
chapter 4

she smile at the thought but became sad again when she realized that the baby will grow in a family where it parent don't love each other.

"Am sorry baby I know I shouldn't have gotten pregnant for him because now that I did, you will be born into a home were your parents barely love each other" she said tearfully looking down at her stomach and rubbing it gently. she stood up and took the plates to the sink. After that she went upstairs and walk towards her room when Jake whose room was facing her own came out looking messy but hot in his pyjamas . Lily blush when she realized she was thinking of him as a man , she slowly turn the knob when she felt his heat on her back . she turn only to bump into his arm but she quickly step out of his arm only to step clumsily into her room with her back which made her fall hard on the floor .

she wince in pain as she was unable to stand up. she looked up at Jake, he was looking at her then he walk towards her and pick her up in a bridal style to the bed, he gently placed her on the bed

she moan in pain as she massage her butt .

"Does it still hurt?

she nod an she roll on her face to the bed. she felt a huge hand on her waist massage it then it slowly came to her butt. she let out a scream when his hand touch the place where it hurts. After few minutes of the massage it got better but Still hurt a little. she mouthed her thanks but he heard her . she turn to see him staring at her.

" you need clothes "

she shook her head slowly "I don't need any new clothes"

He scoff and look at her lips then her face

"you have no idea what you're calling for wearing all this skimpy things"

she blushed and look away but when Jake turn to go she hold his hand

"please Jake I know you hate me and maybe you can never looked love me but at least hear me out"

Jake jerk his hand away "I don't have that time" He said walking away

"please for the sake of the baby" she pleaded and Jake turn to her direction and sit down

"Thank you" she said

"Don't push your luck Lily it for the sake of the baby"

"well thank you for doing it for the baby"

"OK are we going to be doing this " Jake said frustrated which made Lily for the first time since the incident she chuckled.

"well before the party I heard floral saying she had set us up and nothing will stop her from achieving her aim. But I didn't tell you because I was afraid you will say am being jealous . then at the party Floral handed me a drink and after drinking I felt dizzy and drowsy so she took me to a room ,there I saw this man ,he tried to **** me but I escape and while I was escaping I saw you and believe me I don't know how the rest happened" she said and sigh, hoping things will change now but Jake seems to be silent

"Aren't you going to say something Jake? she asked

" There is nothing to say Lily " He said as he left and return with painkiller and water then he handed it to her. After drinking it she lie to her front on the bed because her butt still but hurt.

" Please Jake can you stay here for a little while please? she looked at him but for a while he didn't answer he stood as if he was a statue by then she was beginning to regret her words but before that he smirked and answer

"well I think you will need to cover yourself before I will do what we might both regret later" she nodded and try to cover herself with the blanket but it brought a sharp pain to her butt which made her moan in pain . Jake seeing her state help her and after that he sat at her side until she slept off then Jake slept off but woke up when he was not comfortable so layed properly beside her on the bed.