
Chapter 78 The arrest

“Thank you mom, so what is going on? You don’t look ok to me”

“Oh nothing am fine, is just stress”

“You need to relax, you work too much mom”

“Yea, I need to get a vacation soon”

“I think you need that” Sharon said.

“Ok, there is food in the kitchen, just help yourself I will be in my room” she rush to her room thinking of a solution to her problem.

“Ok, I know what to do”

She took out her phone and call spider.

Hello spider, you will take me to the place, we need to take her body and dumb it where people will find her, so we don’t raise suspicions”

“Ok ma, but that will be tomorrow, is getting late now, we go there early in the morning”

“Ok then, bye, shttt.. what have I done?”

She was worried, and panicking, it’s written all over her that something is wrong.

Sharon overheard her mom, and thought something is not right and why is she shaking like that, this is the first time she is seeing her mother behave in that manner.

“And where is she going tomorrow morning?”

Sharon thought to know what is wrong with her mother so she ask to stay with her and that she will go back tomorrow.

“Is ok if you will like to stay but I have business to do very early in the morning so you can leave if you didn’t see me by the time you wake up”

“No problem mom”

Sharon wakes up early in the morning and follow her mother from a distance to a place, and then a man came out with a group of boys and they all enter the car.

“What is mom doing with those people?”

The car moved and Sharon follow them. They drive out of town into the bush.

“Where are we going?” Sharon’s mom ask.

“To our hideout”

They got to a place where the car can no longer go and they came down and start walking. Sharon stopped her car and went with them on foot.

They walk for hours before they get to the place.

“Where is she?”  she ask.

“This is were we tied her up, and she ran that way” they pointed to the direction which Christy ran to.

“For goodness sakes must you bring her this far?”

“Do you think we joke with our business? You want us to take her to our house?, Look woman this is kidnapping business, you don’t expect us to take that girl to our house, this is not the first business we are handling, some die, some survive. That is how this business is”

“Take me to her body”

“This way” they took her to where the cliff is and looked over  where  Christy fell but she was no longer there.

“What! She was here, can’t you see the blood?”

“Maybe animals has eaten her up?” another man said.

“ Oh my God, this can’t be, I wanted her people to see her body so the case will die a natural death, but now is going to get hard, and my friend is been accused of kidnapping her”

Sharon ran back to her car and drove home before her mother gets back.

“So my mom is behind this?, How do I tell people that my mom kidnapped and kill Christy? She will go to jail and all for what? Because she is trying to protect me?. My goodness, what has gotten into her?”

She was still thinking of the possibility of it not happening when her mom came back.

“Hey Sharon are you still here?”

“Yes mom am still here, I heard Christy was kidnap, who could have done such a thing?”

“I don’t know my dear, we are still trying to find out” she said.

“We? Who mom, who are the people trying to find out?”

“Well, Paul’s mom ask me to use my connection and try to find out where Christy is and who kidnapped her”



Sharon thought for a second, maybe she has misread her mom, maybe she was trying to look for her.

“Is ok mom, I will be going now”

Ok, but instead of Sharon going back to Paul’s house after work, she went to fineface place to spend the night.

“Hey. How did it go?” fineface ask Sharon.

“My mom is helping them to find Christy but something seem to be off”

“And what is that?”

“I don’t know, I just can’t place a finger on it, but I have to find out soon”

“Be careful how you go about it, I don’t want you getting involved”

“Is fine, I will be careful, so what are we having for dinner?”

“Anything you like, am fine with it”

Ok, Sharon enters the kitchen and start cooking making fineface very happy for this new development.

The police finally declare Christy missing and the investigation started.

“Woman you are under arrest, you have the right to remain silent as anything you say will be use against you in the court of law.”

“But I didn’t kidnap anyone” Paul’s mother cry’s out.

“When you get to the station you write your statement” the officer said.

“Please tell them am innocent” she told Paul and her husband who just stand there not knowing what to say.

“Don’t worry am coming to the station with you” the husband said

“And me too”, Paul followed them.

Getting to the station she wrote her statement and the police went down to Christy’s house to arrest her stepmom.

“Both of you are the prime suspects, you hate your stepdaughter so much but when you find out she’s about to get married you pretend to love her so you can carry out your plans, am I wrong?” the police officer accused Christy’s stepmom rather than questioning her.

“Are you asking a question or you are accusing me” Bridget mom ask the officer.

“Shut-up, are you trying to teach me my job?”

Before she could open her mouth a female officer slap her across her face.

“And you”, the officer turn to face Paul’s mom.

“You are likely to kidnap this Christy because you don’t want your son to marry her”

“Officer you are right if you say I didn’t want my son to marry her but kidnapping her is something I can’t do, I promise to pay any amount to look for her”

“Is ok madam, but you people will remain here till tomorrow bail is free. Each and everyone of you will help in searching for her”

“Yes Officer” Paul and his father offer to sleep at the station with their mother.

“You can’t stay here, go home and wait for your wife”

“Is ok, you guys can go home I will come back tomorrow” his wife said.

Paul and dad went home feeling so bad for what is happening.

The next day they were released to go and help the police look for Christy by giving any information they could get.

Paul’s mom went to see Sharon’s mom again.

“How is your people doing about Christy’s case, I slept at the station yesterday”

“What?, Has it gotten to that?” she ask panicking and hoping that no one will connect her to the murder of Christy.

“The police came to arrest me and that gold digger who calls herself her stepmom, we were in the police station till this morning, they ask us to go and help look for Christy.”

“What are we going to do? Because my people said they can’t find her, but they promise to keep searching”

“Oh my God, what kind of thing is this? I knew it, that girl is bad luck, ever since she came into our lives it’s been one problem to the other.”

“Take it easy my friend, I believe we will find her, even though is her dead body”

“No… don’t said that, I don’t want her dead, I want her alive that poor girl has suffered enough, I don’t want her dead”

“What is she saying now? I thought she will be happy that she is dead, what ever came over me to try to help? Now everyone will blame me for her dead” Sharon’s mom murmured regretting her actions.

“Why are you so quiet?” Mrs. Brown ask.

“Nothing, I was just thinking if she has been my daughter”

“She can never be your daughter God forbid, look I have to go, make sure to call me if you get any information”

“No problem, I will do that” Sharon’s mom said wondering if God will ever forgive her.

Paul keep searching for Christy for month but no sign of her, he was growing tired of looking for her. He slept one night and saw Christy in his dream crying and begging him to rescue her, he try to ask her where she is but woke up.

“Christy is alive, she’s not dead, I know she’s not dead,” Paul kneels down and pray for the first time in his life, asking God to bring her back alive.