
Chapter 51 Runaway

Christy was rushed to a near by hospital where she was admitted.

The doctor’s revived her and she was discharged three days later all her bills fully paid by a stranger. She went home and met her stepmom’s absent.

Christy took the envelope that Paul gave her and few of her things and left home not knowing where she is going.

    "I better leave this house before she kill’s me” Christy thought.

“But where am I going?” She entered a taxi and left town into a distance place.

Getting there everything looks new, “I think am going to start afresh, am going to forget everything and everyone as and start anew.” She use the money Paul gave to her and rent an apartment and she starts working as a cleaner at a hotel.

She can now breath some fresh air for the first time in her life.

She thought of using the card that Paul gave her but no, she wouldn’t use it for any reason, she can manage she told herself.

    "Mom, where is Christy?" Bridget ask as soon as she noticed how everywhere was quite when she got home.

“She ran away” was her only reply.

“Again!” Bridget yells

Three days letter she went in search of Christy, she ask everyone she knows but none gave her any reasonable answer.

    "Where can this girl been?", She sign and when home.

Bridget wasn’t feeling comfortable with the whole thing, what will she tell Paul if he comes looking for her?.

    "Mom can you please tell me what happened?" Bridget ask her mother again.

“Do you know that girl got pregnant under my nose?”

"What! Paul what have you done? Bridget ask under her breath. I told him not to do that? Shttt… where could Christy be now, and it has to happen when am not around?” Bridget curse.

    "Bridget are you listening to me? Her mother ask seeing that Bridget wasn’t concentrating on what she was telling her.

     "Yes mom, but where do you think I can find her?"

“I don’t know and I don’t want to know, let her be already, I don’t need her in this house. Just go to the market for me will you?”

“Yes mom,” she hate going to the market and running errands, that is the job of house helps, when I grow up and leave this house am getting a paid house helps she thought and went out to the market.

She keeps looking round to see if she will accidentally come across Christy, to her it seems every girl she sees looks like Christy, she wants to run and hug her but no, it turns out to be someone else.


(Sharon’s work place)

Sharon was beginning to feel like a doctor, all thanks to doctor fineface. He has been of great help to Sharon both mentally, and workwise. He has been there anytime Sharon needs help in attending to a patient or whenever she have a question to ask, her boss was still the same, not making things easier for her but she thinks she can manage because fineface was always there to help her out.

    "Are you done for the day? Fineface stopped by the office to remind Sharon about their outing this weekend.

“Yea… I remember, Can you just go?” Sharon said.

“No.. am here to take you home” fineface said not taking no for an answer.

“Ok, am almost done”

    "Don’t worry I will help you carry your bag."

    "Ok, thanks", she said and hand fineface her bag smiling as they walk to the car.

   "Thanks again", she said while taking the bag from him so he can go to his own car.

“Don’t thank me yet,  you own me.

“No.. am not owning you any thing, just go home I see you tomorrow,”

they talked a lot before leaving making Sharon to feel like she is falling in love for the first time.

Sharon went home smiling like someone in love but her mom has to spoil her mood.

    "Hey.. angel why are you so happy? Is it because of Paul?"

And Sharon has to drop her smile and put on an angry look.

"Why Paul?" She ask.

    "He just came back today, his mother called me to inform me about it” she said all smiling.

"So? What if he is back?"

  "Don’t be like that Sharon, am sure he will come visiting you this time."

"I don’t need him visiting me, when has he ever visit me? Mom please am just coming back from work, just let me be or I will leave this house for you”

"No..no..no.. my dear no need for you leaving, I prepared your favorite."

"Thanks but am not hungry."

"I said am sorry, eat something," she starts begging Sharon which have no choice but to eat her mother’s food so she can be happy.

"Happy now?" Sharon ask

"Yes my dear, am the happiest mother on earth to have a beautiful doctor like you and soon you will be getting married and giving me grandchildren."

"There you go again, mom please, I just finished eating the food you gave me which is the best food by the way, but please allow it to digest ok."

"Ok, you can go in while I clean this up."

"No mom, I will clean it up” Sharon got up to clean the table and help her mother put away things while still thinking about how fineface makes her feel like falling in love.

Her mom just looked at her without asking any further questions, knowing that who ever is making her smile that way may not be Paul.

"Son welcome back", Paul’s mom was all over him as if this is the first time she is seeing him.

“Mom what is it? I know you want to say something, just say it, if I can help then I can help.” Paul said knowing that his mom is up to no good, it might be Sharon again.

"Is about your marriage with Sharon."

"Ok, what about it, have you wed me before I even get to know about it?" Paul ask.

“Will you stop joking around?” she slap Paul’s shoulder before realizing how Paul has grown. He is no longer a baby indeed.

"We,.. I and Sharon’s mom have been putting things in place for you and Sharon’s wedding."

“Mom, I just came back from school and I did very well thanks for asking, so please allow me to rest a bit before you talk about marrying your Sharon.”

"For your information I have already seen your results and I love everything, that is why am officially handing the company over to you."

"Really? Thanks mom, is not as if is a surprise but thanks still."

"You are welcome…..

Before she could start her next statement Paul is out of the house.

He rushed to Christy’s house to tell her the good news since her phone wasn’t connecting.

“She is no longer here,” Bridget said.

“What do you mean she is no longer here, where is she?”

“I don’t know, mom said she ran away”

“Ran away to where?” Paul couldn’t believe what he was hearing, now that he has all the power to help her, she can’t possibly run away.

He wants to show her his results, and to tell her the good news about him taking over the company which means that Christy would no longer have to worry about a thing.

Paul wanted to break down and cry, but no he has to be a man and look for her.

“Where are you going?” Bridget ask.

“None of your business, going to look for Christy”

“I can help you, let me come along”

“No, I will find her myself” he enters his car and drove round the town but no sign of Christy.

He went home but couldn’t eat nor talk to anyone.

He try's Christy’s phone for the one hundred times but not reachable, he feels like crying “ where could she be? What is she doing now? I hope someone is not taking advantage of her?” All manner of thoughts keep running through his mind.

He thought of going to James and Patrick to help him look for Christy but then, they will just laugh at him and make a joke out of him.

“Son is been three days now and you still don’t want to eat, can you tell me what is going on?” His father ask him since he refused to say anything to his mother.

“Dad am fine” he said not wanting to tell his father anything because it will make no difference after all they have already made up their minds to marry him off to Sharon.

“You can’t tell me nothing is wrong, is it about your marriage with Sharon?”

“Dad can’t someone hear anything else in this house again apart from Sharon and marriage?” Paul ask and left angrily.

“But you can always talk to me, is not as bad as you think” Mr. Brown was in a dilemma between pleasing his wife or his son.   


[Author’s Note]

Dear beautiful readers, beginning from tomorrow I will be updated two chapters a day instead of one. Because I love you too much to necklet your complains, is going to be massive upload I hope you are ready?

And I also hope you guys show me some love by rating this book five star  and also recommend to others.

Thanks with much love from your best author.