
Chapter 70 yes, I will marry you

Christy received a surprise visit that afternoon, Paul and Bridget came looking for her.

“What do you want here?” Christy ask Paul.

“I’ve come to see you and to ask for your hand in marriage, Paul said to her stepmom rather than to Christy.

“Why not, I will accept you as my son-in-law,” Christy stepmom reply.

“Thank you ma, what do you say?” Paul ask Christy.

“Is yes, my son is yes, she will marry you,”  she turned to look at Christy and said. 

“Look here, you have nothing to worry about, am here behind you ok” she nods, just say yes, go on say yes”

“Yes, I will marry you” Christy manages to say.

“Thank you Christy, thank you ma, I will return and tell my dad about it, because he’s the one who ask me to come on this journey”

“Is ok my son, we will be waiting for you and your family”

Paul left Bridget there who promise to resume work next week, she wants to stay with her family a little before going back to work.


“That will be over my dead body,” Paul’s mom said when she received the news that Paul wants to marry Christy and that they have a child together.

“She just need to leave the child with us and go her way,” she said.

“No, that’s not it”, Mr. brown thought, Paul will never leave this girl alone, so he better help him to get her and end all this


           “look, we need to leave them alone, Paul will never be himself if he did not marry this girl, let’s not try to stop him anymore.”

“You don’t understand, Mrs. Brown said. “I don’t want to be laughed at, I have to save my face.”

“From who exactly do you need to save your face from? “Mr. Brown ask his wife.

“From my friends, my club members who else?”

“You can’t use the life of your only son in exchange for want your friends want and expect from you”

“That is why I said you won’t understand, and am not accepting that girl into my house”.

“Whatever it is, you must allow Paul marry the woman after his heart.”

Mrs. Brown could not sleep, “Paul can’t do this to me, I have to do something to stop him” she was still thinking when her phone rang, it was Sharon’s mother.

“Hello, how are you and your family doing?.”

“Everything is fine and you?”

“Am fine, Sharon told me that her husband is planning on getting married to another woman, what is going on?”

“My dear, you don’t need to worry your pretty head I have everything under control, you don’t have to worry at all.”

“Are you sure?”

“Very sure my dear, just relax, he is my son and he will do what I want, no gold digger will enter my house.”

“Is ok, I know you can handle that, say me hi to Sharon.”

“Is ok, just relax ok, this is my call.”

“If you say so, and don’t forget to come for the contract signing tomorrow ok.”

“Ok, thank you, you are a real sister indeed.”

           “No problem, just do your part and I will do mine.”

“Ok, bye.”

“Bye my love.” Sharon’s mom end the call and keep wondering what could have gone wrong.

Mrs. Brown thought that Christy is bad luck, now that things has started going the way she want, comes Christy to destroy everything, that is not going to happen, it will be over her dead body.

She starts thinking of ways to stop Christy and Paul from getting together.

Sharon went to work and start shouting at everyone.

“Get out of my office, you are sacked, I don’t want to work with you again so just leave and don’t come back.” Sharon went on that way and before two weeks she has fired six workers and three were their best doctors.

“What is going on?”  Fineface confront Sharon.

“I don’t want to work with them anymore, they are too lazy,  he is too full of himself,” Sharon went on with the reasons she fired them.

“Come,” fineface made Sharon sat on his legs.

“I know this is not you, I know you better than this, and you need to calm down everything will be fine.”

“No, nothing is getting better, is all getting worst, Paul wants to get married to another girl, when is it ever going to get better? Tell me, when?”

“Do you have anywhere going this evening?” Fineface ask Sharon.

“I don’t have anywhere to go except to go back to a lonely house.”

“Is ok, I want to take you somewhere, will you come with me?”

“I will go anywhere with you, I just need to clear my head.”

Fineface took Sharon  to his house.

“Where is this?”

“My house”

“Wow.. you have a nice house.”

“Thanks, you like it?”

“Yes I like it, very peaceful”

“Glad you like it”

“Let me cook for you” fineface said.

“Ok, I love to eat your food” Sharon said smiling.

Fineface went to the kitchen and start preparing the food with Sharon following him everywhere talking and laughing as he cook.

“Thank you fineface, thank you for bringing me here.”

“You are welcome, I like that smile on your face, so keep smiling.”

“Ok, thanks.”

“Yea, and one more thing, I want you to call back those you fired, they are not the cause, you were just angry.”

“Yea your right, I will do that tomorrow.” 

“Ok, thank you” fineface wanted to say I love you but no, she is someone’s wife.

“I need to take you home” he said to her after they finish eating.

“I don’t have a home, please let me stay here, just for today, please” Sharon begged.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes, am sure, am not going to put you into trouble I promise,” she added.

Fineface could not say no, because he knew that Sharon owns plenty of houses  in this town, so if she wants to go  and sleep in any of those house she will, so is not as if she is looking for where to stay.

“Ok, you can stay.”

“Thank you, do you have something like hot drink here, I need to sink into it.”

“I have but am not going to give you.”


“Because you are not in a good mood.”

“No, I need it or I will go out and get it”

“Ok, you got me,” he brought out the drink and they start drinking with Sharon saying all manner of things without Finafeace stopping her.

“You need to stop drinking now, you are getting drunk Sharon.”

“Let me drink myself to death, I want to die,” she start crying and fineface has to take away the drinks.

Sharon slept off and fineface carried her to his room and went to sleep at the sitting room.

He was thinking why will a person reject Sharon? She is the best woman he has ever come across, why will someone treat her that way? Some men don’t know what is good, look at how Sharon is suffering because of Paul, “if I get to see this Paul I will punch the hell out of him.

If he doesn’t like her let him divorce her and I will gladly marry her.”

He thought of the girl who broke his heart and made him not to fall in love again, he thought all women are like that, but Sharon has proven to him that all women are not like that, she has money, she has everything a man wants then why will Paul not want her?

Fineface has been and worked with Sharon a long time to know who she is, there is nothing Sharon has not told him about herself and he loved everything about her, the only problem now is that she is married.

“Where is Sharon? Why is she not at home today?” Paul’s mom ask.

“Maybe she went to see her mother.”

“Ok, let me call her.”

“Hello how are you?”

“Am fine dear.”

“Is Sharon there with you?”

Sharon’s mom thought for a second “yes, she is here”

“Oh, thank goodness, am beginning to get worried   about her, because she hasn’t come back home”

“Oh, sorry for that, she is here with me”

“Ok, bye.”


“She is with her mother” she told her husband.

“I told you, you don’t have to worry.”

“Where could Sharon go without telling anyone? Her mom thought “let me call her”

She brought out her phone and called but Sharon wasn’t answering her calls and she starts to panic.

She calls and calls until  someone picked.

“Hello, Sharon what is going on, Why are you not picking your calls.?”

“Sorry ma but Sharon is asleep” Finafece said seeing that it was Sharon mom’s that was calling.

“Hello, who are you?” She ask when she heard a male voice.

“Her friend”

“Friend! Male friend at this hour?” she ask panicking 

Fineface thought that she must be so scared for her daughter said. “You don’t have to worry ma, is me.”

“You who, please tell me who you are?”

“Is me ma, fineface.”

“Oh. Thank God, what is Sharon doing at your house.