
In His Arms at 12:51

Yshianna is a victim of bullying because of her nerdy appearance. Her story began when she found out that she's arranged marriage to the biggest playboy in town. But then she found out something about her past that she shouldn't have known...or remembered that SHE IS THE MAFIA BOSS. But then Jake Maurer came into her life, the famous model slash soccer player. Who would she choose? Who would she choose in 12:51? “The marriage will continue.....but not with me”

Sz_Empire · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 13: Fight

Yshianna's POV

He slightly smiled and jogged back to his teammates while I was left alone flustered about what he said. My cheeks turned red and hot that I couldn't stop myself from touching them. I used my hand for air but it didn't work at all!

I just focused on their practice game. I was supposed to stop looking at him but my eyes just couldn't stop nor look at someone else but him. What's happening? My eyes are betraying me the moment he steps inside the room.

He scored a goal and when our eyes met he winked at me! He fuckin winked at me! I could feel my cheeks getting hotter in an instant, redder than a freakin red tomato!

I stopped myself from smiling because of his cuteness but I just couldn't! I looked down and smiled slightly. My eyes went back on him and in an instant the game became intense. Jake is blocking him from kicking the ball to score a goal. Other players were just chill and enjoying the game but the two of them seemed like they are having a match just by looking at their intense glaring eyes.

"Goddamn it!" Jake kicked a rock when Anthony managed to score a goal. He's being strange, he isn't like this before. It was the first time seeing him this angry and annoyed, or is this the 'all people get angry sometimes' he was talking about?

"Water break!" He shouted. All of the players had questioning looks on their faces

"We just had water break!" One of the players said. But when Jake just ignored him he sighed.

"Okay, water break then!" He said and sat on one of the benches

Jake sat down inches away from me. He drank a bottle of water and threw it away when he was done in a trash bin just near him. He sighed and messed his hair in frustration.

"Psst hey" I called onto him. He looked at me.

"You okay?" I asked, concerned whether he is going through something or stressed about the practice.

"Yeah...kind of" he answered with a small smile on his face

"You sure?" I asked

"Yeah" he answered. I stayed silent since maybe he needed time to think and calm himself

"Hey Nicole" I looked at him

"Yeah?" I asked

"Let's eat lunch together again" he said

"Sure" I said

"I'll pick you up in your classroom then" he said, now smiling like before

"Oh there's no need to—-"

"It's fine and I want to" he said. We stared at each other for a long time when Anthony suddenly grabbed him by the collar

"Anthony!" I tried stopping him. I got shocked when he suddenly appeared in front of us. Jake's face changed from shocked to annoyed. Both of them are annoyed but Anthony just has this boyish and masculine aura while Jake has a cool and calm aura.

"Hey man, stop it" one of their teammates said but wasn't able to even come close because of the tension

Anthony smirked. "What? Pick her up? You gotta be kidding me" he said while gritting his teeth.

Jake smirked and looked at him mockingly. "Why? Am I not allowed to? Plus she said yes" he answered

Anthony's face darkened in an instant. "But she said you didn't have to so follow that and scram off" he said while his jaw is clenching

"Hey hey! Stop it! The two of you are causing a scene!" One of their teammates said but none of them listened

"But I want to. Wait....does that make you feel threatened?" Jake smirked, like he was playing a game while Anthony's face darkened more like he was about to punch him

"Me? Threatened? Why? Because of your mere fame? I don't care if who you are, stay away from her" Anthony said,his veins showed even more from grabbing his collar too much slightly shaking from anger

"Too bad I can't, and I know that you know why" Jake said and smirked

"Anthony!" He punched Jake directly in the face! Making him fall on the ground. Jake smirked and touched the side of his lips that is bleeding

"Hey guys! Stop that!"

"What's wrong with you two?!"

"Man this is not cool!" Their teammates started shouting but not even holding them at all!

Anthony was about to go near Jake again but I stopped him.

"Anthony!" I ran and hugged him from the back to stop him. He stopped in his tracks but he's breathing so hard because of suppressed anger, his fists clenched tightly.

"Stop it... please" I said almost begging. When I felt like he would stop I immediately went to Jake. I kneeled beside him

"Are you okay?" I asked, and touched the wound beside his lip.

"Ow" he said and touched my hand to stop it from touching his wound again

"Sorry" I said

"Fuck this!" Anthony said and walked away. My eyes followed to wherever he's going till I couldn't see him anymore. I got confused whether if should I stay here or follow him

I was about to stand up when Jake held my wrist, I looked at him. "Don't go" he said while he's eyes are begging for me to stay. I looked back to where Anthony went and looked back at Jake to nod

"Let's get your wound treated" I said and helped him stand. His other teammates went to Anthony and some helped us on our way to the clinic.

"Good morn—- oh goodness what happened to your face?" The nurse asked the moment we stepped inside the school's clinic

"Uh good morning, can I borrow a first aid kit?" I asked and helped him sit in the chair

"Oh sure, I'll get it" she said and went inside a room and came out with a red kit in her hand


"Thank you" I answered politely and sat beside Jake. I started getting a cotton and put some antiseptic in it.

I placed the cotton on the side of his lip slowly. "Ow" he said and slightly moved away

"Don't move" I said and held the back of his head to stop him from moving. I felt him stiffen but I didn't bother to ask why and just continued cleaning his wound. That was just one punch but his lip is already like this.

"Do you have work today?" I asked and stood up to dispose the cotton I used

"H—huh? Uh y—yeah... I guess so?" He said like he wasn't sure. I looked at him which made him look away

"Do you feel dizzy?" Is he dizzy that's why he couldn't answer me properly?

He glanced at me but looked away again, his ears and neck are red which made me worry. "Is there something wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?" I asked but he just glanced at me and looked away again. He's acting so weird and I don't know why!

"Hey" I walked towards him but he just moved away, creating a distance between us.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked. I swear boys have the worse mood swings and I don't even know what they are thinking!

"Does your wound still hurt? Do you have a fever?" I asked when the redness in his face worsened.

I stood up and went near him making his eyes widen. I touched his forehead and neck to make sure if he doesn't have a fever. "W—what are you doing?" He asked and removed my hand on his forehead

"Don't you have a fever?" I asked. He laughed and stood up. He ruffled my hair and grabbed our backpacks

"Let's go" he said and was about to twist the doorknob but I held onto his uniform

"Are you sure you're okay now?" I asked with a worried expression. We looked at each other's eyes for a few minutes

"Why are you giving me that look?" He whispered enough for me to hear.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He just slightly smiled and shook his head. We went out of the clinic together, there are students coming inside the school, some even looked at us and whispered to their friends with a disgusted look in their faces.

"Uh I can carry my bag" I said since some students may get the wrong idea, god! People nowadays.

I was about to grab my backpack when he moved away. "I'll carry it" he answered and smiled at me with his usual bright aura like nothing happened

"Does it still hurt?" I asked. He stopped in his tracks making me stop too. He looked taken aback from my question but immediately smiled when he saw me looking at him with a questioning look in my eyes

"U—uh kind of" he said and awkwardly chuckled. What's wrong with him today?

"You still have work later right? Won't your manager scold you?" I asked but he just laughed it off

"Of course she would!" He said while still laughing

"Then why are you laughing?" I asked slightly laughing because of his laugh.

"I'm just happy" he said. Is he crazy? Why would he be happy when he got punched straight in the face?

"Weird" I whispered and just continued walking to my classroom. We stopped in front of my classroom

"Who are your classmates?" He asked and peeped inside. I chuckled and grabbed my backpack from his shoulders.

"Some noisy girls and boys" I answered. "Is anyone courting you here?" He asked while still busy looking inside our room like his neck is about to tear off of his body

"Are you crazy? Of course none" I said and chuckled which made him chuckle too.

"See you later then, I'll pick you up" he said and ruffled my hair. I was about to say something when he walked away and waved his hand to say bye

I sighed and went inside the room, as usual the students are glaring at me and whispering to their group of friends. I just sat in my seat when I saw a bunch of letters under my desk. I opened one and my body turned cold the moment I read it.....