was he going to enact some kind of horrible supernatural vengeance? After everything Katsuki had done, he probably deserved it.

"Hey, Bakugo!" A loud voice interrupted his thoughts. "How are you holding up?" It was Kirishima, a welcome distraction.

"Fine enough," Katsuki said stiffly. "I just got a scrape or two, obviously. Some stupid villain isn't going to be enough to hurt me by much."

"Yeah, I broke an arm!" Kirishima practically shouted.

"Hey, turn down the volume, you idiot. My quirk is explosions and even then I'm pretty sure you're gonna pop my eardrums."

"Oh, sorry." Kirishima spoke somewhat quieter.

Katsuki sighed. "What are you so excited over a broken arm for, anyway?"

"I'm not really excited, I'm just loud."

"I can see that."

"But I'm glad to see you're okay!"

"Yeah, man." Katsuki nodded shortly, staring at the floor. "It's nice to see you're okay too."

"What's on your mind?" Kirishima sat next to him on the bench.

"It's hard to explain."

"I can listen."

"I don't feel like talking about it."

"I get it, man. We still on for sparring later?"

"We just got out of a villain attack and your first concern is if we get to spar later?"

"I mean, yeah. Life moves on, I guess. We gotta be ready for the future, don't we?" Kirishima smiled. "The world isn't gonna wait for us to mourn our failures, we just gotta punch through it, you know what I mean?"

"What?" Katsuki raised an eyebrow.

"I don't want to get stuck in the past or in all the bad stuff that's going on in the world. So I'm just gonna push past it, y'know?"

Katsuki snorted shortly. "I don't think it's that easy for everything."

"Well, it's not. But I at least gotta try, right? I can't make an impact on the world if I'm staying still."

Katsuki was silent for a moment or two. "Yeah, okay, I guess."

"Did that help?"

"Pfft, whatever." Katsuki shrugged, pretending the words rolled off him like rain off the shoulders of a duck. But, like a duck who has been bred too small so it could be a show duck, Katsuki had trouble reaching the spots that produced the waterproof oil to keep the words out of his brain. He was thinking, and that was dangerous for someone who wanted to stay living in the past. But, fortunately for you dear readers, Kirishima had changed his mind. He had been nudged in the right direction, and for once, the plot moved forward and Katsuki's world was slightly to the left.