
Chapter 79 Strange place

Paul was in the house when Sharon arrived, she has not seen Paul for sometime and she didn’t care anymore.

“Hey, you came?”

“So how is it going?” Sharon ask Paul but he didn’t answer her, he turned to face the wall.

“Anyways, am sorry to hear what happened, but please can you sign this papers? I need a divorce before you get married”

“Are you find real?” Paul ask Sharon turning to face her.

“Yea, you can’t keep me here while you are getting married”

“Who said am keeping you here? Is my mom who is keeping you here not me”

“Then be a man and sign this papers so I can go get married before am done with you”

“Are you trying to mock me?”

“Mock you for what?” Sharon ask.

“Am going to find Christy very soon, you will see”

“None of my business, let me go first”

“Don’t make me think you have a hand in her disappearance” Paul said.

“You’ve gone mad Paul, Christy has made you gone mad for accusing me of what I don’t know, anyways but I can help you if you promise to sign the divorce paper”

“Yes, please I will sign them help me”

Sharon looked at Paul up and down, “so you can beg? You need my help now, did you help me when I begged you?”

“Sharon this is different, and I know you understand”

“Fine, sign the papers first then I will take you to a place”

“But the papers are not with me, my mom took them”

“Don’t worry I ask my lawyer for another copy, here sign.”

Paul took out his pen and sign the documents.

“Am sorry Sharon, I didn’t mean to hurt you”

“I understand”

“So let’s go”

Sharon took Paul to the location where her mom and the men has gone to.

“I think is here”

“Here, how do you know this place?” Paul ask suspecting Sharon but didn’t say anything.

“Well, I think your mom ask my mother to help her use her connection to find Christy and the men brought my mom here, I followed them but I went back home when they got here, I think the move forward there” she pointed.

“I heard them say she fell over the cliff something like that but I went home because I didn’t want them to see me”

Paul saw the rope they use on Christy then he walk down to the cliff.

He looked over it and saw something like blood.

“OMG, Christy!” Paul sat on the ground and tears roll down his face.

“Is ok, let’s go, the men told my mom that maybe an animal has eaten her up, since they couldn’t find her body.”

“No, she is not dead, I saw her in my dream asking me to help her”

“Paul is just a dream, let’s go”

“No, you can go, thank you for your help, I’ve sign the papers so you can go and leave me alone”

“Fine”, Sharon left Paul and went home, not feeling ok about the whole thing.

Paul climb down the cliff and went to the other side of the forest, he keeps walking down the forest without looking back.

“I have to find her today, maybe she is still alive in this forest and needs my help”

Paul keeps going forward and further until he started getting scared.

He did find a single soul for hours of walking the forest, when he thinks of turning back a hand grab him, and he try to fight them but they are too strong for him, he was captured and taken to a place where he didn’t hear a single thing they say.

“I am not a criminal, so let me go, am looking for my best friend, I think she came this way”

“What is he saying?” They ask one another speaking a strange language that Paul didn’t hear.

Please untie me, am not a criminal, and a good person am just looking for my friend” Paul make sighs with his finger and they all stood there looking at him.

“Oh my goodness how do I get this people to understand me?”

They decide to go and look for someone who can understand what this guy is saying.

“Maybe he is the same as the girl we find at the cliff, she too speak foreign language as him” One of the men said.

“So where can we find her”

“We took her to the medicine woman, she is staying with her, she hasn’t fully recovered, we find her half dead”

“Ok, call in the medicine woman”, the man who looks like their leader ordered.

“The women came and looked at Paul.”

“Who are you?”

“OMG, you can hear me? Thank goodness, am trying to explain to them that am not a criminal but is like they want to kill me”

“They don’t want to kill you, they want to know why you are here”

“Am looking for my friend, we are about to get married when somebody kidnap her, I keep looking for her everywhere and decided to look in this forest.”

“Ok, it may be the girl in my house, they men here find a girl half dead at the cliff and brought her to me, she is in my house”

“Oh thank goodness, thank you so much, thank you, thank you, Paul bow on every direction thanking them while the women interpret to them that Paul is so grateful for their help.

The women took Paul to see Christy and Paul rush to hug her.

“Take it easy, she is not recovered full”

“Is ok, is ok, I will be here till she recovers”

“Is ok, she will need it a lot” the women say because easy time Christy opens her eyes and saw people she didn’t know, she got worst again making the women to start all over again treating her.

“Paul brought out his phone to call home and tell them not to worry about him but there is no network”

“What happened, there is no network here?” Paul ask the women.

“We don’t know what is call network here”

“Shitt.. my patients will be worried sick about me”

“Then you can go home now that you saw her”

“No, am not leaving her side even for a minute” Paul said.

“Hmmm, you must have love her”

“I love her very much, only God knows how”

“She is a lucky girl, not everyone will survive falling down from that cliff”

“That is because she didn’t want to leave me” Paul said with tears standing in his eyes.

Paul’s parents are beginning to worry when they didn’t see Paul all day and his number is not reachable.

But just then Sharon came to take her things and told them she and Paul went to look for Christy but Paul ask her to go back, so they should not worry too much about him.

“I told you he is fine, Mr. Brown console his wife.

In the evening Paul came out of the house, there was no electricity  everywhere is dark like charcoal.

“What is this place?” Paul ask himself for the first time since he arrived here.

“No electricity and they don’t here English, I’ve never heard of a place like this, but why is it that only one woman can speak English, dose it mean they don’t have schools?”

He bought our his phone, try to make a call but not reachable.

He thought of walking down a little but no the place is too dark, he stood on some thing that looks like a little rock raise his phone up and try the number again and it connected.

OMG, it connects hello dad,

“Hello Paul where are you?”

Hello dad, am fine but I wouldn’t be coming back don’t worry about me am fine.

“Why what happened, and where are you?”

“Hello dad, can you hear me?”

“Hello son talk to me”

The network is off, “shttt.” Paul curse.

“Anyways, at least he heard me and they won’t be that worried again.”

He went back inside.

“How long has she been like this?” Paul ask the women.

“Since they brought her here”

“Do you think she is going to get better?”

“Yes, she is going to get better, just give it time”

“Ok, what if I take her to the hospital in my place”

“That will be lovely, but only if she wakes up and able to walk, there are no cars here like where you come from, here you walk with your legs no matter where you are going”

“I see, then I have to stay here with her until she wakes up I guess”

“Is ok, she has open her eyes once since she came here, but she will be ok”

“Am not in a hurry, I will wait for her”

Paul waited for two more days before she opens her eyes.

“Christy, how are you doing, is me Paul” but she can’t talk.

Is ok, don’t worry, just take it easy” Paul helped her to get up and sits on the bed.