
chapter 2

Lily halt in the front of Jake who is making dinner for himself . she pause before opening her mouth to speak

" Believe me Jake i didn't try to sleep with you . you were my best friend and doing that will make things awkward like it is" she said calmly but tearfully

Jake looked at her then at her stomach

"Are you pregnant"

Lily looked at Jake she don't know if she should tell him the truth. He didn't marry her because he slept with her he married her to save her from the shame of the press since they already know she is a gold-digger.

Lily shook her head but Jake narrowed his eyes as if he knows she's lying .

"Well since you're not pregnant i think i have no responsibility. He shrugged and continue what he was doing. I don't want you coming near me lily, you are a shame to me and don't talk to me, maintain your space and about this marriage after i am sure the press is no more talking about what happened i am going to end this trash of a marriage and maybe you can go back to the orphanage where you belong whore".

Lily looked at the man who had been her best friend for three years now . she still couldn't believe things had gone sour between them. He was always there for her in both good and bad times he gave her a shoulder to cry on when she needed one, for her he brought this house so she will come visiting when she want without disturbance from his parent . she turn slowly to the direction of her new room. When she entered inside she slumped on the bed and cried herself out before she finally fall asleep

Lily was woke by a grumbling stomach she quickly when down and fix herself a sandwich which she sat down and eat. Afterwards she took the plate to the sink and wash it before going to back to the room. But she couldn't sleep so she took her phone and begin look at old pictures in it until her eyes got glued to a particular one; Jake wrapping his hand around her shoulder and close his eyes as he kiss her cheek with her laughing.

She stared at the picture, she took it during their time in high school . she sigh when she remembered how she met him . it was during one rainy night after prom night she was in a hurry to go home in other not to get miss grande worried but she couldn't find a cab as it was raining heavily so he stop his car and told her to get in he gave her his leather jacket and since then they have been best friends until this happened.

Lily turn to the other side and put her right hand on her belly and tenderly caress it until she doze off.

In the morning she went to the kitchen to make coffee only have the coffee making her feel nauseous she vomited in the sink and then wash it off before cleaning her mouth . she was feeling a little feverish so she went back to her room and rest until the morning sickness die down. After the relaxation she took her bathe only to remember she have no cloth except a top, short and a skimpy night gown she brought with her. She have no choice than to wear the nightgown even if it is morning she rush down to the kitchen to have breakfast but when she saw Jake on the dinning she slowly went to the kitchen to make herself breakfast after that she took the food to the sitting room but when she began to eat she lost her appetite as she begin to crave for chocolate she left her food and go to the refrigerator to get a bar of chocolate as it is Jake's favourite so he bought a lot of them

She sat down and begin to eat it relishing every bite. She don't like chocolate that much but now she crave for more of it. After eating she took her half eaten food to the kitchen and put it in the refrigerator she turn only to bump into Jake who wanted to open the refrigerator he narrowed his eyes as she tries to escape but his hand was on the refrigerator's handle sandwiching her between him and the fridge she look at his tattooed hand which is preventing her from escaping and then looking at him but he seems to be looking at something on her neck

"Excuse me" she said slowly and quietly but it looks like Jake didn't hear her because he continue to stare at her neck lily made another attempt to escape but it only bring Jake to reality he slowly drop his hand lily use the opportunity to escape on the process her dress which barely cover her thighs flew open revealing her ass ,she blushed and ran upstairs with Jake watching her clumsy movement.

After she left he slam the refrigerator door. He still couldn't believe she stoop so low to get his attention and in the process she tarnished his image. Floral was right she's nothing but a gold-digger but he was so much blinded in her innocence to believe what his ex told him. He trusted her and she betrayed him. But he's going to make sure she regret knowing him and his going to start with the desire she stirred by wearing that skimpy cloth.