
In Loving Memory (MHA)

Izuku Midoriya has been living what most people would call a hard life. Bullies, being uncharacteristically shy, and being stuck without a power in a world where the norm is to be supernatural. In a hypothetical universe crafted to make you, the reader, yes you, violently sob, (Don't you feel special) Izuku Midoriya fell off a roof and lost his whole world. Upon his premature death in a hospital bed, Izuku finds there is more to this world than meets the eye and that death isn't the end of the story. Katsuki is broken. A boy he's known since birth is gone and it's his fault. Still, he applies to U.A academy, if not for the same reasons as before. Before, he wanted to be the best. To surpass even All Might. Now, he's doing it in his friend's place, to save people in remembrance and recognition. But secrets are abound even in the afterlife, and not everything is as it seems.

Valkyrie_Rain · Others
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24 Chs

Finally, some relevant plot details

Shigaraki was standing on a pile of rubble, arms thrown out in a dramatic gesture, like he was welcoming applause from an audience that wasn't there. "Don't you see?" Shigaraki said, projecting his voice around the rubble. "One by one your symbols of strength are crumbling before your eyes! First the heroes, from Stain. Now U.A has faced destruction, and soon your symbol of peace!" Shigaraki's voice cracked and scratched, but he kept going. "What will it take? When will you understand all that is wrong with your world?"

"For heaven's sake, Tomura, what the heck?" Nana was the first to break through the silence. Shigaraki dropped his arms and looked around for where the voice had come from. "You did all this to make a point?"

"What are you doing here?" Shigaraki hissed.

"I'm a hero. It's what I do. What did you expect, grandson?"

Shigaraki grumbled and wove his hand dismissively. "You're too late. My plan is already in motion."

"What plan? Destruction? Living up to what everyone believes you are?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"You are my grandson! You didn't deserve your awful fate!"

"What fate?" Shigaraki scowled. "This is the best life I could have had!" Nana's stare suddenly turned cold and stern, very much like a frustrated mother. She started pulling off her gloves and stalking across the ruins. She floated up to her grandson and threw down her gloves at his feet. Shigaraki stared at her, confused and unsure about what was going to happen.

Nana lifted her hand and slapped her grandson.

"Huh?! What the heck?" Nana wordlessly dusted off her hands and picked up her gloves again.

"I wasn't sure if that would work," she said. "It seems your connection to the spirit world is more than surface level," she added, pulling on her gloves.

"Do you know who I am?!" Shigaraki spluttered.

"Yes, I do," Nana sighed. "You are Tenko Shimura. You are my grandson. And you have the potential to be so much better than this. I'm sad I couldn't have been there for you, for your father, and that you were given a quirk that caused your family so much destruction."

"I am Tomura Shigaraki!" Shigaraki snapped. "And I'm going to destroy this world! I'm going to destroy you!"

"You can't do anything to me, Tenko," Nana said. "I have been dead for longer than you've been alive. Even if you decide to bring nations to their knees, if you break yourself apart to figure out what went wrong, if you kill yourself trying to bring me down too, there is nothing you can do to me." Nana's tone was stern and sharp, like someone lecturing a child. But somehow, there was a calm assurance to her words. She knew she was telling the truth. Shigaraki couldn't hurt her, and he was furious about that. "I have lost everything. I have lost my family, my student, my teacher, my parents, my life. There is nothing you can take from me."

Izuku had nothing to add to the conversation. But he knew that Shigaraki would look strange talking to the air, and decided to egg him on. The distraction would help the heroes catch him. "Nana," he said. "Can I talk to him, too?"

"Izuku, honey, you don't need my permission for that," she said gently.

"Right," Izuku said, floating up to Shigaraki. He floated a little higher to be eye level with Shigaraki. "I know you don't care about the people here," Izuku said. "But I have people here that I'm going to take care of. So, because you hurt them, I have something to say."

"Hey, you're that kid," Shigaraki said, suddenly recognizing him. Izuku didn't say anything, but he did punch him in the nose. "Ow! Geez, what the heck is wrong with you two?!"

"Sorry!" Izuku said, a little out of instinct, a little because he wasn't used to hitting people. "No. I'm not sorry. Sorry I said sorry."

"It's okay to stop apologizing, hon," Nana said.

"Right," Izuku said, composing himself. "Whatever you're trying to do, all you're doing is hurting people and causing destruction. I don't know what you want to do, but there has got to be a better way."

"Why the heck do you care?"

"Because I'm one of the people living in this world!" Izuku shouted. "Well, unliving. Being dead. You get what I mean."

"You're a scrawny little kid, but your punches hurt, ow!"

"You're not as strong as you think you are, Tenko," Nana said. "All for One may have built you up to be the strongest villain in the world, but you still have a long way to go."

"I'm better than you'll ever be!"

"Tenko," Nana said gently, silencing Shigaraki. "I have been near you since you were a small child. I have watched over your progress. You've seen my shadows over the years. You are nowhere as strong as All for One claims you are."

"Shut up!" Shigaraki snapped, starting to look a little like a small child. "Just shut up, already!"

One of the heroes that had been outside the stadium climbed over the rubble. "There!" Shouted the hero, who Izuku recognized as Juno. She jumped down the rubble, her tail feathers trailing behind her as she ran, two or three other heroes right behind her. "That's the guy who was at the USJ!" Shigaraki grumbled and crouched, reaching to touch the ground. Izuku panicked, shoving Shigaraki over.

"Ow!" Shigaraki scrambled to his feet as Juno fast approached. Right off the bat, Izuku recognized something as Shigaraki started avoiding Juno's dancing attacks. Shigaraki didn't know how to fight. More specifically, he knew nothing about hand to hand combat. He didn't stand a chance in this fight if he stayed. Shigaraki seemed to know this, too. He was starting to run away, but Juno and the other two heroes kept him in place. Izuku had no idea what to do. Help the heroes? Help the guy who probably didn't deserve it? Shigaraki turned to run away, breaking from the attack, and Izuku stuck out his foot, tripping Shigaraki. One of the heroes grabbed Shigaraki's wrists and twisted them so he couldn't touch anything.

"Tomura Shigaraki, you are under arrest," Juno said, clipping the handcuffs around Tomura's wrists. Nana stared mournfully at the scene.

"Nana, are you okay?" Izuku asked.

"I'm fine," Nana sighed. "But I love my grandson, and as much as I want him to be happy, I want to protect these people, too. Maybe the kids will be safe after Tenko is locked away."

"Maybe," Izuku said softly. "We need to find Sakura," Izuku finally said after another moment.

"Right. Let's go."

Meanwhile, Ochako and Mina were still watching over Kyoko and Himari. Kyoko, being such a young kid, was already getting restless.

"Hey kid, let's calm down," Mina said quietly, trying to soothe the girl. Ochako was trying to keep Himari conscious and keep her from moving her head.

"Mina," Ochako said. "Does your phone have any signal? I think mine is broken."

Mina pulled out her phone, turning it on and checking something. "Yeah, we're good. What should I do?"

"Call MIster Aizawa, and then as many people as you can that we know, or any heroes. We need to get some help. If Aizawa doesn't pick up, then call Mister Yamada. Do you have their phone numbers."

"Of course I do. I know everybody."

"Right. Get on that, I'll manage the situation here while you do that." Mina started making phone calls as Ochako played with Kyoko, floating her into the air and letting her fly around. It didn't take long before Mina set down her phone.

"We have help on the way," Mina declared. "Aizawa is calling in some help from some combat and rescue heroes to catch whatever villain destroyed the stadium and to rescue everyone!"

"Great," Ochako sighed in relief. "All we have to do is stay here until help arrives.

It would be a long time until help arrived, but they saw someone else almost right away. It was a girl with pink hair, rushing through the ruins, calling a name that Ochako recognized almost immediately.

"Midoriya!" she shouted, running and looking through the ruins. "Midoriya!"

"Excuse me, ma'am," Ochako said, standing up.

"Huh?" The woman turned to Ochako. She was beautiful, with soft features and looked maybe twenty-one at the oldest. "Wait, you're that girl, yeah? The one fighting the blond boy before everything crumbled. Uraraka, was it?"

"Yeah," Ochako nodded. "You're calling for Midoriya. I think I know who you're talking about."

The woman shook her head slowly. "Maybe not. Izuku Midoriya? Green hair, freckles, a little under your age, scrawny, yay tall?" The woman held her hand up at a certain spot in the air, estimating the boy's height.

"I saw him, yeah," Ochako said. She must not know he's dead. Ochako pointed off into the direction she had seen Izuku go. "That way. I saw him go that way."

"Thank you! If I see any heroes I'll send them your way!" The woman ran away in the direction Ochako had pointed her.

"Alright, double backup!" Mina exclaimed happily. Himari smiled.

"You girls are going to be great heroes," Himari said.

"Thank you, ma'am, we hope to be," Mina said.

"It's a good thing you were here," Himari sighed. "I don't really have a quirk that works for this situation. All I can do is calm down people with my singing."

"That would be great for cooling down this little munchkin," Mina joked, gesturing to Kyoko.

"Kyoko is a special case," Himari smiled. "Like her dad. Immune to mental quirks like mine."

"Ooh, that's rough, at least for this situation."

Ochako was deep in thought, trying to strategize the best way to move forward. She hadn't been in hero school that long, it's not like she knew much about search and rescue.

"Uraraka!" A voice jerked Ochako out of her thoughts, and she whirled around to see it was Present Mic and a whole bunch of heroes.

"The heroes!" Mina exclaimed. "We're saved!"

Meanwhile, Izuku sat on a piece of rubble, lost in thought. What would happen to Shigaraki now? He grumbled. Here he was again, back in his sympathizing habits. He could almost hear Katsuki now, making fun of him for worrying about everyone else, even if they didn't deserve it. He smiled sadly, remembering how his life had been. He had spent most of his middle school years in fear, and even some of elementary school. He wondered how Katsuki was doing now, as he spent much less time tailing him around as he did when he had first died. Now he had many people to protect, heck, a whole class to watch over. He shook the thought away. It wasn't like this was his job, or anything, right?

In that moment, an old memory came to mind, that of his mother and the All Might video he watched on repeat. He remembered his old dream, to become a hero one day. He wanted to be just like All Might, to make people feel safe. A pang of sadness wrought itself around his heart, if he still had one, that is. It's not like he was any closer to that dream. Nana's voice jerked him out of his thoughts. "Sakura's looking for you," She said gently.

"I know," he said. "I'll find her soon."

"Are you okay?"

"Hardly. Are you okay?"

"Typical Izuku Midoriya," Nana smiled. "Always looking out for everybody but yourself."

"What?" Izuku laughed shortly. "I don't do that."

Nana nodded. "Yeah, you do."

"What makes you think that?"

Nana gently kicked her legs as she talked. "I see the light you have in your eyes. The same one my Toshinori does. The look he has when he's about to toss himself to the side in favor of helping someone else. It's a dangerous mindset."

"Isn't setting yourself to the side to help others a good thing?"

"In moderation. Once it starts becoming self destructive, it becomes a terrible vice, and Toshinori is spiraling to the ground. He needs to take care of himself."

"I could take him a message, if you want." Izuku stared into the distance.

Nana shook her head. "You don't need to. I just worry about you, kid. You remind me of him. Just promise me you won't run yourself into the ground. You're just as important as everybody else." Izuku was silent for a moment, and Nana filled the silence. "You're not the only one who's allowed to hurt."

"What do you mean?"

"You and Toshinori. You act like you're the only person alive who's allowed to suffer. You try to take everyone else's pain if it means the people around you can be happy."

"I want the people around me to be happy."

"Even Bakugo?"


Nana half smiled. "The boy who bullied you while you were alive."

"It's not like he was a bully, he was just angry," Izuku started, before Nana cut him off.

"I know a bully when I see one, Izuku. It was a bully who taught me emotions that I hadn't really known. Pure betrayal, fury, misery. Bullies call people names, make people feel worthless, hurt people on purpose for the fun of it or to feel better about themselves." Nana paused. "Bakugo, the kid you called your friend? He hurt people on purpose. He hurt you on purpose. I remember hanging around town and seeing him beating up kids. And I saw another little kid- and in hindsight I realize it was you- standing up to him even though he was a scrawny little quirkless boy."

"Who are you calling scrawny?" Izuku asked lightheartedly.

Nana laughs shortly, then continued. "Bakugo was a bully. I'm not so sure about now, but I'm surprised you're still so willing to protect him."

Izuku considered this for a moment. "Yeah. Katsuki did that," he sighed. "Katsuki was my bully in life, and he didn't realize what was wrong until I was in the dirt."

"And what will you do?"

"I'll protect him anyway, I guess?" Izuku ran his fingers through his hair. "I don't know."

"What do you want to do?"

Izuku gestured awkwardly. "I want to stay." He shook his head. "Why?"

Because you forgot when Bakugo stopped being a safe place to go and kept going back anyway. Because you are so full of undying loyalty to your friends that you would die again and again if it meant everyone else could be happy, something in the back of his mind answered.

Nana shook her head. "I don't know. But I want you to be safe, kid. Think about it." She stood up. "Come on, Sakura is looking for you."

Izuku and Nana had been floating around the rubble of the U.A stadium for a while before they found Sakura, running around and looking for Izuku. Sakura tackled him in a hug. "Midoriya! Never scare me like that again." She let him go after a few moments. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Izuku said. "I should be asking you that, you're the living one. You can get hurt, or die."

"Did you get the information you needed?"

"Yeah," Izuku said. "The one who ordered Yosuke to kill me is in Tartarus prison. She's a well known person around those parts, the guy called her 'Boss.' We just need to look around there."

If Nana had blood, it would have drained out of her face. "Shimura?" Sakura said. "Are you okay?"

Nana shook her head. "No. I've heard of that person before. Other ghosts in Tartarus referred to someone by that name. I hope I'm wrong, but I think I know who wanted Izuku dead." Nana turned on her heel to head off in another direction.

"Wait, what?!" Izuku started floating after her at high speeds. "Who did it? Izuku grabbed the back of Nana's cape, stopping her.

"I need to ask around," Nana said, her voice shaking. "Please, oh gosh, I hope it's not her."

"Nana, this is my life! I need to know who wanted me dead!"

Nana gently took Izuku's wrist, pulling it off her cape. "Then come with me," she said as evenly as she could. "And pray that I'm wrong."