
Chapter 62 looking for her

Paul ran after them.

Christy please wait, what are you doing? You don’t want to see me? I’ve been looking for you for a very long time now. And the baby she is mine right?

“No, she is not yours”

“That’s not true, she is mine, she has my eyes, and she is smart.”

“And what makes you think you’re smart? Christy turn to ask him and he kneels down to beg her while the baby starts to cry.”

“Paul your married, stay away from us”

“I can’t, I don’t think I can live without you, please hear me out first”

“There is nothing to hear,” Christy took a taxi and went home.

“What is Paul doing here? And he even have the mind to kneel down before me after marrying someone else without caring to look for me.” 

    “But wait, did he say he owns that house? And the hotel too, I thought he said the work is his own?” damn, that means I have to stop going to work, I will look for another work as to avoid him, he’s married now I don’t want to come between his wife and him.”

    Paul sat there feeling like to cry, but that is not a man’s thing.

    “Hello, you came back early, I was looking for you in the office but they told me you’ve left” Bridget thought he was talking to someone but Paul was lost in thought.

   “Hello,” she snap at Paul.


   “Are you ok?”

   “Do I look ok?”

   “Sorry, I was just asking, so what’s the matter?.”


   “Christy again? I told you I will help you look for her but that will be on Saturday when there is no work ok, so just stop worrying.”

  “There will be no need”


“I found her”

“Where? How? Where is she?”

“She is so beautiful and smart just like her mother” Paul said smiling.

“Ok, what is he saying now? I thought we are talking about Christy? Who is beautiful and smart like her mother again?”

    “My daughter, she is smart and beautiful.”

   “Wow.. you saw her? My little niece? Where are they I want to see her.”

   “That is the thing, she took her and hurried away.”

“ Christy…. What is wrong with her? Look I need to see her so I can talk to her”

“She works as a cleaner right under my nose”

“In your hotel?

“Yes, down floor”

  “Wow… am so happy, and my little niece is she beautiful like me?”

Paul looked at Bridget, hmmm she’s smart like you and beautiful like her mother”

“Am more beautiful than Christy, is just that you don’t like me”

“I like you but I love Christy”

“Whatever, I just want to see my sister and niece, I don’t care about you.”

“We will go together” Paul said.


“Because I know the side she work down floor.”

“Ok, as you wish.”

Bridget prays for daybreak as she has miss her sister so much and most importantly to talk sense into her, because she can’t afford to miss Paul or give him out to another woman.

If not that Paul loves Christy and he is not a womanizer she would have taken Paul away from her but is like Christy has given Paul a love potion he is not seeing any other woman.

The next day Paul and Bridget stands at that spot where Paul stood when the little girl came to him  but Christy was no where to go seen.

  “I thought you said she works here?”

“Yes am sure”

“So where is she?”

“Let’s go to the toilet”

“Toilet? What for?” Bridget make a face.

“Is like she works around the toilet”

“Oh my goodness, Christy what is wrong with her? Working in the toilet? Bridget yells still making a face as if she is already inside the toilet.

“Is not as if she’s carrying poo” Paul reminded her 


They went to the restroom but she wasn’t there?

“Now tell me, are you sure you saw them or you are just imagining things?

“Am not imagining things, I saw her, I even took them to the house.”

“Hmmm, let’s go Paul, be careful what you see some times” Bridget warns.

Two weeks pass and Christy is yet to show up at work.

   “What should I do now? I don’t know where she lives.”

“Ok I know”

He rushed to find Christy file, he scan through the application letter and CV and there, Christy’s address.

Paul went there with bag full of provisions and clothes and toys and lots of stuffs.

Knock…. Knock open the door.

A lady came out.

“Who are you looking for?”

“Am looking for Christy, a lady with a little girl.”

“Oh charity.. go that way.” She pointed to another room.

“ Charity? Did she changed her name to charity? Ok thanks”

“What kind of houses are this? This environment is too dirty for my girl” he murmured.

Before he could knock, the little girl opens the door, “daddy… she ran to him and Paul dropped everything to carry her.

“Sharon were are you going?” Christy ran after her daughter.

“What Sharon?” Paul ask in surprise as he enters the house.

“Why did you name her Sharon?”, he questioned.

“None of your business and what are you doing here?”

“Am here to look for you and my child.”

  “Stop calling her your child, she’s not.”

“Ok, so who’s child is she?”

“None of your business, go away”

“Am not going away, you’ve been pushing me away for so long, give a chance to explain myself”

“Will it change anything?”

“Yes Christy, it will change a whole lot of things, it will”

Her neighbors are starting to whisper and staring at them when Christy ask him to come in, she didn’t what them talking about her when she is not around, because they like to gossip.

“Wow.. inside the house is fine but if you look at it from the outside you wouldn’t like it” Paul said but Christy remind silent


“Why are you here?”

“Heyy.. I bought you toys” Paul say to his daughter ignoring the question.

   “Please Christy let me stay here a bit, give me food to eat am sooo hungry, I’ve not eating anything for days” he said but he wasn’t lying, Paul could hardly eat ever since Christy got missing.

“I don’t have food”

“What? Ok take this and prepare food let’s eat, I will like to eat with both of you”

“Don’t worry”, Christy walk into something that looks like a kitchen and after a while came out with food.

Paul sat down on the floor because there was no chair in the house.

While Christy stand there looking at him as he eats like someone who haven’t eating for weeks.

“Are you that hungry? She ask

“Yes, I’ve been very hungry, and this is the best food I’ve eaten for months now.”

 And he is saying the truth because Bridget doesn’t cook, they always eat out since they came to the city for the pass four months before he met Christy.

Paul’s daughter was all over him playing with her toy and eating with him at the same time.

After eating she ran out of the house to show off her new toy.

Christy clean up the house and sat on the small foam mattress she and her daughter are managing with.

“now tell me how did it happen?” Paul ask Christy.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you trying to tell me that am not the father then who is the father?”

Christy didn’t say anything.

“I know you are angry with me but that is ok, but please don’t say she is not my daughter, look we connected almost immediately when we saw each other, so please don’t keep her away from me and come with me to our house?”

“Then what about Sharon?”

Paul thought for a second,

 “Which of the Sharon?”

 Because he heard Christy calling their daughter Sharon.

“I mean your wife”

“She’s not my wife, she’s my mother’s wife”

“Stop joking Paul”

“Am not joking, am serious, did you see me wearing any ring?”

“So why are you not wearing your ring and why did  you marry her if you don’t love her?”

“My mom and Sharon were on my neck, and I knew if I didn’t marry her my mom will not hand me what belongs to me.”

“I am now the MD of the hotel you are working with”

“Wow.. that is cool”

“So please come with me, I have a lot to tell you and to give you too, please”

“Even though I want to come with you, I can’t”


“You know why”

Paul stayed in Christy’s house till late in the night.

When Christy notice that Paul is not about to leave she ask him to leave.

“But am not going, am staying here, with you, with my daughter.”

 “Paul don’t do this please”

“Why? Do you have someone coming this night”?

“Stop it, I don’t have anybody”

Paul breath a sign of relieve. Because he will just kill someone.