
Chapter 77 Kidnap

Mrs. Brown got to Christy’s house and everyone was just standing folding their hands across their breast.

“Where is this woman? Come out and tell me you are not the one who kidnapped Christy so you can extort money from me?”

“What are you doing in my house shouting like a mad woman?” Bridget’s mom came out of the house shouting back at her.

“Mom please leave her alone” Bridget begged her mother.

“Are you not seeing she’s the one who came to my house insulting me?”

“You gold digger, tell them the truth, you don’t like Christy, you always maltreated her, so why will you be happy that she is getting married?”

“You are a mad woman, you who don’t want your son to marry her, what can you not do to stop the marriage?”

“I can never do such a thing” Mrs. Brown keep yelling at Christy’s stepmom to the point they wanted to fight but Paul came right on time and takes his mother away.

“Mom please stop all this, I know you don’t want Christy, but kidnapping her is way out of line”

“What are you saying? I told you I don’t have a hand in her disappearance, why do you people keep saying am the one?”

“People will say it because you were so much against her coming into your house”

“Well that was because I didn’t want her, but to kidnap her is not my thing”

“Fine, I’ve heard you, I will go and look for her”

“And where will you look for her? Am coming with you”

“No mom, you can’t come with me, I will take you home then I will go look for her”

“What about the police?”

“The police is our friend”


“That’s what they told me in the station instead of looking for her”

“What is wrong with this country?” Mrs. Brown ask surprised that the police could be so unworthy of depending on for ones protection.

“I need to ask Sharon’s mom if she can be of help, I know she has some connections, let her use it to help me find her”

“And you think Sharon’s mom will be willing to help?”

“How will you know if you haven’t  try?”

“Ok mom, you will go to Sharon’s mom, while I go look for her”

“Ok just drop me at her place, and make sure you go to that woman’s house and bring back my car”

“I’ve sent someone to do that” Paul said.

Getting to Sharon house her mother was busy with work.

“How are you my friend?” she greeted Paul’s mom.

“Am not fine”

“What is the problem?”

“That girl Paul wants to marry is kidnapped and they are accusing me of it”

“What? Are you serious?”

“Yes, am very serious, and if the police gets involved I will be in prison if she is not found.”

“That is so serious” Sharon mom yell clapping her hands.

“Am here for you to help me, you can use your connections to try to find her please, just help a friend”

“But I thought you don’t want her to marry your son?”

“Yes, but this is a different thing, and worst of all am been accused of it, if she is not find, I will be in trouble”

“I see, let me see what I can do” she excuse herself and went into her bedroom.

“Hello, how are you guys doing?”

“We are fine madam”

“What about the package?”

“She’s here ma”

“Ok, I hope she is not hurt?”

“Yes ma, but sometimes she try’s to escape”

“Don’t let her escape, you can only let her go when I say so, do you understand?”

“Yes madam”

“Good, I will see you guys later” she walks out again.

“So what do you say?” Paul’s mom ask.

“Is ok, they have agreed to do something”

“Oh, thank you, thank you, you are the best friend I have ever had”

“Don’t mention, you know I will do anything for you”


Christy was tied up to a tree in the forest, she keeps struggling to escape but each time she did that they catch up with her and bring her back.

“Look if you try to escape again I will shot you, do you hear me?”

“Yes, she shakes her head, so terrified by the gun men.

“Please sir, help me sir today is my marriage introduction” Christy said to the one who looks like their leader.

“Shut-up, you husband snatcher, do you think you are here because of your good deeds?, You are here because you took someone else’s husband and the person wants you dead”

“No please don’t kill me, I told them I don’t want to marry him but they all want me to”

“I don’t want to hear anything from you again, that is how you girls use to take other woman husbands, today you have been caught and I will make sure you pay for it”

Christy don’t know what else to do but keep crying and praying that someone comes along to help her, she thinks about what could be going on by now with Paul and her family.

A day pass and turn to two days and then to one week but Christy is yet to be found.

Paul was getting anxious by each passing day.

“Is she dead? Is she still alive? Then why can’t the police or anyone find her?”

He keeps crying when no one is around him, how could anyone do this to him, why is it so hard to love Christy? And why is this love keeps growing in his heart more then ever, the more he thinks about it, the more it became hard for him to understand.

He has dated girls before Christy, but why is this one different? Why does it feels like he is going to die, maybe something is wrong with me, I need to go to the hospital and run some check ups maybe am possessed by Christy is killing me” he cried.  

Sharon came back and heard the news.

“Hmmm, poor Christy, who could do that to her?” Sharon wondered.

“Do you think Paul’s mom is behind it?” Sharon ask fineface”

“And why will she do that?”

“I don’t know maybe because she hate her, she use to call them gold diggers, you know, just maybe but I doubt if she can do that”

“Just forget about them ok, and let’s just focus on us, and how you can get Paul to sign that divorce paper” fineface said not caring less about Paul’s problems.

“Is ok, maybe I will go see him when they find her and ask him to sign the papers.”

Everyone of them were running around looking for Christy but no result.

“Please let me go, am going to die here please” She pleaded but no one is willing to hear her pleas.

One day when they are less concerned about Christy she try to escape again but this time she ran with all her strength.

And the men ran after her shooting in the air.

Christy ran and ran, the forest was so thick and scary she didn’t know the forest so she ran over the cliff and hit her head against a rock.

“She’s dead” one of the men said.

“Why do you have to shot that gun, you scared her” the other said.

“Is not my fault that she went over the cliff”

“Guys enough, she’s already dead, let’s go”

“So what are we going to tell madam?”

“We tell her, she ran over the cliff and died”

“Just like that?”

“Yea, just like that, or are you the one that killed her?”

“Guys let’s go”

They stood there looking down at Christy with blood flowing all over the place.

“I told her not to escape” the leader yells.

“Is ok boss, is not our fault”

“Hello madam”

“Hello spider, what is the problem? why are you calling me, I told you not to call, I will be the one to call you”

“I know madam, but there is a little problem”

“What is the problem?”

“The girl is dead”

“What? No! She can’t die, you need to bring her back to life, what do you mean she’s dead, where you not feeding her?”

“She didn’t die of hunger, she was trying to escape and she fell over the cliff.”

“Oh my Gosh, what do I do now? You know what? I will call you back”

“Ok madam”

“Oh my God, what have I done, I didn’t mean to kill anyone, please God help me let it all be a lie.” She starts to panic.

“Mom what is going on? What is the problem?”

“Nothing my dear, nothing, and Where have you been?”

“I was away, I just went somewhere to cool of, I turned off my phone because I didn’t need anyone disturbing me”

“Including your mother?”

“Am sorry mom, it will not happen again”

“It better not, so are you ok now?

“Yes am perfectly ok”

“I can see it in your smile”