
In Loving Memory (MHA)

Izuku Midoriya has been living what most people would call a hard life. Bullies, being uncharacteristically shy, and being stuck without a power in a world where the norm is to be supernatural. In a hypothetical universe crafted to make you, the reader, yes you, violently sob, (Don't you feel special) Izuku Midoriya fell off a roof and lost his whole world. Upon his premature death in a hospital bed, Izuku finds there is more to this world than meets the eye and that death isn't the end of the story. Katsuki is broken. A boy he's known since birth is gone and it's his fault. Still, he applies to U.A academy, if not for the same reasons as before. Before, he wanted to be the best. To surpass even All Might. Now, he's doing it in his friend's place, to save people in remembrance and recognition. But secrets are abound even in the afterlife, and not everything is as it seems.

Valkyrie_Rain · Others
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24 Chs

I get thrown off a roof (NOT CLICKBAIT)

Izuku and Nana stayed together for a while after that, watching the rom-com. Izuku had left the room after his parents fell asleep, and Nana followed. They went to his room, and Nana looked around at the walls and shelves. "Looks like you're an All Might fan, huh," Nana smiled. "I didn't get to see it last time I was here."

Izuku suddenly found the floor very interesting. "Yeah. I collected his stuff all the time when I was alive. It almost seems kind of stupid, now."

"No, it's cute," Nana said, shaking her head. "It's also kinda nice, seeing how far Toshinori went in life. I'm proud of him." She patted Izuku's shoulder. "I'm proud of you, kid."

"What did I do?"

Nana smiled. "You became a hero."

Izuku suddenly looked very puzzled. "Huh? I'm no hero, I'm just some dead kid."

"Not a pro hero, but those kids you've helped. You've done so much good, Midoriya."

"Do you really think so?"

"Kid, I checked up on some of the people you've helped. I've asked them, I've seen how much you've affected them. You're so much better than a lot of the pros I know." She pushed his hair out of his face. "Just like me when I was around your age."

Izuku smiled and chuckled. "Were you a hero at my age?"

Nana smiled fondly. "I was fifteen, maybe sixteen, and this was before vigilantism was banned. I liked to run around town and help people with my quirks. I'd always wanted to help people, and I was ecstatic when I manifested a quirk of my own. I did the little things, like getting things down from trees, and bigger things, like stopping some robberies. I was too young to do much, though one day, one thing changed my life."

"What was it?" Izuku asked, his thoughts about his faults leaving his head, and the excitement of Nana Shimura's origin story filling the empty spot.

"I was going on my regular patrols, It was in April, or maybe May, and a building went up in flames. I think it was an explosion, or a quirk." She leaned back on the bookshelf, visibly trying to remember the day. "I didn't really think about it, I just kind of ran into the building." She shook her head. "In hindsight, it was a little stupid. But I knew people were in there. It was a small candy shop, and people were always in there. I ended up saving the life of the shopkeeper there, and that was the day I met my Master."

"Your master?"

She nodded her head. "En. The user of One For All before me. He was impressed by my bravery and started to teach me, in stuff like combat and how to use my quirk better. Hero schools weren't some widespread thing then, but he was just as good a teacher as any professional hero school then or now, or at least as far as I'm concerned. He died in a fight with All For One, and gave me One For All in his final moments."

"That sounds awful, losing a teacher so close to you."

"It was." Nana sighed, pursing her lips. "When I had to give up my son, and after I lost my dad, I started to think that maybe I was destined to live a life of tragedy. I still don't know. I died as my Master did, anyway, at the hands of All For One." She laughed shortly. "At least I got to see En again. And when Toshinori eventually dies, I'll have a big hug waiting for him." Izuku's excitement had long since died upon the revelation of how Nana had lost her teacher, but now she looked entirely miserable, something he had never seen with her. Even before, when she had talked about losing her son, she had tried to be light about it.

Izuku floated forward and wrapped Nana in a hug, and she jolted back in surprise, accidentally bumping her head on the bookcase. Izuku let her go. "Are you okay?" He asked frantically, scared he had hurt her.

"I'm fine, I'm dead. I don't really feel pain. I was just a little startled."

"I- Oh, I'm sorry.

"No, it's fine. Here, come back. If you're gonna hug someone, commit to it." Nana half-smiled and Izuku pulled her back into the hug. She reciprocated it, and after a moment or two broke into a full smile. "Thank you, Midoriya," she said.

"Izuku," he corrected. "Only fair, since I get to call you Nana."

"Alright," she chuckled, hugging him tighter. "Thank you, Izuku. Your mom is lucky to have you."

"I just wish I didn't have to leave her when I did," Izuku said, feeling like he was about to cry.

Someone in the corner of the room cleared their throat, and Izuku jumped back. It was Yosuke, casually leaning against the door like some jock from an American high school movie Izuku had seen once. It kind of sucked. "Sorry to interrupt the moment," he said, his voice almost sounding a little like a growl. "Midoriya, Sakura's asking for you."

"Sakura?" He straightened. "Did she say why?"

"She said that's not for me to know," he shrugged. "I'll get you to the meeting spot."

Izuku tensed at the thought of going all the way to some unknown spot with Yosuke of all people. He had no real reason to be so nervous around him, but whatever it was, he felt like he would much sooner die again than spend another moment with Yosuke. He shook away the thought. It was going to be fine, right? He glanced at Nana, and she patted his shoulder. "Hey, I'll be fine. I've got some stuff to get done, anyway."

He didn't like leaving Nana, but she had some business to get to, and it wasn't like she was his mom or anything, even if it almost felt like she was. He ignored his anxieties and turned back to Yosuke. "Alright, take me there, please."

They made it to the place, and Izuku recognized it quickly. It was the boba shop Nana had brought him to before. He wondered if Peter was here, and then spotted Sakura almost immediately. She was at a table working on something, just like how he had seen her last time. "Sakura," Yosuke said. "I got the kid like you asked."

"Thank you, Yosuke."

"Do I get my kiss?"

"No, I never agreed to that. This is one of those favors you owe for all the messes I get you out of."

"Aw." Yosuke shrugged. "Whatever." He seemed rather unbothered about it.

"Get out, Yosuke. This conversation doesn't involve you."

"Fine." He left the boba shop, and Izuku was only minimally more comforted about the situation.

"What's this about?" Izuku asked.

"I got the help you asked for," Sakura said. "He'll be here in a minute." Almost on cue, a familiar ghost walked through the employee's only door, a forty-something year old ginger-haired man. A smile quickly spread across Izuku's face.

"Peter!" Izuku bounced on his toes.

"Hey, it's the kid!" Peter floated over.

"You're the help Sakura promised?"

Peter smiled. "Yeah, she told me you had some problem remembering some stuff about how you died."

Izuku nodded slowly, and his shoulders started to slump. "I don't know what happened. I remember being on the roof, and I remember hitting the ground. I get flashes of falling sometimes, but I don't know how it happened." He looked around the cafe. "Because of how miserable I was at the time, I passed it off as a suicide." Peter and Sakura winced, but Izuku continued to talk. "But now, I'm not so sure. I just want to know what happened. And if it's my fault because I was being stupid, or because I was too selfish to think of anyone else, then fine."

"Hey, kid, it's okay," Peter said. "Even if you're right, that you did take your life, it's not because you were selfish or stupid or any of that. You were going through a lot then, and I think we can understand this a little better with my help."

"What do you mean?" Izuku asked. "I mean with the understanding. Didn't Nana say you can see potential futures? Isn't that your quirk?"

"It's… Part of my quirk," Peter said sheepishly. "I can see memories, in the past or the future. It's how I first learned Shimura's story. I didn't have a handle on my quirk in life, or even after I died for a time. I've lived hundreds of lives by accident. And because of my quirk, I can see what potential their life has for them. It's a second effect of it. That's why Nana said I can see someone's future."

"So you can look in my memories?" Izuku started to perk up.

"Yes, if that's what you want. You'll get to see them again, if you're okay with that too."

Izuku took a deep breath, steeling his nerves as he remembered how awful the moments before the fall had been, and the awful sound his mother had made when she awoke to find her son dead. The wail was haunting, and Izuku had heard it only once after that, when he had last fallen asleep. It was unlike anything he had ever heard, and he never wanted to hear it again. But if it meant finally knowing what happened, he had to take the risk. He nodded. "I'll do it. I need to see my past again."

Sakura gestured to the chairs at the table. "Sit down here. Peter's quirk could be a little overwhelming." Izuku nodded, and floated into the chair.

"Give me your hand," Peter said as he sat across from him, and Izuku obeyed. Peter held Izuku's wrist and turned the boy's hand, making his palm face the ceiling. "Do you remember the day you died?"

"June third of last year," Izuku said. Peter nodded, and traced the fingers of his other hand up Izuku's forearm. He seemed to see something, then pressed his thumb on a specific part of it.

"Take a deep breath. It might be a bit much." Izuku took a deep breath in like he'd been asked, and then, he fainted.

At least he thought he'd fainted. His brain felt fuzzy, and he woke up in a familiar place. He looked around, finding himself sitting on the ledge of his roof. He took a deeper breath, trying to steady his heart rate, surprised to find that he had one. He was here, the day he died. He looked to the side and saw himself. He was watching the memory like a movie, but at the same time, knew what was happening in his body. It felt a heck of a lot like disassociation, and he hated it. The memories of his thoughts before he had fallen passed through his mind.

You're stupid

You're not worth it

What made you ever think you could be a hero?

He felt sick, but he forced himself to keep watching. He listened to his thoughts move into where he last remembered everything, his pondering to push off from the roof. Was he about to watch a suicide? He almost held his breath, hoping and praying he was wrong.

He watched as his memory-self rejected the idea, and scrambled away from the edge. Izuku was confused. So how did he fall?

A familiar growl echoed across the roof, and a chill crept into the air, the kind so strong that Izuku shivered for the first time in months. "Who's there?!" the memory-Izuku shouted, his voice shaking a little."Don't tell me you're scared!" Memory-Izuku's words sounded like he wasn't scared, but Izuku knew he was. A shadow walked out from the corners of the roof, one that looked like a young man who was either eighteen or twenty-five, he really couldn't tell.

"Why would I be scared?" The shadow said, their voice sounding a little echoey and far away. "It should be you who is scared of me."

Memory-Izuku backed up, stumbling a little bit and looking around, when suddenly he spotted the shadow. Izuku's eyes widened. The shadow ghost who was helping Shigaraki, he realized, was right in front of him! "Should have jumped, kid," the ghost growled in an eerily familiar voice, the kind that felt like it scrambled his DNA. "I'll have to get my hands dirty this time." The ghost stalked forward, and memory-Izuku fell back onto the barrier. The ghost grabbed at memory-Izuku's shirt collar and lifted him into the air, hanging him over the streets below. Memory-Izuku clawed at the ghost's hands, but it was too late. The ghost looked at the boy in sympathy. "Sorry. I've got orders. Got any last words?"

Memory-Izuku grabbed the ghost by the wrist, and looked at him in fear that Izuku had never seen in anyone. "I don't want to die," memory-Izuku said shakily. Izuku stared at the scene in shock, starting to feel sick.

"Those are some bad last words, kid," The ghost said.

"I don't want them to be my last words."

"And I don't want to be here." The ghost tilted his head.

"You could put me down."

"Nah, I don't think so," the ghost shrugged. "Ciao." He tossed Izuku away like an old napkin, and leaned over the barrier to watch him fall. He vanished from the sight of the living, but Izuku saw him anyway. As he vanished, so did the fog, and Izuku finally spotted the face of the ghost.

And his heart fell when he did.

He recognized the face, and a moment later he recognized the crunch of his bones against the concrete. His head jerked up, and he awoke in the boba shop.

"Are you okay?" Peter asked, concern on his face.

Panic sprouted in Izuku's body, and he started to get up, but then stumbled and almost fell. "I- No, he couldn't! Why?!"


"Why did I have to go? Why did he pick me?!"

Sakura crouched next to him too, ignoring the stares of everyone else. "What did you see?"

Izuku took another deep breath. "I didn't jump."

"Well that's good, isn't it?" Sakura said.

"You didn't let me finish," Izuku said shakily. "I didn't jump." He grabbed Sakura's wrist. "I was thrown off that roof." Sakura's eyes widened, and she almost fell back. "I was murdered, Sakura."

"Did you see who it was?" Peter asked.

"Right, we can catch the guy who did it," Sakura added.

"It's not that easy," Izuku said, shaking his head and running his fingers through his hair.

"What do you mean?"

Izuku let out a shaky breath. "It was Yosuke."