
Chapter 83 Broken engagement

“You just have to accept him that way, if you don’t like it then is not my problem.”

“Sharon come back here, am not done talking to you”

“Mom I heard you, you are invited.” She said walking away from her mom into her car.

“I will not allow that, am doing all this for her sake, I almost kill someone just because of her, she can’t just ignore my effort just like that.”

“What is the matter” fineface ask Sharon once she enter his office with a frown face.

“Is my mom, she is making things difficult for me”

“What happen?”

“She don’t want me to marry you”

“But why? I thought she is cool with me” Sharon didn’t want to tell Fineface what her mother thinks of him, if she does, she didn’t know what his reaction will be. And she didn’t want Paul laughing at her if fineface dump her.

“What did I do wrong that your mother didn’t want me as her son-in-law?”

“I don’t know, and I don’t know what she sees in that Paul, she still wants me to be with Paul after all he has done to me.”

“Fine, you can go be with Paul if that’s  what your mother wants” fineface said turning around to face his computer.

“What do you mean? This is my life and my mom has no right to control me anymore, I said yes to you not my mom, so whatever she said is none of my business so don’t just start with ignoring me ok” Sharon said angry that fineface is ignoring her.

“Look, I don’t want to go into a family that don’t want me, is a whole lot of trouble and drama, I and my family are peace loving people we don’t like drama, if my father happens to hear about this, he will ask me to call off the engagement.”


“Yes really, I don’t want to argue  with you Sharon” Fineface said and start working.

“Wow.. I see, so this is what I will be putting on with you” she said to herself.

“Anyways, I will just go since you are busy, see you at home” she said and walk out but Fineface didn’t  bother to call her back he is just tired of the drama with this family, first he thought it was Paul’s fault but now he thought is Sharon’s mother’s fault.

Sharon couldn’t do anything right that day, she went home to Fineface house and waited for him to come back.

“Welcome” Sharon greeted him, he answered her without looking at her.

“I cooked” she said.

“That’s good” he said still not looking at her, he walk straight to his room and change before going to the shower.

Sharon waited for him to finish.

“Dinner is ready, let’s eat”

“Am not hungry” he said turning away from her to put on the television.

“Really? I think I have over stayed my welcome” Sharon took her bag and car key and walk out of the house.

Fineface heard the car starts and rushed to see if she is really going home, he wanted to call her back but she has gone out of the gate.

“Shitt.. what is wrong with me?” he went back inside and continue with his football game.

Sharon went home and cry herself out, then she made up her mind never to fall in love again.

“am done with loving men, maybe is time to go back to my old way and never give a damn about what people will say about me”

She took out her phone and call one of her contact.

“Hey.. old friend how are you? You just dumped us just like that”

“Oh.. my bad, forgive me, where are you right now?”

“Where else? In the club”

“Ok, I’ll meet you up right there”

“Oh. No pros am waiting”

Sharon went to meet up with her old friends who welcome her back with a big smile.

“What’s up girl, we heard you got married, how is married life”

“F**k marriage, they don’t deserve me” she start crying and they all came around her consoling her.

“That is why I don’t want to get married” one of the girls said.

“My friend keep quiet, who wants to marry you in the first place?”

“Are you insulting me?”

“Hey.. calm down girls, you don’t have to fight over this, Sharon has been burned seriously that is why she is crying, don’t add to her sorrow” 

“We are not adding to her sorrow, I have said mine, am not getting married period.”

“Yes, period” they all shouted.

“So how have you guys been?” Sharon stopped crying and ask them.

“We’ve been rocking, we’ve been us, we don’t need no heartbreaks.”

“Yes, cheers  to no heartbreaks.”

“ Cheers to no heartbreaks” they all chorus making Sharon smile forgetting her sorrow.

“So tell us, what kind of guy did you marry to?”

“Why do you want to know? You girls said you don’t want heartbreaks so let’s forget about the guys and talk about us” Sharon said.

“Yes, she is right, let forget about the ass holes.”

“Yeaaaa… go girl, go girl, go girl” they start singing while some of them dance to the tone.

Sharon was so happy to see them again, but when they came to touch her she push them away.

“What is wrong with you girl”

“Nothing, am just tired, I came from the office, maybe I should go home, see you girls later.”

“Ok byeee…”

She went home drunk and throw herself on the bed without taking a bath.

Fineface didn’t see Sharon in the office the next day, he thought of calling her but there will be no point since she will come to the office.

The day went by and Sharon did not show up at the office.

“should I go and look for her? What if her mother sees me? she will not be happy to see me in their house since she didn’t like me”

He walked up and down his house, looking at the direction of the gate, he was expecting her to drive in, he is going to tell her that he can’t live without her, he didn’t know what came over him, he didn’t know why he acted that way but right now he is so sorry because part of me can’t live without her.

He waited for her till pass 10 but Sharon did not show up.

He picked up the phone and start calling her but she wasn’t picking her calls because she has slept off.

Please pick up the phone am so sorry, Sharon please pickup”

He keeps calling till twelve but no answer.

Sharon wakes up in the morning to see 30 miss calls on her phone.

“What does he want from me?, am done pleasing men, I will please only myself” she throw the phone back on the bed and walk out.

Fineface resume to calling her again in the morning but Sharon turned off her phone.

“What? Is she ok? I hope nothing has gone wrong with her? No I have to see her, I need to go to her place.

He called the office to inform them that he will be late today but they told him that madam is around.

“What madam?” He ask thinking it is Sharon’s mom.

“Sharon she is in the office right now.”

“Ok, I will be there in an hour bye.”

He hang up the phone and thought for a second.


“Is she still angry at me? let me go to the office and see her.”

He drove to the office only for Sharon to walk him out of her office.

“Sharon what’s going on?”

“I said leave my office, am done with you”

“You can’t say that, I didn’t mean to hurt you, just forgive me”

“Am done forgiving people, you can’t keep hurting me and think you can just ask for forgiveness and it will be settled just like that”

“I don’t know what came over me, am sorry”

“I said leave and don’t come back”

Fineface left her office but didn’t want to believe that Sharon has left him for good.

“she will come back when all this is over” he console himself with those words.

Fineface waited for a week but Sharon is not coming back,  he waited for a month but no sign of Sharon coming back, in fact she has stop talking to him and she didn’t want to have anything to do with him.

“Who will I tell to help me beg her? What was I thinking?, ok I know what to do”

He followed Sharon where ever she goes, and never gave her breathing space.

“What do you want from me?” Sharon ask

“I want you, please come back to me”

“I am not coming back to you”


“Because I don’t do men anymore”

Fineface laughed, and laughed until he fell on the ground still laughing.

“What is funny” Sharon ask.

“You, you are funny" fineface said still laughing.