
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

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Chapter Forty Nine

The car was not moving anymore and their car was surrounded by people holding assault rifles and wearing masks.

Amelia began wondering how they figured out that they were here, and what they wanted from them or what they wanted to do with them.

She understood that Prince Chad was a very important person in society and his being out in the dark like this without his security team could attract an attack like this.

She turned to Chad to see whether he was worried about their current situation but she was shocked to the bones when she saw him drinking champagne from a wine glass with a nonchalant expression worn on his face.

'Isn't he seeing what was happening right now?' Amelia thought to herself. The torches were bright, and the car window was tinted but she could see that they were surrounded by a reasonable amount of masked men, this was not something to be carefree about, but Chad was as calm as ever.

She stared at him for some minutes as he drank and hummed to the tune of the jazz music playing from the car speakers, she did not know why, but she felt quite safe around him.

"Amelia," he said and she sighed out of relief, she had been eagerly waiting for him to say something all this while. "Are you scared?"

She turned around and then turned back at him. "Yes, I am."

She was scared, she did not know what type of firepower the mask men surrounding them had, and she was also scared of something happening to her.

"What's happening?" He asked nonchalantly and took a sip from his wine glass. She felt very annoyed by his nonchalant behaviour but she let it slide, she saw that this was not the right time to start any with him.

"We are being surrounded by armed masked men..."

"Tsk. Who do they think they are to disrupt my ride?" Chad dropped the wine glass and raked his hair with his fingers. "Do they really think that me moving without my bodyguards by this time of the day makes me defenceless? How far have people fallen into darkness? I could take all of them alone but..."

He turned to Amelia and grinned.

"This is what you'll be passing through Amelia, once you have started reaching a point in life, nowhere will be safe for you because you will have a lot of enemies, and they might be lurking around. You'll live in fear, fear of different things, fear of getting intercepted on the road, fear of losing your life, fear of getting attacked in your own house, fear of getting robbed, fear of losing someone," he facepalmed himself and raised his hand on the air. "This is just the beginning, there shall be more sacrifices to be made, you will have to sacrifice your freedom and so many other things, your sanity and well-being, just to reach the point you are aiming to reach, for you shall be gripped in fear so many times, your feet will wobble, your face will pale and your body will grow numb, but...when I'm here there is no fear."

He came closer to her and then took her hands into his and rubbed them gently.

"You don't need to be afraid when I'm here, nothing is going to happen to you, if you really know what I am you won't be scared, for there are more with us than against us," he paused, "you're with Prince Chad do not think we would get attacked easily...look, Amelia."

He pointed at the car window and Amelia turned her slowly to the car window, there was nothing, but then she saw bright lights coming from all directions...it was Chad's security!

Amelia could swear with everything she had that not one of Chad's security was following them when they left the palace, but now the whole place was filled with them, they surrounded the armed masked men.

"Russell," Chad called and the driver turned with a wide grin on his face.

"Yes, Mr Chad," the driver said with excitement.

"Do away with them--make sure their deaths as non-negotiable," Chad told him with an impish grin on his face and Russell nodded and picked up a phone from the car's dashboard. "But first may you drive us to our destination before you give the command to begin fire? For this night is going to be a bloody one and I don't want Amelia and I to see something so disturbing, we have had enough."

"Yes, Mr Chad." Russell drove the car away from there, and with the help of Chad's men, they were able to leave the place. Amelia was still surprised about everything that happened, she now understood that even when Chad looked like he was all alone he was not really alone but his bodyguards were always following him.

The car stopped in the parking lot of Palmer's Hotel, a six-star rated hotel which was a thirty-storey building located on the outskirts of Duban. The hotel was very big, with up to five hundred rooms, four dining halls, a gym, six swimming pools, a restaurant, a supermarket and two large ballrooms. Only the wealthy could afford this place as everything here was very expensive.

Chad kept his profile low, he wore a hat to prevent people from seeing his face, he did not want anyone here to know that he was staying here tonight.

Chad and Amelia went to the reception office to pay for a room, they blended so well with the people that no one would ever suspect that it was Prince Chad.

The receptionist who was a young lady in her mid-30s welcomed them. She had this broad smile on her face and no doubt she was beautiful, the black suit she wore adorned her.

"We'll like to book two rooms," Chad said forming a French accent so that the receptionist would not recognize his voice and know who he was really.

Amelia admired Chad's accent, even though he was just started learning how to speak French, his French accent was smooth.

She smiled at them before checking the computer on her desk and keyed in some things into it by punching its keyboard. She frowned slightly and turned to them.

"Sorry, sir but there is only a room available," she told them and Chad sighed. He was sure that Amelia would not let him stay in the same room with her and there was only a room. It would not be too safe to go to another hotel by this time of the day, Prince Chad had no choice but to pay for the room, he planned to stay somewhere else if Amelia was not comfortable with him being in the same room with her.

It was a weekend many wealthy people came here to spend their weekend and get their minds off work, hereby making the rooms available very limited.

After signing some papers the receptionist gave them their room key and also told them a few rules, guidelines and safety precautions in case there was a fire outbreak, external or internal attack, natural disasters and other disasters.

A smart-looking boy in a tuxedo appeared and he politely bowed.

"He'll show you where your room is," the receptionist said and Chad nodded.

They followed the young boy to their lodge, Amelia looked around in amazement this was the very time she was going to lodge in a wealthy hotel--the shiny marbled floor, the golden chandeliers, the exotic paintings on the wall, the long windows with window's blind and the indoor fountain located in the entrance hall, everything here smelled of riches.

They arrived at their room and the young boy gave them a card, the card was also used to open the room door, the room door could both be opened with a card and the room key.

The young boy bowed and left Chad and Amelia alone.

Chad slid the card on the card open and the door beeped open.

They entered the room and Amelia's jaws nearly dropped to the floor, even though the room was way smaller than the one she stayed in the castle but it was breathtaking and it had an extraordinary design. It had crescent-shaped windows, the floor was glass and it was shiny. The room had golden lamp holders and a bizarre pattern painted on the wall. The room was so clean and it was glittering, no spec of dust could be seen in the room.

"Here is beautiful, Chad," said a surprised Amelia. Chad chuckled and bumped her shoulder slightly with his pulling her out of her trance.

"It costs almost two thousand dollars per night here," Chad said and Amelia's jaw dropped on the floor.

"Almost two thousand dollars?!" She exclaimed and she thought that her ears were no longer functioning properly again because that was too expensive for her.

"See for yourself," Chad gave her the payment receipt for the room and Amelia's eyes scanned through it. Chad paid exactly one thousand nine hundred dollars, which was more than Amelia's salary for a month, yet he could afford something like this with ease.

"This room is way too cheap and least here," he walked around the room with his hands tucked into his pockets, "this is way below my standards, it's so unfortunate that they don't have any other room apart from this, this is the very reason I prefer a seven-star hotel than any other hotel. What a pain."

Amelia watched him in bewilderment she was complaining that the room was too expensive while Chad was complaining that it was too cheap and it was below his standards.

"Isn't it too expensive Chad and the room how is it below your standards this room is very luxurious and beautiful," she stammered as she tried to explain to him that here was not as cheap as he thinks it was.

"How much do you think the building is, Amelia?" He asked her stepping closer to her and she shut her eyes. "Just think of any amount, Amelia..."

Her eyes were still shut and she began thinking about the price of the whole hotel, the hotel was big, extravagant and luxurious, it would cost hundreds of millions of dollars to purchase it.

"Now stop thinking." She opened her eyes and she saw that a grin had started creeping to his lips slowly. "Any amount you thought of, I can buy it thrice that amount."

Amelia now understood why he told her to think, he wanted her to imagine how rich he was, but yet she could not comprehend how rich he was, he wanted her to know that there was nothing too expensive for him.

Chad walked to the middle of the room and spread his hands in the air.

"I am a damn billionaire, Amelia, I can buy anything you can think of," Chad bragged and he raked his hair with his fingers.

Amelia's eyes widened, she had been so close to him that she thought he was someone of her class forgetting that he was a billionaire. Even though Chad does not act rich all the time, that does not change the fact that he was very wealthy, his family was one of the richest in the world and he was the heir to most of their wealth.

"I'm sorry," Amelia apologised, she felt so stupid thinking that something like this was so expensive for Chad. She was about to take a step but Chad stopped her.

"Hold on, Amelia, let me inspect the room." Chad told her and she halted. She watched him as he went from one corner of the room to another. "Now, Amelia, Listen carefully to what I tell you. Anytime you lodge in a hotel, make sure you check for hidden cameras and microphones. Make sure the bed is not close to the windows because of long ranged weapons. Make sure you inspect the room for bombs and other weapons..." He kept on inspecting the room and in less than five minutes he was done.

"I'm done, I think here is safe for the both of us to stay in for the night," he said chuckling and scratching his head. "If my bodyguards were here they should have done it much better than me, but they are not here, we have to keep a low profile."

Amelia could not understand why Chad was being like this towards her, in a minute he is proud and dense while in another he is nice and friendly, but even though there was something weird and mysterious attached to him, she still found a liking in him.

She walked slowly to the bed and sat on it. She looked around and heaved a sigh, today have been a long terrible day for her and she wanted to have a good sleep.

"We're leaving for Paris tomorrow morning," Chad told her and sat on the bed with her. "And we have to go to the court to make our partnership very legal..." he chuckled and grinned. "There will be a lot of paper to sign but trust me after we have made this partnership legal, your brand will experience a kind of growth it had never experienced before."

She could not understand why he was being this nice to her, she was nobody, they just met some months ago and yet he acted like he knew her since, he even risked his life to save hers. Her eyes widened, he was bleeding when he caught the knife his sister threw, was he still bleeding?

She checked his palm and he was not bleeding anymore, but the cut was very visible. She went to the bathroom and brought out the first aid box that was in a cupboard. She did not know how she knew that there was a first box there it was a wild guess, and she was glad that there was one there.

She took his hands into hers and shyly dressed the cut and plastered it. She avoided eye contact with him but she could feel his eyes scanning her, she was nervous but she treated his wound with care.

When she was done she slowly placed her hands on his chest, through his clothes she could feel how well-defined he was, he grabbed her hands and she looked at him but quickly look away, his blue eyes were so intimidating for her to bare.

"Thank you for everything," she muttered and Chad smiled. He stood up from the bed and stretched himself.

"I guess I'll be going now," he said.

"To where?" She asked.

"There is only a room and a bed and I am sure you don't want to pass the night with me around you so I will find another place to pass the night."

"I want you to stay," Amelia said with her voice barely above a whisper. She did not know why, but she had started feeling protected and cared for whenever Chad was around. It did not feel strange but nice to her.

'Are you serious?" Chad asked surprised and she nodded. "Are you kidding me?"

"No, I want you to stay with me," she giggled and moved on the bed, "it won't be fair for me to let you sleep somewhere else after paying for this room, it would do me no harm if I shared the bed with you."

"Really?" Chad said stepping forward. "I didn't imagine you'd say something like this, I thought you will chase me out."

"Surprisingly, I don't want you far away from me," she hid her face as she told him and an impish grin crept to Chad's lips.

He was about to lie on the bed but then he stopped and turned, "I can't stay here with you, Amelia."

"Why?" Amelia asked in confusion.

Chad half turned, "don't ask me why," he told her and her confusion grew, she was about to say something but he interrupted her, "it is an order."

He left the room and Amelia was very confused about what just happened, it was like she was speaking with him at first and then a different person with a different aura came in. He was nice this minute and the next he was something totally different, he was mysterious to her, and she could not understand what he was.