
Chapter 84 Bonus Chapter

“You are the funniest person I have ever known”

“Am serious fineface, go away from me.”

“Ok, let me take it that you are serous, and am serious too, come back to me and I promise never to hurt you.”

“Am done with promises, you can look for someone else,” she make to leave but fineface stopped her.

“Leave the way or you wouldn’t like what I will do to you”

“Do whatever you want to do to me but am not leaving until you forgive me”

“Fine, I forgive you, can you please leave the way?” Sharon said when she notice that fineface is not ready to leave the way.

           “Thank you my love,” he said and Sharon turn to look at him.

“Whatever, she said and enters her car, driving off she smile to herself “I think am doing great, is time for pay back, I will not be used anymore and if any of you wants me, he will pay for all the wrongs that Paul has done to me.

Fineface went home wondering what has come over Sharon, “I don’t do men anymore” that word keeps encoring  in his ear, I hope she is just joking, no, he shook his head, she didn’t mean that.”

His phone rang and his father was on the line.

“Where are you son? I have been very patient with you but not anymore, what is going on with you? You left everything and went away to a place I don’t know.”

“Dad am fine, and I will be coming over to see you”

“Really? When.”

“Not yet father but very soon.”

“You see? You see what I mean? You don’t even know when you are coming back home?”

“Your mother will be so disappointed”.

“My step mother actually.”

“What different does it make, she raised you so she is your mother.”

“Yes father, I heard you, I will make out time to come home.”  Fineface drop the call on his father. he was not happy with his father for taking another wife when his mother died, he didn’t like her at first but she keep making sure that Fineface never lack anything, she takes care of fineface as if he is her own child, although he still misses his mother his father’s second wife have gradually taken over the space of a mother in his heart. So fineface has no reason to dislike her.

He brought out his phone to call his mother.

“Mom, how are you doing.?”

“Am not fine, where have you been? We have looked for you everywhere, why do you have to do that to me?”

“Mom, don’t worry too much am coming with a surprise.”

“Really?” She stated jumping over the phone.

“But don’t tell father ok, I want to surprise him.”

“Really, am sorry son he is here with me.”

“Shitt…, you’ve spoil the deal.”

“Oh no.. am so sorry dear, but we can still take him by surprise.”

“How? Now that you have spoil the whole thing.”

“But he didn’t know what you are bringing, so is still a surprise.”

“Oh, yea, your right, so let’s leave it at that, I will see you mom bye”

“Bye my dear.” She hand up the phone.