
In His World

Prince Chad who was both a royal and a celebrity, had an unusual character attached to him and a lot of mysteries surrounding him and his family. Though he was very handsome and rich, some women he had a relationship with in the past feared him because of some scary unknown experience they had while they were with him, they were not able to survive in his so-called world, and some things they saw or experienced while with him left some of them traumatized for life, his world was so vicious for them. Everything changed when Prince Chad met a woman named Amelia who was brave enough to stand against him, at first she seemed like a normal person, but as time went by Prince Chad found out something interesting about her and decided to keep her, she was the only one that could survive in his world, but would she survive in it for long? And what were the mysteries surrounding Prince Chad? No part of this book should be rewritten, distributed or edited without the knowledge of the author.

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Chapter forty eight

Amanda threw a knife at her, and Amelia stood still as the knife came closer to her slowly, she did not know what to do and the way Amanda threw it at her made it almost impossible for her to react and in a split second she asked herself, 'Is this how I'm going to die?'

Amelia shut her eyes, she had already made up her mind that she was going to die.

Seconds passed and she did not feel any metallic blade pierce through her skin, she was expecting the knife to stab her by now. She opened her eyes slowly and to her surprise she saw Chad standing right in front of her, with the knife in his hand and drops of blood dripping from his hand. He was bleeding!

Amelia did not know when or how he entered the room, he must have done it so fast and stealthily that both she and Amanda did not sense him entering the room.

Chad half-turned and stared at Amelia, she lowered her head, she knew that everything that happened was her fault for he warned her.

"Are you alright?"

Amelia's eyes widen, and she shot her head upwards and stared at him in a puzzled way. She did not expect him to ask them, she expected him to scold her and tell her how foolish she was for not heeding his advice and taking it seriously.

"Brother, she is a monster," Amanda cried out and Chad turned to her. "She wants to steal you away from me brother."

"Go to your room, Amanda, unless I will put you on a leach." Chad told her and she frowned. Amelia could not understand the chemistry between Chad and his sister, everything about them was strange, especially Amanda.

"Brother, but..."

"Shut up, and go to your damn room, Amanda!" Chad shouted and slammed his hand on the wall. Amanda became scared and she ran out of the room without protesting about anything again.

Amelia was shocked at the way Amanda obeyed her brother, Chad, it felt like she was afraid of him.

"Let's go," Chad told her and walked away. Amelia followed him without demanding an explanation, her brain was still processing everything that happened, she could not believe that she was about to die some seconds ago and Chad saved her life. She never expected him to save her like this.

Chad opened a big oak door and walked into, Amelia followed him and she saw herself in the palace courtyard. She did not know where the door came from, she had been in this palace for some days now and she never knew of this door--not that she was very familiar with everywhere in the palace, but it amazed her that there was a door that led to the palace main courtyard this quick from her quarters. Indeed the palace was very big.

Amelia looked up, and she saw how starry the sky was and how beautiful the crescent-shaped moon was. She took in a deep breath, shut her eyes for a while and open them again. A cold breeze whistled and Amelia shivered rubbing her shoulders with her hands.

She was just wearing skimpy pyjamas which were barely keeping her warm, she did not have the time to change into normal clothes. How was she going to survive this cold night? And where was Chad taking her to?

Chad's car was waiting for them in the middle of the courtyard, Chad had already arranged for his driver to take her away from the castle--away from his sister.

Chad opened the passenger door for Amelia and she slowly stepped into the car and Chad followed her.

Immediately they were in the driver began driving the car, and still, Amelia did not know where Chad was taking her to.

Chad was quiet since Amelia and he left the guest room. Amelia's curiosity was getting the best of her, her body was itching her to ask Chad a lot of questions. She was both curious and frightened about what happened in the guest room. She had a lot of questions to ask him but she was not sure whether he was able to answer those questions.

She took in a deep breath, she could not remain like this, she needed an explanation.

"What was all this about?" She asked him and he pretended not to hear her. "I need an explanation, Chad."

Still, he did not answer her, he was just looking out of the car window and tapping his foot on the car's foot mat in rhythm with the jazz music playing from the car's mp3.

Amelia fumed, his sister who behaved like a psychopath almost stabbed her with a knife which could have killed her and he was pretending like nothing happened.

"If you don't start talking now, I will press charges for assault," she threatened him, she knew that pressing charges against the royal family would be pointless because of how prominent they were.

"I warned you, Amelia, didn't I?" Chad said with a low voice and his eyes peering out of the car window. "If you should have heeded my warning nothing should have happened."

Amelia crossed her arms on her chest and clapped her hands together. "Wonders shall never end." She hissed and stared at him with disgust. "I asked for an explanation and you are asking me whether you warned me, yes you did, and I heeded your warning, it was her who came to me and I had no choice but to reply to her."

Chad slowly turned to Amelia and he uncannily stared at her, "There was a reason why I gave you that warning, I wasn't stupid for doing so, I warned because there was danger not out of nothing, and you carelessly disobeyed me."

Amelia rolled her eyes at him, one thing she disliked about him was his bossy attitude, and his nonchalant attitude when it comes to serious matters.

Chad relaxed onto the car seat and pinched his nose,  "you should have lost your life, Amelia, no matter who you are you should have been dead if I had not intervened," Chad said, and Amelia could hear that he was slightly worried from the tone of his voice, she was confused why someone like him would be worried about her. "If you hadn't told me that my sister met with you earlier, then I wouldn't have known what she was planning to do, things could have turned out badly."

Amelia's eyes widen, she knew what Chad meant by 'things could have turned out badly'--she would not have made it back alive!

"Once you are my sister's target it's almost impossible for you to escape her...Do you know what danger you put yourself into Amelia?" Chad shouted and Amelia became shocked, her body shivered, and her eyes popped out, seeing Chad this serious was terrifying to her.

"What's wrong with her?" She stammered as she asked him.

Chad stared at Amelia and then faced the other side of the car.

"I don't know," he said plainly, but this was not what Amelia wanted to hear, she wanted to know why his little sister was trying to kill her for talking with her brother.

"Don't tell me that, Chad, I want to hear nothing but the truth," Amelia told him and he began chuckling, she started wondering whether she just crack a joke which is why he was laughing. She felt like punching him in the face and slamming his head on the car window.

"I want to ask you, Amelia, they said anything that has wings can fly, but then why do goats have horns?"

"How does your question connect to what we are discussing now? Or do you not know how pointless and unreasonable your question is Chad?"

"Pointless?" He began laughing and in between his laughter he said, "That's how pointless and unreasonable it is for you to ask me what is wrong with my sister, all I want you to do is heed my warning and you shall escape her wrath, this is if you are fortunate."

Amelia stared at him in disgust, she felt so stupid for thinking that he had become somehow better and considerate but all this while everything that happened was just a joke to him.

This was a serious matter to Amelia, she was almost murdered by his psychopathic sister and he was laughing about it? She felt like strangling him and choking him to death, but she knew that if she does that, it would make things more problematic.

"Is it the first time something like this is happening?" She asked him and he stopped laughing, his face suddenly became serious. Chad did not answer Amelia and she knew that she was not the first or last victim, there were others and there are going to be others, his sister was a murderer!

Amelia began breathing heavily as she realised all this. The royal family were hiding this all this while, Amanda who was the princess of the kingdom was a psychopathic murderer and nothing was done about it.

"Your sister is sick and your family is doing nothing about it?!" She asked almost shouting and Chad pinched his nose and let out a sigh. "And where are you taking me to? I don't trust you anymore, I want to go home!"

"The sky is purple and the sea is black," Chad said laughing and Amelia gritted her teeth, she did not know that Chad was this annoying and foolish.

She let out a sigh, she decided that she was not going to continue this discussion again, for if she continued she was going to punch Neptune out of Chad's face.

She leaned back and took in a deep breath, the car's heat was on so she barely felt any cold, the air inside the car became less dense and she listened to the jazz music playing from the speakers of the car, the pointless discussion she was having with Chad made her forget that her favourite type of music was playing in the car.

She peeped at Chad and his head was faced up, she was wondering what he was thinking about as she saw slight worry in his eyes. Chad was too unpredictable for her, she could not just understand his true motives she did not know, which made her not trust him and she was quite afraid of him since she did not know what he thought of her, she did not know whether he was planning to use her or his intentions were good towards her...

She sighed and stared out of the window, she was so exhausted and she needed some rest, everywhere was quiet and they were the only ones driving on the road, she had no clue where Chad was taking her but she did not have the strength to protest about it.

Her eyes began feeling heavy, she checked the time on her phone and it was almost midnight. She placed her head on the car window and as she was about to sleep off she heard gunshots. The driver suddenly hit the brakes, making Amelia jolt forward.

The car stopped and Amelia straightened herself, people with bright torch lights surrounded their car, she turned to Chad and he stared back at her.

"Shit!" He exclaimed and pinched his nose.