
Chapter 63 Come with me

You have to go Paul, you have a good house and a good bed to lay down, here no place for you to sleep” Christy said concerned about Paul’s health.

I can just sleep here, he takes off his shirt and lay down on the floor.

No, you can’t do that, you will get sick in the morning.

“But you are here, you can just nurse me back to health” not taking a no for an answer.

“This place is not good for you Paul, please go home”

“If is good for you and her, then is good for me or you come home with me”

“There are lots of mosquitoes here” she thought of scaring him, but he didn’t answer her again.

So Christy left him alone, part of her was happy but part of her wasn’t.

Bridget came back from work but couldn’t find Paul, she try to wait for him but is like Paul won’t be coming home tonight, so she went to bed without seeing him.

     Back at home Sharon was getting fed up, she has waited for Paul’s call even for just one time since he left but none was coming, she try’s calling but Paul was always busy.

She couldn’t put a smile on her face anymore.

Good morning ma, she greeted her mother in-law not smiling.

“My is all well this morning?”

Yes ma”

  “Then try to smile a little ok, and if you can’t take it anymore, you can always visit him the house is very big, he must be feeling lonely too” she said trying to comfort Sharon.

Sharon roll her eyes “feeling lonely indeed, Paul who is so happy to leave her here can not be feeling lonely”

But she thinks it will be a good idea to visit Paul and surprise him, after all he told her that they will talk it out when he returns.

“Early in the morning Paul has to report to office with the same clothes he was with yesterday”

“Why is he wearing the same cloth” Bridget ask herself. But she didn’t want to ask him there because he was talking to some people.

She followed him into his office once he was done talking to the people.

“What’s going on?”

“Like what?”

“Why are you still wearing that?”

“None of your business”

“Is my business because we are living together”

“Then move out” Paul said not looking at her.

“Is ok, but don’t say am not been a good friend”

“You are not my friend, I have friends you know?”

“Must you always throw it at my face like that” Bridget said angrily and walk out of his office.

James called Paul to know how he was doing.

“Guy am doing great, and  how are you doing?”

“What else working, and by the way have you seen Christy? This one you are no longer disturbing me about her”

You don’t have to worry guy, she was right under my nose”

Bad guy, enjoy, what of your wife Sharon? James ask.

“I don’t know, you that is there you should know better”


“Meaning you can have her”

“You’re a mad man, get off my phone, plus am coming to visit you so get ready for me”

“Are you a woman? Why will I get ready for you, my friend if you want to come just come, anything you see you take” Paul said.

Paul close from work and went home to change before going back to Christy’s house.

The neighbors have started talking, whispering.

“Why must he always come to a woman’s house, some men have no shame”

“Maybe he doesn’t have a house”

“Then let him sell his car and rent a house” one of the women said.

Does he have car? Another one ask.

“Yes, he always park his car at the front of the yard.” Another one said.

“Don’t you know some guys are borrow pose, maybe he borrowed the car just to impress this foolish girl who always pretends to be a saint.” One of the man who always disturbed Christy for friendship said.

“Good evening sir”, they all greeted Paul as he walk in with lots of bags in his hand.

“Yea, good evening neighbors” he greeted them back and walk to Christy’s room”

“But the little girl calls him daddy”

“What does little girl know?” They continue with their gossip.

Paul what is all this? Why are you doing this?, The neighbors are talking.

About what?

“About you, you have to stop coming here, or I accept I will come to your house so can you please stop coming here?”

I can’t stop coming here because you are here, if you don’t want them talking then come with me and leave this place, I don’t even like it here, I only like it because you like it” he said and sad down.

“What do you have for dinner?”

Christy wanted to laugh the way he behaves like she is his wife.


Ok, I bought everything you need for tomorrow, if you need any other thing let me know and please don’t try stopping me again because I won’t stop. I didn’t wait for you all this years so you can drive me away from you”

Christy didn’t say anything again to him, she allowed him do what ever he wants.

“Paul can you at least tell me where you sleep every night? Am beginning to get scared” Bridget wants to know because Paul no longer sleeps at home.

Why will you be scared? Just enjoy yourself or you want to borrow money?

“Stop it, I don’t need money, have you seen my sister?”

Paul didn’t want to tell Bridget about where Christy is but is like Bridget has started changing.

“Yes, and that is where I sleep every night”

“What? That Christy is something else”

“What do you mean?”

“Why will she allow you to sleep in her house will her little girl?”

“It depends what you are thinking, but Christy is not like you and I didn’t do anything if you must know”

“So why is she not coming here?”

“I don’t know, maybe you need to come and talk to her”

“Please take me there”

“That will be after work tomorrow”

They both went to Christy’s place and she was so surprise to see Bridget.

They hugged and almost cry

Where is my girl? I heard you gave birth to a girl”

“Yes, let me bring her she went to play with the neighbors child.”


Christy brought in Sharon.

Sharon this is your big Aunty.

Good evening big Aunty.”

She greeted.

“Ohh.. my little angel I miss you so much”, she looks like me” Bridget said.

Christy looked again and thought is true, she really look a lot like Bridget. 

But why Sharon? Why do you name her Sharon? Bridget ask.

“Ask her, the same thing I asked” Paul said.

Well because I like Sharon, she helped me and I like her.

Paul didn’t know what to say, why on earth will Christy like someone like Sharon? She took her place and took her man she should hate her Paul thought.

After a while Paul carried his child while Bridget went with Christy outside to discuss.

“What are you doing in a place like this?”

What do you mean? This is where I leave” Christy argued.

I know this is where you live, but please come back with Paul, for crying out loud that guy is rich, all the money his parents have is all his, he spends money without thinking and you are here in this kind of place, she turned and look around making a face.

And some of the neighbors looking at them .

I know he has money but he is married.

Married to who? Listen, you are very lucky to have Paul, lots of women will kill to have him, even me I would have taken him a long time ago but he was made for you in heaven and I don’t think anyone can take him away from you.

So better go in there and park your things and come with us I am going to make sure that you get married to Paul.

Christy was having a mix feeling because she did not want to break anyone’s home.

She reluctantly went in and agreed to go with Paul.

“Thank you Bridget, thank you so much”

“Don’t thank me yet, you own me”

Yea I know, you will always be Bridget.

They both stayed at Christy house and refuse to go home that night.

Are you guys serious right now? Where will you sleep? Christy ask Bridget.


“I brought a blanket” Paul said and they all laughed.

That night they chatted and chatted till midnight and Paul loved everything moment of it.

Are you going to sleep on the floor? Bridget ask Paul.

Yes, am ok here” he said smiling and Bridget wondered what kind of love is that, how she wish she can find a love like Christy’s but let not that guy expect her to behave like Christy, because she will always be Bridget.