
In Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

When he woke up, Ye Zhiqiu’s find himself in Douluo Dalu world and he became Tang San’s neighbor and a young boy. Ye Zhiqiu, who had originally thought that he could only hug Tang’s legs tightly, awakened his main martial arts spirit at the age of six, followed by the Naruto System. Since then, he has gone farther and farther on the road of greatness. ---------------------------------------------------- I am trying to stockpile a lot of chapters so starting releases will be slow and chapters will be divided into two but after some time I will upload regularly and full size chapters. You can support me on pateron - https://www.patreon.com/EdwardElite

EdwardElite · Anime & Comics
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231 Chs

Chapter 55 - Rose Hotel

200 Power Stones - 1 Bonus Chapters

250 Power Stones - 2 Bonus Chapters.

350 Power Stones - 5 Bonus Chapters.

500 Power Stones - 10 Bonus Chapters


The Rose Hotel was located in the most prosperous central street of Suotuo City. Although it was only three stories high and not too large in scale, its unique decoration style was very popular among young couples in Suotuo City. Therefore, the daily turnover of the Rose Hotel was not small.

From the outside, the Rose Hotel belongs to the type of love hotel. The whole body was decorated in rose red. The overall building was like a huge rose in full bloom. People passing by would take a curious look at it.

Ning Rongrong, who had just arrived here with Ye Zhiqiu, had a reddened face and couldn't help rolling her eyes. Now Ning Rongrong was no longer the little girl who didn't understand anything at the time. This kind of place was very much used by lovers.

"Don't think too much, this hotel is my property, and it is now managed by my clone. Of course, I can rest on my property." Ye Zhiqiu said solemnly.

Ning Rongrong looked at Ye Zhiqiu, and couldn't help laughing. Then she stood on tiptoe and reached Ye Zhiqiu's ear, whispering in a slightly seductive tone: "I don't care what your property is.  As long as you pass the level of Grandpa Bone, it's okay to be serious..."

As the words fell, Ning Rongrong "chuckled" and ran into the hotel alone.

This quirky little witch also found it very interesting to occasionally tease Ye Zhiqiu.

"Does she think I am a pervert ?" Ye Zhiqiu muttered with a guilty conscience and followed in too.  Although this hotel was his own, Ye Zhiqiu had never been here. He only occasionally heard his clone chief "Bai Xiaosheng" report to him on various situations.

The interior decoration of the hotel was very fancy, pink with silver-rimmed floor tiles, crystal pink chandeliers, pink walls, and even the tables, chairs, and counters, all with a little pink. This decoration gives people warmth without losing the sense of elegance.

On the floor of the seating area, there was a layer of rose petals with a little dew. The pieces were very fresh and tender. At first glance, they appeared as if they were just picked today. These rose petals make the entire first-floor hall full of roses very aromatic.

At the counter, a beautiful young lady with long hair and a tiny black professional uniform was talking to Ning Rongrong, seeming to have a dispute.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zhiqiu stepped over and asked.

"She said that there is only one room left on the second floor, but some guests have already booked it... I said this hotel belongs to us, but she doesn't believe it..." Ning Rongrong angrily explained to Ye Zhiqiu.

"What am I supposed to do." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and shook his head, "Follow me directly to the third floor! There is a room over there."

After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, he headed for the stairs first.

Ning Rongrong grimaced at the young lady and followed Ye Zhiqiu upstairs.

This young lady has very good qualities and always had a smiling face. She was just a little confused.

'Is there a room on the third floor? Why didn't the staff in charge of opening rooms in her hotel know?'

The third floor of the Rose Hotel was different from the second floor. There were only four rooms on the third floor, but the decorations were all very luxurious, equivalent to the hotel's top suites. For one night, you need 30 gold spirit coins. Don't underestimate these 30 Golden Spirit Coins. If the price of Ye Zhiqiu's previous life was used, it is about 30,000 yuan, which was already a relatively expensive price.

Ye Zhiqiu took Ning Rongrong to the door of a room called "Heart is Lingxi" and knocked on the door.

After a while, inside the door was a jingle of bells.

"Crack~" The door opened.

He saw a young man wearing a red cloud gown with a black background and a hat appeared in front of the two of them.

The young man was in his twenties. His cheeks were a little thin and his expression was cold. The lower half of his face was blocked by the collar of his clothes and he could not see clearly. Even if he(clone) saw his own Lord, the expression on his face did not change at all, as if he had known it a long time ago.

"This room belongs to me tonight. You should find another place to rest first. In addition, let the staff bring us lunch." Ye Zhiqiu looked at him and said.

The young man just nodded, then walked out of the door and headed downstairs. He didn't say a word during the whole process, only the crisp "jingle" of the bell would occasionally echo.

"Is this your clone?" Ning Rongrong was a little surprised. 'Why does this clone look different from its lord?' Moreover, this person's character is too cold, it is far from the character of Ye Zhiqiu. Ning Rongrong felt goosebumps on her body when she glanced at it.

"It's just a side effect of the first spirit ability." Ye Zhiqiu smiled, explained, and pulled Ning Rongrong into the room.

The room was very clean and not messy. It could be seen that Ye Zhiqiu's clone had good habits.

After a while, lunch was delivered. After the two of them had finished eating, they took a shower and lay down to rest.

At the same time, at the north gate of Suotuo City, two figures walked in. It was Tang San and Xiao Wu who were a step late.

"Brother Qiu said to gather at the Rose Hotel, Xiao San, do you know where the Rose Hotel is?" Xiao Wu asked Tang San next to her.

Tang San shook his head, "I'm here for the first time, so let's find someone to ask me where to go."

The two asked all the way, and finally came to the door of the Rose Hotel and entered it together.

This time, the lady cashier at the counter didn't say any more than that the room had been booked. Just now, her boss came down and told her that the hotel will cancel the room reservation rules and will change the room to first come first served.

This made the lady in charge of the cashier a little confused, but she still had to listen to what the boss said. The salary of the Rose Hotel was very high, and she doesn't want to lose this job.

Tang San came to the counter in a few steps, "Excuse me, have you seen a man and a woman, probably similar to the two of us? The man wears a white robe with a burning flame pattern on the hem, and there is an autumn character on the back of his clothes...." Tang San said as he gestured a few times.

"Yes, they came around noon, and there is a room in the heart of the third floor." The cashier woman said with a smile on her face.

"Thank you." Tang San nodded, then gestured for Xiao Wu to go upstairs together.

"Wait, Xiao San, tomorrow is the college admissions, let's book a room first." Xiao Wu pulled Tang San.

Tang San thought for a while and then agreed. They need to reserve a room, and once again said to the young lady at the hotel, "Can you give us two rooms."

"Sorry, there is only one." The lady at the cashier still has a professional smile on her face. 'What are you two pretending? Even if people ask for two rooms they always want one room. Besides, there is indeed only one room.'

"This..." Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at each other.

"You can sleep on the floor."Xiao Wu said happily with a smile.

Just as the cashier sister wanted to register Tang San and Xiao Wu, a soft shout suddenly sounded at the hotel entrance.


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