
Chapter 49 Rich Boyfriend

Bridget got to school and wouldn’t let the sleeping dog lie, she keeps on and on about her Christmas holidays and how she met a rich guy that bought her this iphone.

“Omg, you don’t mean that? Oh God when? Her course mates rally round her, every girl wants to be her friend, they will like her to introduce them to some of her guys friends, who knows they might just be lucky as her.

“Look my Paul don’t like cheap girls, and  I believe his friends wouldn’t be any different”.

“I am not cheap”, some of the girls said while others simple stop being her friend.

“What’s wrong with her? Because of iphone?, Some girls can be drama queen” one of the girl said.

“Don’t mind her, she may be lying, but how come she has money to buy iphone? Remember she was almost begging last semester. It may be true that she met a rich guy”

“Do you want to go and join them?” The other girl ask

“No.. never who cares about her boyfriend.”

Bridget was the topic of most of the girls on campus and she love the commotion it makes her fly higher.

“My guy is in the US right now, let me call him” she brought out the number and  put it on loud speaker.

“Hello Paul how are you doing?”

“Am fine and you”

Oh, am doing great, am here with some of my girls.

“Girls? Where is Christy?”

“She is at home, but am in school right now”

“Oh, ok”. Paul said and went mute since she said Christy is as the house, he thought she took Christy somewhere.

“Hello Paul.. are you there? Oh.. maybe he’s busy” she smile at her friends who are so curious to hear their conversation.

She immediately hang up the phone.

“You see, he is in the US, so busy I must say.”

“Really,” they all smile hoping to get on Bridget good books so she takes them along.


Sharon was finding it difficult to please her boss, what ever she does seem not to please him.

“Why? What did I ever do to him? But why does it feels strange? At first they were all treating me like a queen, the next minute am been treated like trash. But what is it with this big office? My office is bigger than the Boss office, yet everyone don’t want to see me.

Oh.. I know, yes.. is this office, he wants it for himself. I know what I need to do, I will move to a smaller office only then will he be happy. She was still thinking when fineface walked into her of.

Did I interrupt anything? He ask.

No..no.. is fine, you are just right on time.

I will need your help to move to a smaller office, she said.


“This office is too big for a learner like me.”

“Come on, am your assistance here, so you are not a learner”

“Stop it fineface, I know you are just trying to make me feel better but no thanks”

“But is the truth, am your assistance and we need to go look at the patient.”

“Yes… the patient, thank you for reminding me, am not even a good doctor”

“Why do you say that?” Fineface ask.

“Because I almost forgot I have a patient to attend to.”

“Come on, maybe you just need to think less that’s all.”

“Yea, your right. I have a lot on my mind lately”. Sharon said feeling sad.

“Is ok, let’s go and attend to the patient then we can hang out after work, am a good listener you know, fineface said and Sharon smile at him

“Fine, let’s go.”

They got to the patient’s room and he is awake.

“Hello are you ok?” without showing any signs that said she knew Desmond.

Is you Sharon, you are now a doctor?

“Yes, can we talk about this next time? We are here to check up on you, here is my colleague fineface” she introduced fineface to Desmond without saying who Desmond is.

“Hi, let me check you up” Desmond gave his hand to fineface still looking at Sharon who pretend not to be looking at him.

“Ok, there you go, you are all set to be discharged” fineface said but Desmond seems not to be listening.

Ok, a nurse will come to check up on you before you are discharge Sharon said and left the room before fineface.

Desmond was starling at her as she walked away.

Fineface just looked at him and then Sharon’s direction.

Ok, I will leave you now, fineface said and walk out.

“Is she for real? Look at someone who made me lie in the hospital is behaving like she didn’t know me” Desmond was so furious at himself for been a fool. I should have know better. Falling in love is a scam, I will never fall in love again.”

Sharon prepared to close for the day and fineface was already waiting for her.

“Are you serious? So you really wants to hang out?” Sharon ask.

“Yes, am dead serious”

“Ok, I think I need it to clear up my head.”

They want out together and Sharon took out a stick of cigarette and light it.

“Wow..” fineface murmured.

“What? You don’t smoke?” Sharon ask.

“No, I don’t”

Oh.. ok she said and make to throw it away.

“No.no.. is ok, you can have it as long as you don’t get hurt”

“Get hurt, why?”

“You are a doctor, you should know,” fineface said trying not to offend her.

Well, I have been smoking ever since and I don’t see anything wrong with it except for people like you who think you are better than me”

Wow..wow..wow.. calm down, I didn’t say that”

“Yea, but your actions are sure saying that”

“Ok, am sorry, can we drop it?” Fineface ask, not wanting to argue with her.

Fine, so how long have you been working as a doctor? Sharon ask trying to change the topic.

“Ten years”

What? Ten good years? You must be kidding me, so why did they ask you to be my assistant when am just starting?

“I don’t know, at first I wanted to get angry but when I saw you, I changed my mind?”


“You are too beautiful for me to say no, who wouldn’t like to be your assistant?, Am even ready to be your cleaner.”

“Hahahaha, stop it fineface, you are such a joker”. She keeps laughing and fineface thought he is seeing an angel.

“Oh.. am really sorry that they have to make you my assistant am fine with it even though I still think something is not right, but what can I do, let’s just keep working as colleagues from now on.”

“Ok”, they raise there wine glass and toast to been the best colleagues.

Fineface wanted to ask Sharon about the guy in the hospital but now is not the right time I guess.

Sharon went home feeling very tired.

“Welcome my dear daughter, how is work?”

“Work is fine mom”, she wanted to complain about how they are treating her but no, I can manage, let it not be as if she can’t manage the pressure at the work environment, after all she is going to own her hospital one day, she doesn’t want to appear as weak.

Let’s eat my dear, the mother drag her to the dinner table.

“Mom am not hungry”

“I know but you need to eat something even if is little.”

“Ok,” she sat down to eat, so her mom could let her be.

Paul’s mom was here today, her mother began.

“Paul again, I heard he left for school without telling me he was leaving, so what do I have to do with him?”

“Look, you don’t have to be like that ok, he will come around, just keep trying, that is how men are.”

“Mom that is not how men are, if a man does love you there is nothing you can do, Paul is in love with another girl, why can’t you just listen and leave me alone”

“No, does his mother know about this other girl?”

“I don’t know, maybe not” Sharon said.

You see? His mother is not aware of this other girl so everything is settled, you are his wife, I want you to start fighting for what is yours”

“Fight? Mom are you serious right now? Why will I fight because of Paul?”

“Look, a lot of women are out there to take what belongs to you”

“Mom am not fighting anyone because of Paul, if he wants to marry that girl then fine, I have my career to focus on”

No way, you are going to get married and give me grandchildren” she said afraid that Sharon might never want to get married, and Sharon understand her fears.

“Listen mom, am going to get married, so stop worrying yourself.”

“If you don’t want me to worry myself then marry Paul it will make me the happiest woman on earth.”

“Ok mom, I will marry him if he wants to marry me, happy?”

“Yes, am happy now, I will make arrangements for that”

“Whatever,” Sharon said and walk out on her mother.