
In Loving Memory (MHA)

Izuku Midoriya has been living what most people would call a hard life. Bullies, being uncharacteristically shy, and being stuck without a power in a world where the norm is to be supernatural. In a hypothetical universe crafted to make you, the reader, yes you, violently sob, (Don't you feel special) Izuku Midoriya fell off a roof and lost his whole world. Upon his premature death in a hospital bed, Izuku finds there is more to this world than meets the eye and that death isn't the end of the story. Katsuki is broken. A boy he's known since birth is gone and it's his fault. Still, he applies to U.A academy, if not for the same reasons as before. Before, he wanted to be the best. To surpass even All Might. Now, he's doing it in his friend's place, to save people in remembrance and recognition. But secrets are abound even in the afterlife, and not everything is as it seems.

Valkyrie_Rain · Others
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24 Chs

Is this a problem? I'm not sure.

Izuku was dropped off by the U.A campus grounds like he had requested. Regardless of the fact Yosuke had helped him out, something made him not want Yosuke to know where his mom's apartment was. Something was a little off about him, and even stranger, he seemed weirdly familiar. Something floated around in the back of his head, poking at his conscious mind but refusing to tell him what it was. Though he was sure he would remember Yosuke's voice (the kind that was so deep it felt almost like it was rewriting his genetics) and his fangs (who on Earth has fangs??) he couldn't remember where he remembered Yosuke from. Wandering down the familiar road, he found his way to his old apartment.

Upon passing through the front door, he looked at the clock. It was around nine-o-clock, Regardless, the apartment was dark, all the lights turned off. "She must have gone to bed," he muttered to himself. A bowl of food had been left on the table, entirely forgotten. Izuku wandered over, tentatively reaching for the bowl and finding that he could interact with things again. He smiled, grabbing a tupperware and pouring the remnants of the bowl into it, sticking it in the fridge and putting the bowl in the dishwasher.

Izuku started fixing up a few things around the apartment, like sweeping up the floor and starting the dishwasher, then wandered into his room to rest. Like it had been the last time he was there, the room was spotless, hardly a dust particle on anything. Izuku was exhausted, probably from having possessed Sakura. Just a quick nap, he decided as he climbed into his old bed and under the blankets. A rest long enough to regain his energy. He would need a lot of it if he was going to protect everyone the next day.

He woke up the next morning to the beeping of his mom's alarm clock. He hopped out of bed and ran out of the room so fast that he barely took time to check the clock and realize that, according to the clock, the U.A school day started in fifteen minutes. He had to hurry and meet Nana before getting to U.A. Izuku raced out the door, knowing he had a job to do.

Meanwhile, Inko MIdoriya had just woken up after having a rough time trying to sleep. She remembered having forgotten to start the dishwasher the night before and went to start it.Strangely enough, it had finished washing already. She looked at it quizzically. Maybe she had actually started it, she thought to herself. She dismissed the thought. Something was different about the apartment, but she couldn't place her finger on what.

The night before, her husband had texted her, saying he'd be in Japan for the week and he'd be home by 11 pm. Inko had left out a bowl of food for him just in case. She checked her phone, finding a text from Hizashi saying he would be showing up around nine the next day due to a delay. She looked over at the table. The bowl was gone. Inko raised an eyebrow. Now that was strange. She was sure she had left it out for him. She'd even texted Hizashi about it. Maybe he had come home and eaten it but went out to get her a surprise. But, as interesting as that would be, that wasn't something Hizashi would do.

Strange things had begun happening sometime after Izuku had died, but it was only recently how she started to notice that the dishes were done as soon as she got home from shopping, or how when she felt depressed for a little too long she found fresh-baked cookies in the cupboard. Previously the strange things could be dismissed, something like the door being locked when she went back to lock it when she was sure she had forgotten. Part of her wanted to mention it to Mitsuki or even her husband, though she feared being thought of as crazy for thinking so deeply about it.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed something. The door to Izuku's room was open. She walked over to close it, but noticed something else. His bed was unmade, like somebody had slept in it and was in a rush to leave. Something was up, she knew it. She typed out a text to Mitsuki. Do you want to meet for tea today? I have something to talk to you about.

Mitsuki replied quickly. Sure. I have something I've been wanting to talk about for a while, too. They set a time and Inko was left alone with her thoughts.

Somewhere across the city in a boba tea shop, Izuku Midoriya ran through the doors (literally) and found Nana Shimura sipping on some boba. "Cutting it a little close, aren't we?" Nana said.

"I know, and bad news first, I couldn't hold together being visible to All Might long enough to tell him about the USJ attack."

"What?!" Nana jumped to her feet.

"I know it sounds bad, but I have good news."

"What news is that?"

"I am all rested and can tell one of the teachers about the planned attack."

"Well, go then! Don't wait for me, go! They're leaving soon!" Nana shooed Izuku out of the building, and he ran as fast as he could to the U.A building a few minutes down the road. He arrived just as homeroom was starting and rushed to the teacher's lounge. Somebody had to be there. All Might, maybe. He arrived in the teacher's lounge only to find nobody. All Might wasn't here yet. Izuku ran to class 1-A, intending to appear and tell everyone about the attack.

He then scrapped the idea. He would just be scaring everyone, and nobody would listen. Eraserhead might think he was a villain, and Katsuki and Ochako might be too shocked to speak up. A second idea came to mind. He went into the class and walked to Aizawa's desk, and while everyone was chatting with each other and Eraserhead had left to get something from another class, Izuku grabbed a pencil and scrawled a message on one of the papers on his desk. It was quick this time. Villains are going to attack the USJ. Do not take the class there. Once Izuku set the pencil down, Eraserhead came back in the room and readied for a lesson.

Something on his desk caught Eraserhead's attention. He looked down, finding the message. His eyebrows furrowed. It wasn't very big, just a quick something scrawled in the margins of the answer sheet of the test he was going to hand out at the end of the week. However, despite being on his desk, it wasn't in his handwriting. He picked up the paper. "Did any of you come up to my desk?" he asked.

Iida, the blue-haired kid, piped up first. "No, sir," he said sharply. "I was watching this class closely, nobody went up."

"Hm. Okay. Stay here, I have something to talk about with somebody." Eraserhead left the room, carrying the answer sheet. Izuku smiled. Mission accomplished. He followed Eraser, who ended up at the principal's office. Eraserhead knocked on the door, and a squeaky voice invited him to come in. He opened the door to a rat-bear-mouse-something, who just so happened to be the principal.

"Aizawa, how nice to see you. What brings you to my office in the middle of class?"

"I think I got an anonymous tip." He set the sheet of paper on Nezu's desk. The principal picked up the sheet of paper and studied it with curiosity.

"This is quite worrying," Nezu murmured.

"Should we reschedule the training exercise?"

"For everyone's safety, it seems to be the best option," the principal mused. "But we don't know if this is accurate or who it came from."

"I think we should change it to tomorrow, or later in the day. Or, at the very least, we should send more heroes."

"That does sound like a good idea. What if we sent the class but with a host of heroes? If somebody really is going to attack the USJ, they'd be protected. But, if there ends up being no attack, the students would still get the experience they need." Izuku panicked. He knew for a fact that villains were coming to attack, and these were untrained kids like him. He could appear to Nezu and Eraserhead, but there was no guarantee they wouldn't get scared or set off alarms thinking he was a villain.

Ah frick it, he decided, and appeared in the world of the living. Nezu and Eraserhead turned to look at him. "Please don't freak out!" Izuku shouted frantically.

"Who on Earth are you?" Eraserhead asked slowly.

"Okay, let's get introductions out of the way because I don't have much time. Hi, you can call me Midoriya, I'm dead, yes that means I'm a ghost. I'm here to warn you, because Eraserhead, your students are in danger."

"Are you the one who left the anonymous tip?" Eraserhead asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes, and I know for a fact that villains are coming to attack the USJ. They're trying to kill All Might. I don't know any specifics about what villains are coming, but I know there's a lot of them and that one of them is the grandson of a woman named Nana Shimura."

"The name doesn't ring a bell," Eraserhead said.

"She taught All Might. If you don't believe me, ask him about her, but you have to keep the students here! They're in great danger, and I have people I know in your class! They're too young to join me in the land of the dead."

"Then why are you there?"

"Long story. Just keep your students safe, Eraser." Izuku vanished back into the world of the dead. Izuku let out a sigh of relief. Mission accomplished. Eraser and Nezu discussed the situation for a minute or two more and finally settled on sending some heroes to the USJ to ambush the villains and keeping the students at the school for now. The assignment could wait.

Meanwhile, Katsuki was sitting in the class, pondering the day before as everybody else chatted around him. Why had he heard Izuku's voice? It was distinctly his, and nobody else used the nickname 'Kachan.' Maybe he had been hearing things? But, even if that was the case, the voice had been so clear, almost like Izuku had never died. Katsuki burrowed his head in his arms, shooing away the memory of the light fading from the boy's eyes. He felt somebody roughly patting his shoulder.

"Hey, man!" somebody chirped. Katsuki peeked out from behind his arms, seeing a redhead with pointy teeth and a bright, wide smile. "Bakugo, right? You're quiet today, what's up?"

"What do you mean?" Katsuki asked sharply.

"You're really loud, y'know, yelling at everybody. But you're quiet. So I thought 'hey, this is a good time to talk to him,' and I'm over here now. You were really cool in those mock battles yesterday!"

"Who are you again?"

"Kirishima. Nice to meet you face to face!" This boy was loud, and it was getting on his nerves.

"RIght, the guy with the hardening quirk. The round-faced girl was talking to you about some kid on our first day." Katsuki was exhausted. If he had any more energy, he would probably be yelling at the boy. However, he didn't feel up to it. "Whatever. What do you want?"

"Are you okay?"

Katsuki scoffed. "Obviously. Is that all you came over to ask?"

"I was just wondering, cause you don't look too good, man. Did you get enough sleep?" He hadn't, but decided not to say that.

"Back off. I don't want to talk to some half-baked extra today."

"Geez, man. I was just trying to check up on you."

"We're not friends, why do you care?"

"Well, maybe we're not friends now, but maybe later." Kirishima grinned brightly. He was sunshiny and warm, and it vaguely reminded him of Izuku. Suddenly, the distinct feeling that someone was watching him washed over him, the eerie sense that somebody was nearby. He looked around, finding nobody watching him or anywhere nearby, but the feeling didn't leave. "Hey, what are you looking for?"

"Nothing," Katsuki grumbled. However, it wasn't nothing, and for the first time since he was a little kid, he didn't feel safe anymore. He shifted awkwardly in his chair, resisting the urge to yell at whatever was behind him, but he was sure he would be seen as crazy. Somebody was there, he knew it. However, they couldn't be seen.

"Are you sure you're okay? You look a little jittery."

"I'm fine!" Katsuki snapped, and Kirishima winced. Katsuki pursed his lips and quieted his voice. "Sorry. Just leave me alone." He laid his head on the desk again and Kirishima walked away, a little dejected after the encounter. Nearby, however, as the feeling of being watched started to let up, Izuku had just entered the classroom only to find Yosuke staring at the class, and more specifically, at Katsuki.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" Izuku said, albeit a little shakily as he floated over. Yosuke looked over at Izuku and smiled.

"Ah, you're here. Just wanted to take a look at these kids you're so intent on protecting."

"This isn't somewhere you should be, I think."

"Neither is it a place for you."

"I'm watching over some friends."

"And I'm coming to see you."

Izuku paused. "Why do you want to see me?"

"Just hanging out with my favorite student."

Izuku pursed his lips. "I guess."

"Do I make you nervous?" Yosuke tilted his head to the side. He smiled, half showing off his fangs. "Is it the teeth?"

"No, you don't make me nervous," Izuku lied. "I'm just really tired, I guess. The whole possession thing knocked the wind out of me."

"Ah, you've been practicing?"

Izuku shook his head. "Still tired from Sakura."

"Right. She really is a little exhausting to possess." He laughed shortly. "Now, who are these friends of yours?"

"Why does it matter to you?"

"Just curious."

Izuku thought quickly. "You mentioned to Sakura that you died in a fire. How did that happen?"

"I was asleep during a fire in the dorms. Woke up, and I was dead."

"Sounds like a lot of tragedy in a short time."

"It was, but the good thing about being a ghost?" Yosuke picked up the hem of his shirt. "I'm not all skin and bones anymore, see? You could hardly tell how I died!"


"Once you die, your ghost shows you at your prime, or at one of the most impactful moments in your life. At least I'm not in front of you looking like some horrible burnt skeleton or being skin and bones from eating very little food at the time." Yosuke dropped the hem of his shirt. "I wonder why your spirit took the form of when you were fourteen. I remember being fourteen, it sucked."

"Because I am fourteen. I'd be fifteen if I hadn't died."

"Oh. I forgot about that part."

"Besides, this was hardly the prime of my life. Jumping at every loud noise and getting bullied just for existing?" Izuku scoffed. "It was pretty miserable." He sighed, then continued. "I miss my mom."

"I miss my mom too," Yosuke agreed wistfully.

"What was she like?"

"She made the best food. Gave the best hugs. Could cure the worst days with a smile. She was great."

"She sounds awesome."

"She was great company. I miss her a lot. When she eventually dies, I'll get to talk to her again."

"That'll be an interesting conversation."

Yosuke laughed sharply. "Imagine that."


"But hey, who are your friends in here, anyway?"

Izuku cleared his throat. He had no reason, really, to not trust Yosuke. But why was he hesitating so much? "The blond boy and the brunette girl. I don't really know the purple haired boy, but I'm here to protect him."

"The little one with the punchable face?"

"No, the fluffy-haired one."

"Ah. Good. I know of the little one. Haunted his mother once. She's a nice lady, but her son is a terror."

"You haunted his mother once?"

"I was young." Yosuke wove his hand dismissively.

"And so am I, but why did you haunt her?"

"I was also bitter and on a mean streak. It was only when she called an exorcist that I decided to leave."


"A good handful of exorcists don't actually have power to get rid of ghosts, like the guy she called, but I realized how much I had impacted her life only when she was desperately calling exorcists to get rid of me. I was just playing and messing around, but she was really scared. I left of my own accord."

"And you never apologized?"

"The apology would give her a heart attack. It wasn't her time. Besides, I can't appear in the human world as easily as you can. I specialize in possession and interacting with the world of the living. Some people call me a poltergeist, an apparition, whatever." Yosuke ran his fingers through his hair. "Now the kids, the ones you're protecting. Katsuki, Ochako, and Hitoshi, right?"

"How did you know that?"

"Listen, Midoriya, I've been around the world of the dead longer than you have. I know a good portion of the city by name. Like your mom, Inko right?"

Izuku moved a little closer to Katsuki, putting himself between Yosuke and Katsuki, but disguising it as simply moving to sit on an empty desk. "So you know me?"

"Hardly. You were a little boring when you were human."

"Why do you call the living humans?"

"Are they not?"

"Aren't we still human?"

"We're ghosts, or more specifically apparitions."

"I think we still count as human."

"Why is that?"

"Why would dying make me any less human?"

"They don't call us human. They call us ghosts and apparitions and ghouls and sometimes 'just the wind' or 'the house settling.'"

"People are still people regardless of how many people say otherwise."

"Fine. Whatever you say." Yosuke said dismissively, glancing around the room. His eyes narrowed at the sight of Ochako. "How do you know her?"

"I saved her during the entrance exam."

"Saved her?"

"A big robot was gonna crush her. It wasn't her time to go."

"Was it your time either?"

"It wasn't. Which is why I couldn't watch her go just yet."

"You didn't even know her name. How come you would help her like that?"

"I don't know. Why wouldn't you?" Yosuke was silent. "I don't know why you're here, Yosuke, but I'll protect my friends- no, this class- from anything at any cost. You can go spend your afterlife haunting people and possessing strangers for your own goals or whatever it is you do in your spare time, but I want to help people. Always have. Even if people can't see a smiling face, I want them to feel safe."

Yosuke half-smiled, with a bit of a chuckle. "You're a special kind of kid, Midoriya. Call if you need any help with that. The news will get back to me pretty quickly." And with that, he vanished through the door, and Izuku let out a sigh of relief. Unbeknownst to Izuku, Katsuki's shoulders finally relaxed and the anxiety left him.