
Chapter 82

           “Fine if you are going to keep making fun of me then I better go” James threated.

“No..no..no.. am just joking I want you to stay, I need someone to talk to right now because Christy won’t talk to me, she doesn’t even talk to our child.”

“Is that serious?” James ask

“Yes, that’s how bad it is, I need help right now James anything to make her come back will be a miracle.”

“Don’t worry yourself too much, she will be fine.”

           “You are beginning to sound like those doctors and my father” Paul told James.

           “That is because she is going to me fine, just keep your hope alive”

“Thank you James for been here.”

They were still talking when Christy walk out of the room to go to the restroom.

“Where are you going? Paul ask her but she didn’t respond she just keep walking until she went out of the house.

“Am coming right away, let me go after her. Paul went after Christy only to find her stopping a taxi.

“No, please lets go inside.”

“Leave me alone, she  start shouting, he wants to kidnap me help,.. help…” Christy keep shouting until people start gathering round the place.

“What is happening sir”, some of the men began to question Paul.

“She is my wife, but she is having some issues, I want to take her into the house.”

Some of the people start shouting “is a lie.. is a lie… that is how people use to kidnap, take him to the police, they said as Christy keep shouting he wants to kidnap me.

James waited and waited for Paul to bring in Christy but he wasn’t coming in so James went out only to see crowd gathering outside.

“What is going on here? He ask as the people where about taking Paul to the police station.

“Excuse me, am a lawyer and this is my friend.”

“Do you know him?” A man ask James from the crowd.

“I said he is my friend, I came here to see him and his wife because she wasn’t feeling fine.”

“What is the name of his wife,?” another man ask.

“Christy, Christy is the name of his wife, I can call his parents and they will confirm what am saying.”

“But the woman keep shouting that he wants to kidnap her.”

“That is because she is not herself, she is undergoing treatment as we speak.” James told the people.

The people agreed that two of the men there will go with Paul to confirm if truly Christy is his wife.

They followed Paul inside the house and confirm that is true when Paul showed them his marriage and wedding pictures of him and Christy.

“Is ok, we are just trying to make sure that she is safe”. The men said.

“Thank you, James said you have shown yourselves to be a good citizens of this country.”

“You are welcome,” they said and left.

Paul took Christy inside and didn’t know if to get angry at her or not.

“Paul is ok, she didn’t know what she is doing, I need to call my friend so you can take her to the place, they know how to treat this kind of cases.”

Paul could sense that he is beginning to lose it, he didn’t know how long he can put up with this, but he just have to keep trying, after all she is pregnant.

“Christy I don’t want you to go outside again ok”.

She was just looking at Paul but saying nothing, she was thinking of how to run away from that house before they kill her, to her Paul and James are the people who wants to kill her.

“Dad, what is happening to my mom, she didn’t want to talk to me anymore” little Sharon cried.

“Is ok my dear mommy will be fine ok, and she will play with you soon”

She ran to her mother but Christy pushed her away, if not for Paul who grab her on time  she would have hit her head on the floor.

“This is not good, James this is not good.”

James could not wait till tommorow, he has to make that call now.

“You can ask him to bring her,” James friend said over the phone.

“Paul we have to go, she said you should bring her.”

Paul pleaded with Christy to enter the car with them but for over two hours Christy refuse to enter the car saying they are going to kill her.

Paul has no choice but to call Bridget who came and start pleading with Christy then she reluctantly went with them.

Getting to the place a man came out of a hut using his back to come out.

“What is this?” Paul ask James.

“Sheee… let’s just wait and see”

“I thought we are coming to a place where she will be cured”  

“I said wait and see” James told Paul.

The man came to Christy and walk round her, placing his hand at her forehead and pointing to the sky.

“You people are welcome to my house” he finally said.

Paul turned looking around to see if there is a house in this place but no, it was only the hut.

“I hope this man is not calling this thing house? But what’s my business? I only want Christy cured that is all.”

“Thank you for having us in your house Paul said still looking around to make sure if he wasn’t mistaken calling this house.

“Sit,” he ordered them while taking his own sit by folding his legs as he sat on the ground.

Paul and James are still standing because there was no sit, they only look at each other when the man ordered them to sit down.

“Ok,” they sat on the ground imitating the man’s way of sitting.

“You have come from a faraway distance seeking for that which is unknow, but you have come to the right place, and you will know that which you seek.”

Paul wasn’t sure if he is seeking to know anything, he just wanted Christy to be cured. 

The man took out from his old bag something that looks like stones and made some incantation and throw them upward and they fell back to the ground.

“I see two women, they have vowed to destroy you,” he pointed to Christy.

Paul’s mind quickly ran to his mom and Christy’s mom.

But he thought his mom can’t do anything to Christy, and as for Christy stepmom, she has forgiven her and starts to treat her like her own child so what is going on?

James turn and look at Paul. “what are you going to do now?” James ask Paul.

Paul ask the man who the women are but the man shouted at Paul “ you don’t speak when am speaking”

“Am sorry sir” Paul said since he didn’t know how to address the man.

Take this, you must use it to bath her morning and night, and this one is for her to drink, boil it very well and add some to her food, she will get back her senses, you may leave.”

“Thank you sir,” Paul said “how much are we going to pay you?” Paul ask the man and he shouted at Paul again.

“You cannot pay the great wizard, you may go”

“Ok, sir, thank you sir” they all left with Christy and Paul thank James and his friend for helping him.

When they got home Paul boiled everything and start to give it to Christy morning and night but nothing seems to change, could it be that his mom and Christy’s mom are doing everything spiritually to make Christy loss her mind? But Paul did not see his mom to be that kind of person, he is just confuse because it will be a thing of shame for him to accuse his mom of using means on Christy. That has never cross his mind before, what is he going to do?.

He thought of discussing this with his  dad but no, he didn’t know how to put it in order that it will make sense to his dad, they have never visited a native doctor before  in their life so for Paul to go and tell his dad that he just did will mean a lot for the Browns family.

“So what are you going to do now?” James ask Paul.

“I don’t know, what do you think I should do?”

“Just leave everything in the hands of God”

“Yea, you are right, and beside Christy is now six months pregnant, I just hope there will be a little change when she gives birth.

“Let’s just hope so” James said.

Sharon and Finefine began to prepared for their marriage but her mother wasn’t happy about it, to her Fineface is just taking advantage of her because of what happen to her and Paul.

“Mom Fineface is not like that, he is not poor, he has his own money, he is looking for a wife and he find me.”

“Hmmm, really? Why you,?  and why now? Sharon’s mom keep asking.