
chapter 3

Lily sat on the couch reading some pregnancy magazine with her clothe only covering half of her thighs. She stuck a loose strand of her hair as she flip to the next page but when she heard the door opening she quickly drag her dress down when she saw it was Jake. She was confused what's he doing here. He scan her body making her conscious of her skimpy clothing she tried to use the couch pillow to cover her expose thighs Jake watch her every move. He stared at her chest she was not wearing any bra he thought as he stared at every inch of her which made lily shift uncomfortably on the chair which only add to his arousal

"W..what did you want" she ask looking down ,trying to hide the pregnancy magazine

"I want you" he said calmly which made lily eye widen

"Y...you want me ? What for? She asked looking innocently at him

Jake walk towards her and remove the pillow from her thighs and place his hand between it. She gasp when he began to move his hand up and down on her thighs

" I want you for this" he said giving her a lustful look

"I..this isn't right Jake" tiny weak voice said

"Why not am i not your husband? He said as her lean and put his hand inside her panties to cup her ass.

" But you wouldn't force me will you" she ask with fear on her eyes but he was already undressing her leaving her naked with only her panties on . lily tried using her hand to cover her body but Jake was already over her kissing and stroking every inch of her. But that didn't stop her from struggling hard to get away from his arm but in order to calm her down Jake spank her hard on her ass and squeeze it hard that she cried with pain but he did not stop but kept on ravishing her without taking off his clothe . she scream when he bit her nipple she try struggling but it only made her sex to hit his hard on which earn a grunt from him . he took her legs and wrap it around him as he trail kisses on her body.

They have been best friends for three years but he had never touch her like this , they have touched, hug but this is a different thing entirely . she moan as he trail kisses on her neck but gasps when she felt something poking her entrance but before she could figure out what it is . Jake stood up causing a cold breeze to blow her which made her shiver. They maintain an eye contact for a second before Jake's attention was caught by something on the floor. he bent slowly to pick it but lily knowing what it is looked at him worried.

" Lily I am asking again are you pregnant?

lily became quiet she was afraid he has already found out but she's married right and if the news stop talking about what happened which may take a year or two, he will surely divorce her.

she nod slowly and look away ,wrapping the bed sheet around her to cover her naked body.

"so you're pregnant huh? and you lied to me about it the other day" he said angrily folding his hand into fist.

Lily watch him for a long time before answering if it anything lily observed about Jake recently it's the anger. He get angry at the slightest mistake and she is afraid this marriage will turn out to be a toxic one like that of her parents. She stood up with the bed sheet , ignoring him as she head to the toilet, but Jake grab her arm and push her back

"you don't walk out when I am talking to you" he said tightening his hold on her arm

"You hate me Jake and maybe the baby. you don't want to listen to me" she said tearfully

" I hate you not my baby lily, am just mad it ended up in your womb" he said releasing his hand from her arm and stepping backwards a little

she looked at him and swallow as his hurtful words replayed on her head . He was right right from high school she was the one with the crush , she did everything so he could notice her as a girl but he just take her as a friend and sister , until she gave up because she was afraid of ruining their friendship. she blink back her tears , he was the same person who hate to see her hurt, to see her cry but now if it's anything he wants to do is to hurt her more. Well seeing the disgustful look on his eyes is enough to hurt her. she look away ,wiping her tears

"I.....I'd like that be alone" she said hoping he leave but it only bring the worst from him. he scoff and reply

"You can be alone for all I care but not with my child in your womb. you've done enough by soiling it with your womb" He said looking at her still flat stomach then her face.

"I need to shower and I won't be comfortable knowing you are in the room" she protest quietly rubbing her left hand on her abdomen

"Am not disturbing you Lily I have seen everything and am sure I am not the first man" He said bitterly

she looked at him with rage . How can he say this to her he was her first and he knew it . She turn and left for the bathroom , spending a lot of time than usual , when she came out he was not in the room so she quickly put on her cloth (the short and top) and head downstairs to the kitchen but she stop when she heard a familiar female voice ranting. It was his mother

"If you had listen to me you wouldn't have ended with her. I warn you son but you didn't listen and now it that regret I see in your face"

she said angrily but she became more angry when she saw Lily. she walk towards her and gave her a sounding slap before ranting

"You bitch you have succeeded in having your way into my son's life but let me see how long will you survive in this house. I will make your stay in this house a living hell" she said and storm out from the house. Lily hold her cheeks , it was hurting so badly . she looked at Jake he was just standing with his hands on his pockets staring at her. If it was before he will have defended her but now he seems to be enjoying her miserable state. She left the house to the garden it was her favorite spot in the house.

when she got there she sat down and put her head on her knees until she cried her heart out until she have no strength left in her then she slept off.

when she woke up she was in her room under the shelter of her blanket . she looked at the time it was 7:00pm . Wow she slept for many hours. she thought as she head down to make sandwich as she is very hungry. she was relieved when she didn't see Jake so she made a lot of sandwich and began to eat. after that she went to the refrigerator to get chocolate before settling down to eat it

" you gonna love chocolate like your Papa " she said as she rub her abdomen gently