
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

ourslibrary06 · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter Fifty


Calvin woke up and straightened himself on the bed.

'How did I get here?' He asked himself with sleepy eyes, he could not remember how he got to his room.

He rubbed his eyes with his hands driving away the sleep in them. He turned and saw Lisa lying half-naked beside him. His eyes popped out, he looked at himself and saw that he was only in boxers.

Calvin jumped off the bed and put on his clothes that were scattered on the floor, he could not remember how this happened and why Lisa was on his bed lying next to him.


"What happened?" He asked horrified by the whole situation. Lisa rolled on the bed and let out a yawn, she rubbed her eyes and opened them slowly. She saw Calvin standing in front of the bed in shock and an evil grin crept into her mouth.

"Good morning, babe," she greeted him mischievously and Calvin's eyebrows furrowed. "How was night? It was pleasant right?"

"What happened? Don't make me ask again!" Calvin's voice thundered throughout the room and Lisa chuckled.

"We just had a little fun, Calvin just like before, damn you're so good. How can't you remember? Don't you remember how you kissed me to this room and how you muttered 'I want more' to me?" Her grin became wider and Calvin fell on his knees. "Last night was one of the best nights I've ever had."

"How is this possible? How is this possible?" Calvin whispered to himself, with his eyes fixed on the marble floor. "Why can't I control it? Why am I this weak?" He could not remember how it all happened, he was drunk in lust and his desires last night, and all that was in his mind was to lie down with her, and he succumbed to those feelings, his body was moving on its own it was reacting to the touches of his ex-lover and before he knew it he has given in it was almost impossible for him to turn back now.

Lisa stood up from the bed still in her underwear she circled him and drew circles on his shoulders.

"You're still the same as before Calvin, you can't resist sex no matter what, and I know how to make you enticed by your desires, I am the only one that satisfies you and put you in a mood that you can't just understand, a feeling that'll make your toes curl and make you high in lust and pleasure..."

"Stop it, Lisa! Just stop!" Calvin shouted covering his ears, "I have a girlfriend, I don't want to hear any of this again!"

Lisa started laughing and she laughed so hard that she had to hold the bed frame to prevent her from falling.

"Where is the fearless and proud Calvin? Where is the handsome playboy? Why all of a sudden you are behaving as if you are innocent? You did worse to me than what you are doing to Laura, you bullied me in front of everyone and went scot-free for it because you are a rich prince."

"I was still a teenager, Lisa, I was foolish and unreasonable and I heard what you did with Matthew, how you made out with him in a frat party and how your nudes circulate the school..."

"I was still a teenager, Calvin, I was foolish and unreasonable..." she mimicked him sarcastically, "that was why I did those things, Calvin." She grinned and then use her hands to cup his face. "I know you did a lot of terrible things to me, you made me go through a lot but I forgive you Calvin and I want you back, I want us to go back to what we were, Calvin, we were happy and we loved each other so much," she paused and tears started rolling down her eyes, "I was broken Calvin, I never expected you to shun me for a whole term and do something terrible like bullying me in front of everyone, even though I hated you after that, I still thought of you I couldn't get you off my mind, I realised that I couldn't do without you, Calvin."

Calvin remained silent, he did not utter a word, he only stared at the floor as thousand of memories ran through his mind, this was one of the toughest times in his life--tougher than when he just entered puberty--his wrong choices were now haunting him, but he could not let things continue like this, he was Calvin, he was a prince, he was rich, he was heartless, why would he allow something like this trouble him?

Calvin started laughing, he slapped away Lisa's hands away and stood up.

He began laughing and he used his fingers to rake his hair, Lisa became confused at the way he suddenly changed.

"Accept you back? When will you stop being gullible Lisa? I'll only accept you as my sex toy and nothing more than that," he came closer to her and whispered in her ears. "Because you are worth nothing more than that, Lisa all these years I have been using you and you are so foolish, naive and stupid to even notice that, you are so foolish that you are being blinded to see how you've only been my toy and nothing more, and when a toy gets too old it gets thrown away, that's the case with you Lisa, I used and dumped you," he spread his hands in the air and stared at the ceiling with a devilish grin In his face. "Don't think I did terrible things to you Lisa, I have done something worst than that, you were worthless and I made you worth something, you were nobody and I made you somebody, be happy Lisa and cry out joyously that you have been gloriously used by His Royal Highness Prince Calvin."

Two of Calvin's bodyguards came into the room and grabbed Lisa's arms.

"Show some respect and Kneel before His Highness, you peasant." They said and pushed her and she fell on the floor, because of the impact of the fall she sprained her ankle.

Calvin came to where she was and squatted. She was faced down, her hair was messy, and her sprained ankle began turning red.

"I don't want to see you again Lisa, the way you ran away the last time I want you to do the same," she raised her head slowly and her eyes met with his cold eyes, he gave her a deathly glare and her lips quivered. "She is better than you and I love her more than I ever loved you...I didn't even love you, I despised you, you slut!"

Lisa did not know why Calvin's last words pained her more than everything he had done and said to her, she was in a moment of shock and melancholy, she was never loved, she was never cared for, everything was a lie, everything was fake, she was only used.

She looked at Calvin and she cowered at his sight, his dark eyes pierced through her and his presence was very intimidating and scary.

'He never loved me? He never cared for me?' Lisa thought to herself as she remembered the time they spent when they were still together. 'No, he loved me and he still loves me, he was stolen from me...Laura!"

Tears rolled out from her eyes and she began laughing and screaming at the same time.

Calvin frowned his face in disgust and he ordered his bodyguards to throw Lisa out.

"What are you two waiting for?  Get this mad woman out of my house." Calvin ordered and his guards seized Lisa, picked up her clothes and dragged her roughly out of his room.

When Lisa was out of the room, Calvin pinched his and heaved a sigh.

He picked up a phone and called his manager, he terminated all the contracts he had with Lisa's group, he was glad that he made the contract a flexible one, he was making sure that he did not want to have anything to do with her again if it was possible for him he would have banned her from KU but it was beyond his power, she was a citizen and he could not do something that huge for trivial situations like this.

He took out a bottle of champagne from the cupboard in his room and then brought out a wine glass and poured some of it into the glass. He turned on his room speakers and played some music on them.

He sat on the bed and took a sip from his wine glass, he pretended as if nothing happened, and his face was as stony as ever devoid of any emotions, slowly he was coming to understand all that his brother Chad had told him.

His phone rang and he picked it up.

"Hello," he said into the phone.

"Uhm, Calvin is me, Laura," she said with a timid voice which made Calvin smile.

"How are you, babe? I hope there is no problem, babe."

She paused and with an uncertain voice she said, "Everything is fine, I want to see you, Calvin."

Calvin took a deep breath, he knew something was wrong. He asked again, "I hope everything is alright?"

"Yes," she cleared her throat and said dryly, "I just want to see you, Calvin."

"Okay fine," Calvin gave up finding what the problem was since she does not want to tell him. "Where shall we meet?"


"Don't worry I'll come over to your place," Calvin pinched the bridge of his nose, "I'll be there in a few minutes from now."

"Okay," she mumbled, "bye."

"Yeah, bye."  Calvin dropped the phone and he noticed how weird Laura was behaving, he knew something was wrong.

He sighed and said to himself, "I don't even know her well, I'm so terrible." He took a sip from the glass cup. "I want to know her, I want to be good to her, just for this time--no," he paused, "not for this time but for all time."

Every morning, Calvin went to the gym, which helped him clear his mind from disturbing thoughts and it also help him keep a good shape.

He went to his gym, his penthouse was so big that it had two gyms, one was his gym and the other was for visitors.

His gym was fairly big and it had almost all the needed equipment for exercise and bodybuilding. Calvin changed into sweatpants and a singlet, he looked at himself in the mirror and admired how muscular he was. He flexed his arms and did some warm-ups before beginning his workout and weight lifting.

When he was done with his workouts his shirt was soaked with sweat, his muscles had almost doubled its size. He went back to his room took a shower and dressed up to meet Laura. He wore a pair of brown trousers and a white Italian shirt, as always he looked captivating and handsome, his shirt was tight and it revealed his muscular structure.

He got into his blue Lamborghini and drove to Laura's place. Laura's place was an hour's drive from his, and throughout his drive to Laura's house, he thought about why she wanted to meet him, something was telling him that there was a problem.

He drove into her compound and he sighted her sitting on the porch.

He came out of his car and used his hand to shade his eyes from the glare of the sun so that he could see her well--the day was a very sunny one. 

He walked over to the porch and sat beside her, the sweet smell of his cologne filled the air. She shuddered when he held her hand.

"Laura," Calvin muttered, he stared at her but she avoided his stare, she could still vividly remember everything he had said to her the other day, and she had not forgotten how badly he usually treats her... She gulped. "What's wrong?"

She shut her eyes for a brief moment and open them again, 'what's wrong?' His question rang in her head, a lot of things were wrong, she was lonely and he was not always there.

She remained silent and Calvin could not decipher what she was thinking, he hated himself for not getting to know her all this while, he had no clue why he was like this to her, she was beautiful and he had little feelings for her.

"I'm...I'm," she stammered, she was not sure of what she wanted to say, she was scared of him, he was terrifying, she did not know how he was going to reply but she wanted to tell him her mind.

"Talk to me Laura," he squeezed her hand gently, "I am not a scary monster."

Laura shut her eyes and thought of where she would begin, she had a lot to tell him, she could not bare it anymore, she already had a large hole in her and he was not filling it up he was making it larger.

She turned to him and looked him in the eyes, "Do you love me, Calvin?"

Calvin stared at her blankly, he wanted to tell her that he loved her straight up but he knew that if he did she would ask him why he was like this to her, and if he said he does not she would ask him why he was still holding on to her--he was the problem.

Calvin took in a deep breath and said, "What a hard question you're asking here Laura one that is almost impossible for me to answer," he sighed, "But I guess I don't love you if I did I should have treated you better."

Laura blinked and she turned her head away from him, she was expecting him to say that he loved her, but she knew that Calvin did not love her, she did not know why it pained her a lot.

"Truth be told, Laura, when I look at you when I am with you, I feel the same as when I am with other women, nothing comes into my mind but to bend you over and hit you from the back, that's what makes me feel happy and alive not this love of a thing," he pinched his nose and grabbed the collar of his shirt, "I see Laura, I am the problem."

Calvin chuckled and stood up, Laura remained silent she did not utter a word, right from the time she knew that Calvin was like this.

"I can't just control it, Laura," Calvin said with a lowered voice, "I am a slave to it, every time I try my best to subdue it but this sin has control over my flesh, and what can I do since I am powerless over it?"

"I can--can help--you," Laura said, she still had a gleam of hope in him.

Calvin laughed and facepalmed himself, "That was what Lisa said, that was what Victoria said, that was what Jenny said, that was what Rose said, what makes you think you can help me?" He shouted and gritted his teeth. "I am beyond helping, Laura and I don't deserve you."

"Don't say that, Calvin, I..."

"You wanted to break up with me right?" Calvin asked her coldly and she was taken aback.

'How did he know?' She said in her mind, that was the reason why she called him here, to tell him that she could not continue with him again, but surprisingly she did not want that again, she felt like she did not know and understand him well that if she did it would make things better.

"If you want to break up with me, Laura you're free to, I do not wish to be a burden on you again Laura," he turned to her and held her chin. "I want you to be free, I want you to be with someone better, I want you to have a better life, I can't keep you like this Laura."

"But, I...I don't..." Laura stammered and tears began rolling down from her eyes.

"You do Laura, you want me far away from you, it is written all over your face." He took in a deep breath and asked her, "Laura do you want to end everything with me?"

Laura was confused, this was the very reason why she wanted to see him but now she does not want it this way, she still wanted to be with him, she wanted to know him better and understand him more, she felt like he was a jigsaw puzzle she needed to solve, and if she solved him all the problems are solved.

She nodded, yes unconsciously.

Calvin smiled and kissed her on her forehead.

"Goodbye, Luara, be strong and live a happy life," were Calvin's last words before he left. Laura froze, she never knew this type of Calvin, there was more of him than she knew, and she wanted to know all of him, but how would she do that now that they have broken up?