
In Love With A Human Clone

Luis Sanchez, a private detective with a mysterious past, once brought down the notorious "Inferno" mafia gang. But beneath his reputation, he guards an extraordinary secret. In his own home, he hides the daughter of the imprisoned mafia kingpin, concealed by a new identity as his cousin. She is a human, yet not quite; a creation born of science and ethereal mystery, a clone with mysteries even she can't unravel, but Luis understands. Their history goes back to Luis infiltrating the Inferno mafia, where he seduced and manipulated her, extracting information about her mafia boss father with no remorse, only to cast her aside once his mission was accomplished. Now, fate brings them together, living under one roof and getting to know the real her, Luis found himself falling helplessly in love. The tables had turned, and he longed for redemption, a love he could no longer attain. In a complex tale of love, secrets, and deception, their shared past haunts them. The mafia boss's daughter holds a revelation that could shake their world. Can love heal the wounds Luis once inflicted, or will it be their ultimate downfall in this intricate dance of destiny? -------- "You didn't actually think I was trying to get back together with you though, right? " Luis purred, his manipulation once more evident. Catherine's obsidian gaze remained locked on him with disbelief, her eyes saying things her lips were too afraid to say. Annoyance, indignation, disappointment and confusion, everything was there. A sly grin curved upon Luis's lips as he lounged back, seemingly nonchalant. His eyes, though, betrayed his inner turmoil. As they subconsciously tried to avoid looking into Catherine's, those azure eyes flickered toward the tranquil pond, where koi fish created mesmerizing ripples. "Don't you at least feel sorry for the things you did to me, Luis? " But this straightforward question of Catherine earned her his attention back. Luis had no choice but to meet her obsidian eyes again and he just stared down into them. For awhile, no words came out of his lips. Luis's stoic expression made it hard to tell what he exactly was even thinking. His azure eyes were too much for Catherine to handle. And the longer she looked into them, the more she could feel her own heart beating faster, almost making her forget what a serious question she just asked him now. She turned her head away to calm down her poor heart. "I do. " Two words finally broke the silence between them, catching Catherine by surprise. This was the answer she had expected the least to hear from this man, a master of manipulation. The next second, their eyes locked again. But just as Catherine thought she might catch a glimpse of sincerity in those eyes, Luis leaned in all closer, which freaked her out. Without a word, he gently pressed her against the bench, stirring her anxiety. Catherine's breathing now became faster as she realized how Luis's lips were so close to brushing against hers. She tried to look down, hoping this would just convince Luis to stop whatever he was trying to do to her. But Luis was unyielding. His fingers, both gentle and commanding, tilted her chin upwards, their gazes locking in a dangerous magnetic struggle. "There's not a day I haven't felt bad for manipulating you or using you. " Luis whispered, his breath warm against her ear. And as he shifted his attention from her lips to her profile, the man continued his confession. But Catherine couldn't bother to believe him anymore. She just knew this was one of his manipulations again. "But when you're this useful to me, and the benefits of exploiting you are too tempting..." ------- Please vote and comment if you like my novel ! They are my motivation to keep the updates coming regularly. Your feedback fuels my creativity, and I deeply appreciate it. -------- (Cover art does not belong to me. All credits to the amazing creator!)

KK_Khine · Urban
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9 Chs

Veiled Intentions

The night had descended, and a tender moonlight filtered into Catherine's room. Through the open balcony door, it cast a soft, silvery embrace over everything it touched. Catherine, typically a night owl, had inexplicably fallen into a deep slumber early tonight.

Within the walls of her ex-boyfriend's home, Catherine's only defense against vulnerability was a locked bedroom door. Even so, this was Luis's territory, and he held the keys to unlock any door in this house. But what Catherine couldn't foresaw was that Luis would intentionally disregard her careful precautions.

A subtle creak announced the intrusion of her bedroom's tranquility as the door cracked open. Within moments, a shadowy figure slipped into the room. Darkness clung to every corner, but this bold intruder navigated with a fluid grace, their fingers seeking out the familiar light switch.

With the room now softly lit, Luis's icy blue eyes fixated on Catherine's slumbering form. His countenance betrayed no emotion as he approached her bedside, his steps deliberate and silent. There, he observed her, his gaze tracing the gentle rhythm of her breathing.

Unbeknownst to Catherine, her evening meal had been surreptitiously spiked with sleeping pills, a calculated move by this enigmatic man. Her hunger had led her to savor each bite of the meal. Had Catherine ever found out his true motives sooner, she would have been less grateful for that delicious meal.

As Luis observed her, his fingers couldn't resist a subconscious urge to reach out and brush away a few stray strands of hair that tickled Catherine's soft cheeks.

In the light of day, she would never allow such familiarity, but in her vulnerable slumber, she lay defenseless against his unspoken curiosity. Luis's calloused fingers found her cheeks remarkably soft, and a subtle smile cracked his otherwise stoic demeanor as her cheeks yielded to his gentle touch.

Just then, the door creaked open slightly, allowing two shadowy figures to peer inside. A man and a woman, close to Luis's age, appeared in the doorway. Antonio, in hushed tones, broke the silence.

"Detective, can we enter now? Has your dose of sleeping pills done its work?"

Luis finally snapped out of his trance. And realizing the importance of their mission, he reluctantly withdrew his fingers from Catherine's cheeks, which now bore a rosy hue from his lingering touch.

"Yes," he whispered, "You guys can proceed," his tone indicating a shift in priority.

Antonio and the red-haired woman finally came in, bringing along with them what it seemed like a medical box. The unspoken gravity of their actions hung in the air like a heavy veil.

"Let's keep this quiet and swift. I have a feeling we're treading on thin ice here," Gabriela Moreno, the red-haired woman, murmured anxiously.

Antonio, attempting to lighten the mood, responded with a joke.

"Relax, Gabriela. If we get caught, we'll be cellmates. Wouldn't that be an adventure?"

Gabriela, whose anxiety not alleviated by Antonio's jest, responded, "Oh, shut up Antonio. Your jokes only make me more nervous."

In the dim room, Luis stood watchful but unobtrusive, letting them carry out their covert operation.

Antonio, with the precision of a trained professional, readied his equipment for drawing venous blood. Gloves, syringe, needle, alcohol swabs, adhesive bandages, and a tourniquet were meticulously laid out. His target: the median cubital vein.

Meanwhile, Luis, seeking a more inconspicuous role, turned his attention to the simplest of tasks that required no medical expertise: collecting a sample of Catherine's hair. He gently plucked a few of her hair strands, securing them in a sealable plastic bag.

As he worked, his fingers brushed tenderly across Catherine's forehead. Luis watched her sleep, his gaze captivated by the gentle rise and fall of her breath. In this moment, Catherine appeared incredibly innocent and vulnerable to him. She had once been manipulated by him already but here she was again, sleeping peacefully in his house, unaware of the two doctor and scientist who had come to perform a biopsy on her for unknown reasons.

"Why do you have to be so naive, sweetie?" Luis whispered softly, though Catherine couldn't hear. "And of all people, you have to meet a manipulative man like me."

Though Luis maintained his stoic and composed demeanor, guilt continued to gnaw at him. His thoughts were consumed not only by the ethical dilemma of their actions but also by the looming possibility of Catherine discovering the alterations made to her body while she slept.

With Antonio and Luis having completed their respective tasks, it was now Gabriela's turn to play her part.

"Alright, you two, clear the room," Gabriella announced with a sly grin, her voice carrying a tone of amusement. "I'm about to perform a punch skin biopsy on her thigh, and I don't want your perverted eyes ogling."

Antonio, feigning offense, exaggeratedly pouted, his dignity seemingly wounded.

"Hey now, I'm a doctor too. Do you really think I'd treat my female patients with such disrespect?"

With a playful smirk, Gabriela retorted,

"Oh, absolutely not. I'm just kidding, just like how you find it hilarious to joke about us ending up in jail, losing our medical licenses and all."

After their brief squabble, Antonio eventually exited the room, leaving Gabriela to carry out her task.

Gabriela, however, noticed that Detective Luis had chosen to remain in the room. She hesitated to address him, feeling somewhat intimidated. Eventually, she mustered the courage to ask, "Detective, aren't you leaving?"

Luis responded with an air of indifference, his gaze still fixed on Catherine's peaceful form. "There isn't a part of her body I haven't seen. Just do what you need to do."

Gabriela, confused by his response, nodded hesitantly. She couldn't help but recall the rumors she had heard about Detective Luis having once dated the young daughter of a gangster. Considering his nonchalant admission of familiarity with every part of this young woman's body, she couldn't help but wonder if those rumors held some truth.

Internally, Gabriela's mind started to churn with a mixture of shock and judgment. She couldn't help but reflect on the situation before her.

"Wow... isn't she like only 20 now?" she mused to herself, her thoughts painting a vivid picture of Detective Luis's actions.

"Detective Luis had dated a girl who's younger than him by exactly a decade? Oh my... the renowned Detective Luis is not so innocent after all."

A pang of sympathy for the young Catherine welled up within Gabriela as she realized that beneath the surface of this mission lay a myriad of secrets and intricacies, and the detective himself was far from what his reputation portrayed.

Hey everyone, I want to talk about some tricky stuff in the story, like spiking someone's food and doing a biopsy without their OK. These parts are there to make things intense and dive into moral questions.

But remember, in real life, respecting consent and treating others well is crucial. What's happening in the story isn't a nod to bad behavior in reality.

As the story goes on, we'll see how these actions affect everyone and why they did it. It's a chance to explore what's right and wrong.

KK_Khinecreators' thoughts