
Chapter 64 Moving out

The next day they all start parking Christy stuffs to the car making the neighbors to start talking again.

“Is she moving now?”

“Maybe her rent has expired” one of them said.

“No, I told you that guy looks like someone who has money and the little girl looks like his daughter”

“How do you know?”

“Can’t you see? Is like she ran away from home and they have come to take back.”

“I always told you guys that the girl looks different, she is from a rich home, see now” Another woman said.

Christy came outside and they all greeted her with smiles on their face as if they’ve not been gossiping her, but Christy knows all about that.

“Charity are you moving?”

“Yes am moving”

“And you didn’t let us know” one of the women ask

“No, that’s not it, it was urgent and I didn’t even expect it.”

“Oh.. is your house rent expired?” One of the other woman ask and the rest turned to her.

“Why will you ask that? Charity don’t mind her, she is just kidding.”

“No problem, and my name is Christy not charity.”

“Oh… Christy, what a beautiful name.?”

“Ok bye bye.”

“Thank you” Christy said and walk away”

“You see I told you, she is not like that, she is even friendly.”

 “What do they want?” Paul ask Christy when she gets to the car.

“Don’t mind them, they don’t have any thing doing, they just sit there and gossip all day.”

Paul drove them to his house and help them move all Christy stuffs to one of the rooms.

“But what about your parents? Wouldn’t they be angry if they find out?” Christy ask Paul.

“Don’t worry about my parents, besides they don’t come here.

Just make yourself comfortable.”

And you come here, let me take you to your room, Paul took his daughter and show her one of the room with big bed in it, he has been decorating that room for her since he found them.

There are toys everywhere in the room and her bed was design with pink and have a little doll wearing pink dress lying on the bed.

“Yeaaaa.. is the my room?” She ask.

“Yes, is all yours.”

“Thank you dad”, she hug her dad before rushing to throw herself on the bed.

She was so happy running around the room and Paul stood there smiling at her, what a beautiful sight it was, he couldn’t believe his eyes, this is the best gift that Christy has ever given to him.

“She’s yours,” Christy said, and Paul turned to see Christy looking at them.

“She’s your daughter”, Christy said

“I know, thank you so much, I.. I.. I.. am really sorry for not been there for you”

“Is ok, not your fault”

“Thank you”

“I will been staying here with her” Christy said trying to set the boundary.

“No, you will stay with me”

“I can’t, I will be fine staying her with her, besides she’s not been alone before.”

Paul turned to look at his daughter still playing around.

“Ok, you can stay with her, but for now I need to go to work, I will see you when I come back, everything you need is in this house.”

“Ok, thanks.” Christy said not looking at Paul, is obvious she is still angry with Paul.

Paul and Bridget went to work leaving Christy alone in the house with little Sharon.

Christy start to wonder that Bridget and Paul are staying together, “How? Why? And they even go to work together, no, something is not right, he has to explain to me what the hell is going on.”

She walk round the house, the house is big and beautiful too, but could this house really be her house, Paul is someone else’s husband, meaning this house can’t possibly  be hers.

“But why is Bridget living with Paul?” she wondered.

Christy could not understand why Paul loved her so much, and yet she thinks he can not be her husband, maybe is not meant to be. He was supposed to marry me and not Sharon, what chance do I have against her? She is beautiful, intelligent, well educated but me what do I have? I didn’t even go to school, I work as a cleaner because that is the only job I can do, no qualifications. She shakes her head.

“I don’t think I can be his wife. What do I have to offer him? But he promise to send me to school and now this.?”

“I don’t want to remind him of that again, am not his responsibility, I will only ask him to send Sharon to school and then I will disappear from his life, I don’t want to be the reason he will break up with his wife”

“Where is my dad?” Little Sharon start crying when she couldn’t find her dad anywhere in the house.

“Stop crying he will be back, he went to work.

Come let me feed you”. She carried her and feeds her what Paul called English food, Christy has never seen that kind of food before, all she gave her daughter was breast milk and cornstarch now Paul is buying all kinds of food for his daughter and lots of stuffs too.

I know your father will spoil you with lots of things, I hope you don’t end up like one of those rich kids who don’t have manners.

Sharon just smile at her mom without knowing what she is saying.

You’re smiling do you know what I said, be a good girl ok.

She smiles again still eating her food.

Look at your mouth, the way your father is handling you, I know he is going to spoil you.

She just kept smiling.

Back in the office Paul keep praying for the day to run faster, so he can give Christy the good news.

He just received a reply mail from the school he has applied for his daughter this morning that they are going to admit her into their school.

Paul was over the roof, he is now a dad.

“Why did you change her name?” Christy question Paul.

“Because I don’t like that Sharon name you give to her, but is ok you can call her Sharon while I call her peace, her name is Peace Paul Brown.”

“And who is Brown?”

“My dad, her grandfather”

“ Oh.. You need to tell them about her you know”, Christy said.

“I know but not now, they will just spoil my plans if I tell them now.”

“And what are your plans?” Christy want to know.

“Don’t worry is my secret” he said patting his chest.


“Heyy.. why are you not happy? Have I done anything wrong?”

“No, is not about you.”

“Then smile for me?” Paul wanted to hug her but no, Christy wouldn’t let him. She walks away to her daughter’s room. Leaving Paul there.

“Don’t worry she will come around,” Bridget said just entering the house.

“Are you sure?”

“Are you underestimating me?”


“Fine, just relax and know that you are owning me.”

“Not when you are leaving in my house.” Paul said.

“Oh.. that? You’re right” Bridget said and walk into her own room.

Paul went to his daughter’s room to make sure they are ok before going to bed.

“Are you guys ok?” He ask.

“We are fine, and why don’t you tell me you are living with Bridget and how come?.”

“Oh.. that, is a long story do you want to hear it?”

“No, forget” Christy wave her hand at Paul.

“You’re angry”

“Yes, am angry, you are married to another woman and now you are living with my sister what is going on Paul?”

“I can only explain to you if you just calm down” Paul said going closer to Christy.

“Say what you want to say but don’t come close.”

“Ok,” Paul told her all that happens and how Bridget ends up living in this house with him.

“Wow.. I hope she has a job now,” was all Christy said.

Paul wasn’t expecting that, he was expecting her to be more angry than before.

“Yes, she has a job now”

“Thank you for helping her” Christy said making Paul to be more surprised.

But Paul couldn’t go close to her so he turned to go back to his room.

He couldn’t sleep all night, he needed her so badly every part of him needs her, he got up and walk to the sitting room and then to the kitchen, took a glass of water and went back to bed. But no, that wasn’t it, he walks back to the city room and turn on the television.

Bridget was reading a novel and she thought she heard someone walking up and down, the first time she ignores it but no, let me see who is walking up and down by this time.

She went to the sitting room and finds Paul staring at the television.

“What are you doing here?”

“Watching TV”


“Yea really, what do you think?” he ask Bridget.

“ She says no right?” Bridget ask

“What do you mean?”

“Stop pretending Paul, I know you want her”


“Just go to her”

“And do what?”

“What else?”

“No, I can’t do that, I will wait for her”

“Fine, suit yourself, but please stop walking up and down, I need to sleep”  she said and walk away.

“Mtcheeeew, this is my house” Paul murmured.

“I can hear that” Bridget yells.