
Chapter 50 Pregnant

Sharon’s mom rush to get things ready for the marriage preparation.

“Mrs. Brown how are you doing”? She greeted as soon as she enters the house.

“Am doing fine and you?”

“Well, I ok, am here to know how the preparation is going for our children marriage”

Is all in your hands, as you can see I have been preparing my son since so is not a new thing for him, he has already prepared his mind that once he’s back the marriage will take place.

Ok, that’s good news then, Sharon is ready too.

They start making preparation about the wedding venues, the dresses, who to invite, calling every wedding planner they know running around and everything.

“Mom, can you please slow down a bit?”  Sharon told her mom.

“For all I know Paul might not want to marry me”

“Don’t say that my dear, everything has been done, so there is no way he will not marry you”

Sharon left her mom and went to her room knowing that there is nothing she will tell her now that will make sense to her.

 The next day Sharon went out with fineface to cool off her head because she didn’t think that what ever her mother and Paul’s mom are planning will work.

“Sharon are you ok? Fineface ask seeing how she was absent minded.

“Yes, am fine, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure why not” fineface said.

“Will you marry someone your parents arrange for you?”

“fineface was silence for a second, “ Well it depends, I will marry her if I like her”

“So what if you don’t like her” Sharon ask will a stick of cigarette in hand.

“Well, then I guess the answer is no”

“That is it, Sharon suddenly shouted, I knew it, is not going to work out. I told her is not going to work”

“Excuse me, are we saying the same thing here?” Fineface ask.

Yes, we are saying the same thing, my mom wants me to marry a guy, even though I love this guy, he doesn’t love me back”

“May I ask why?” fineface said.

“Because I smoke, and I do drugs” she said not minding that she is taking to her colleague from her place of work.

“Wow.. so you also do drugs”? Fineface found himself asking.

Yea, and I do girls also but am trying to let go of that one, and only this guy Paul can help me do that, but he doesn’t want to set his eyes on me”

Wow… was all fineface could say.

“Look, am trying my best to stop ok, don’t look at me like that” she said as she saw the way fineface was looking at her like he has never seen her before.

“Really”? He ask.

“Yes, really” she replies.

If you really want to stop, then you must start with this” fineface took away the cigarettes from her hand and throw it away.

“What the hell”? She questioned.

“Yes, if you really care to be my friend the you must stop smoking in front of me”

“Fine, I quit” she raise her hands

“Good, let me tell you something, no man will want to make you his wife, especially  if he doesn’t smoke.”


“Yes, really, and I like you Sharon, I don’t want you smoking in front of me again”, he said hoping for Sharon to get mad at him but no, she didn’t.

“And did you just say you do girls? Fineface ask as if he was just waking up from sleep.”

“Can we just forget about me? I understand if you don’t want to be my friend again, is fine, am cool with it.”

“No..no..no.. that’s not what I meant,” fineface and it go.

“Whatever, must everyone judge me?” She said as she walked into her room once at home.

“He too can go, I don’t care, but what can I do?” She broke down and cry once she throws herself on her bed, “ I just can’t help it.”

Sharon are you home? We need to go and buy your wedding dress” he mom said noticing that Sharon is in her room.

Mom I don’t want to, leave me alone”

No, am not leaving you alone, you need the gown.

I thought my husband to be and I will be the ones to go choose a wedding dress, why are you the one doing it? Sharon ask her mother.

Well, that is because we need everything done earlier today so you won’t have any problems later.

“Mom, please leave that for me and Paul, if he really wants to marry me, we will go shopping for a wedding dress when he comes back.”

“, if you say so”, her mom left her alone to continue her crying.


Christy was busy doing her house chores in the second month that Paul left for school, but she starts feeling funny and throwing up.

“What is wrong with me?, I think am sick and am feeling weaker by the day.

I need to rest a bit, I will finish that when I woke up.”

She lay down to rest.

“Christy…” her stepmom yell once she enters the house.

Where  this foolish girl? And what are this brooms doing her? I hope you are not trying to tell me that she did not sweep this house today? She ask herself because Christy is no where to be found.

“Christy… Christy…. Where are you?, Oh.. you are her sleeping by this time? Will you get up from there?”

Christy stood up rubbing her eyes like a baby.

Good morning ma,

Is this your own morning? This is afternoon Christy, don’t tell me you were sleeping since then?

“Am sorry mom, I just feel so tired”

“Tired for doing what?” the stepmom ask.

“I don’t know, and I also feel weak.”

“Are you sure you are ok?, Get you let me take you to the pharmacy before they will say am the one who killed you” she took her to the pharmacy who insist on running a test on her.

Madam your daughter is pregnant” the nurse who did the test announce.

“What! Pregnant? Christy you are pregnant in my own house?” she starts beating her from the pharmacy.

“Madam please take it easy on her, she is with child” the nurses there told her Stepmom.

“Don’t tell me to take it easy on her, she won’t have this baby in my house” she left Christy at the pharmacy and went back home to wait for her.

The nurses could only shake their heads.

“Please take it easy ok”, they told Christy who is crying and don’t know what to do at this point.

Christy cry all the way home kneeling down to beg her stepmom but all fell on deaf ears.

You will leave my house, you can’t have that baby here, who will take care of you and the baby? She ask as she beat her black and blue.

“Now that me, who is the father of that child?”

I don’t know, I don’t know she keeps crying, she didn’t want to say Paul because her stepmom will go and report her to Paul’s mother, who knows what they will do to her.

So you don’t know who got you pregnant? Then you are a big fool, sleeping with different men to the point you don’t even know the one the pregnant you.

I don’t care if you are pregnant or not, in fact your work in this house has triple, you will start hawking things on the street to feed yourself from now on, I’ve really gone soft on you, that is why you have the mind to get pregnant in my own house.

“Mom please am sorry, please forgive me”, Christy keep crying.

Next day she bought banana and groundnut and ask Christy to start hawking on the street, and when she comes back she will be giving little food to eat.

“Paul what have you done to me? Christy would cry, she can’t call Paul now because her phone has been destroy by her stepmom, she thought of running away many times but where will she go to, who will take care of her and her unborn child?.

“I can’t continue like this, I will die before Paul comes back, and what is the guarantee that he will marry me when he comes back,  since his mother don’t want to see me?”

“Christy.. what are you doing inside? Go and sell this remaining banana they are getting spoiled, you will pay for it if you don’t finish selling them.”

“Yes ma”, Christy took the banana and set out, is three months now and Christy is getting weaker by the day, she doesn’t eat healthy food, she looks pale and she is loosing blood.

She needs to keep going as she needs to meet up her stepmother’s target, but is like she couldn’t keep up with the target because is like she is not seeing clearly anymore, she try to get a hold of herself but no.. she fell on the ground and  couldn’t hear sounds anymore, she closed her eyes and stop breathing.