
In His Arms at 12:51

Yshianna is a victim of bullying because of her nerdy appearance. Her story began when she found out that she's arranged marriage to the biggest playboy in town. But then she found out something about her past that she shouldn't have known...or remembered that SHE IS THE MAFIA BOSS. But then Jake Maurer came into her life, the famous model slash soccer player. Who would she choose? Who would she choose in 12:51? “The marriage will continue.....but not with me”

Sz_Empire · Teen
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15 Chs

Chapter 12: Can’t Focus

Yshianna's POV

I looked at myself in the mirror. Thick and big eyeglasses, long and messy hair, body without curves, and simply ugly.

I shook my head and stopped assuming that maybe....just maybe Anthony likes me but I know he doesn't.

I grabbed my backpack to go downstairs and eat breakfast when I remembered our conversation last night. I could still remember the exact words and his voice when he said it.

I sighed and just continued walking down the stairs. I even tiptoed my way to the kitchen and as usual he's there but he's just playing with his food and staring somewhere.

I just walked my way to the refrigerator to get my milk and cereal. I saw him glance at me and went back to eating his food.

It was very awkward, silence enveloped the whole room. I glanced at him but his eyes are focused on his food like it was the first time he has seen it.

I sat in front of him to eat, we just glanced at each other but immediately looked away. The silence was so awkward that I had to talk.

"How was your sleep?" I asked, he looked at me like he never saw a person talk before.

"O—oh, the usual" he said looking so uneasy. He shifted in his seat and looked at me.

"How about you? Did you sleep well?" He asked. I smiled slightly.

"Yeah" I answered but I actually didn't. I had a hard time sleeping because his voice kept on replaying in my head

"That's good" he answered and the air was awkward again. I awkwardly laughed.

"Why are we acting like this? We aren't usually like this" I said. He put down his spoon and looked at me with a serious face

"What are we then?" He asked. I gulped but it seemed like my heart went to my throat that it was hard for me to swallow my own saliva

"I mean, we always talk to each oth—-"

"You're mistaken then" he said making me shut my mouth

"H—huh?" I asked, confused and scared at the same time

"You act like we're so close but we're not" he said. I could feel my heart shatter and tears started forming on the sides of my eyes. I looked down to cover them up and just continued eating. I guess this is a bad day for me huh?

When I finished washing the dishes I grabbed my backpack and was about to go out when Anthony suddenly talked.

"Nicole..." I looked at him. He rubbed the back of his neck with a shy look on his face.

"What?" I asked he then looked at me

"Let's... let's go to school together" he said making me freeze on my spot

"Huh?" I asked still not believing what he said.

"I said let's go to school together... from now on" he picked up his backpack and gym bag. We went out of the house making sure that it's locked, I was just staring in his back while walking towards the parking area when he suddenly stopped making me bump into his broad back

"Ow" I said massaging my nose that truly hurts. His shoulders were like a stone perfectly sculpted.

"Watch where you're going" he said and went inside the car. I got confused on where to sit but then I remembered that we weren't 'close' so I opened the back door

"Hey do I look like your driver?" He said with an annoyed expression.

"Huh?" I asked, confused

"Sit in here" he patted the passengers seat. I closed the door and sat in the passenger seat

"Seatbelts" he said but I was too busy thinking about what is happening.

"Huh?" All I could say is 'huh' because of confusion

"Tss" I was taken aback when he moved closer to me. I could feel his presence and skin, I could smell his minty breath, I just stared at his eyes focused on the seatbelt lock with his long eyelashes almost covering his eyes. My breath hitched when he successfully locked the seatbelt and looked at me straight in the eye.

My eyes widened when his face got closer to my face, we are just inches apart from each other and one wrong move our lips would meet each other. I gulped because of nervousness and maybe a little bit of anticipation?

He got closer and closer aaaannnddd.... shit.

"You have a dirt on your cheek" he said and wiped the dirt out of my face. I blinked a few times realizing that we didn't kiss or he isn't planning to kiss me either.

Stupid stupid stupid! God! How stupid can I get?

"O—oh thanks?" I said and sat properly. He drove to school silently, it was so awkward that I had to stare out the window just to avoid eye contact

When we arrived there weren't students around but there are a few cars on the parking lot. When Anthony went out I immediately followed.

"Are you going to the field?" He asked while still walking

"Uh yeah, but it's okay if you don't want me th—-"

"Stop talking, the answer is just a yes or a no" he said that made me shut my mouth.

We just walked our way to the field and I was about to sit under the tree again when he grabbed my stuff

"Sit on the benches" he said

"But I think it's only for the players?" I asked, hesitating whether I should answer or keep my mouth shut

"It's fine" he said and held my wrist, my eyes immediately stared at his hands gripping my wrists softly

"Sit here" he said and placed my things on the side with his backpack

"We'll just have a little game, just watch and keep quiet" he said and went to his teammates that are busy stretching. His teammates glanced at me and asked him something. He just smiled and glanced at me before shaking his head.

I just grabbed a book to pretend that I was reading but my eyes are betraying me. Their game already started and I can't take my eyes off of him. The way he moves and kick the ball to score a goal just makes him so manly and hot. No wonder girls in the campus would beg just to have him but no matter how much they beg they won't be given a chance.

The game was going smoothly when he suddenly started making mistakes, he couldn't score a goal nor pass it properly to his teammate so their captain called for a water break.

"Hey bro what's wrong?" His teammate asked, he just shook his head. His other teammates tapped his back and drank their water.

He went to his backpack and grabbed a bottle of water. I stared again at his adams apple going up and down because of swallowing with sweat dripping and sliding down his neck like the sweat was enjoying sliding down and feeling his skin

I actually got quite jealous, how could I be a water or a sweat sliding down his neck and body?

"Stop staring at me" he said and closed his water bottle

"What?" I asked, he frowned.

"Can you stop saying huh or what?" He said

"Okay" he sighed and grabbed a face towel, I looked down and stared at my fingers fidgeting.

"Stop staring at me" he said, I looked up at him with a confused look.

"Huh?" I asked even though he told me not to say huh or what

"I can't focus with your eyes scanning me out"