
In Douluo Dalu with the Naruto System

When he woke up, Ye Zhiqiu’s find himself in Douluo Dalu world and he became Tang San’s neighbor and a young boy. Ye Zhiqiu, who had originally thought that he could only hug Tang’s legs tightly, awakened his main martial arts spirit at the age of six, followed by the Naruto System. Since then, he has gone farther and farther on the road of greatness. ---------------------------------------------------- I am trying to stockpile a lot of chapters so starting releases will be slow and chapters will be divided into two but after some time I will upload regularly and full size chapters. You can support me on pateron - https://www.patreon.com/EdwardElite

EdwardElite · Anime & Comics
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231 Chs

Chapter 54 - 5 Years Later

Happy New Year


The Balak Kingdom, located in the southern part of the Heaven Dou Empire. As one of the four kingdoms of the Heaven Dou Empire, the king of the Balak Kingdom was also the cousin of today's Dou Empire's Emperor

In the south of the Balak Empire, it directly borders the Star Luo Empire, so the Balak Kingdom also belongs to the portal of the Heaven Dou Empire.

This was also the reason why the Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire sent his cousin to sit here. The Balak Kingdom was the top priority. If it was lost, the Star Luo Empire will drive straight through it.

Within the Kingdom of Balak, there were two most important cities. A royal city inhabited by King Balak was called Balak City. This was also the origin of the name of the Balak Kingdom. It was the political and economic center of the entire Balak Kingdom. The other city was bordered by the province of Fasinuo, where Nuoding City was located and was located to the north of the Kingdom of Balak.

The northern part of the Balak Kingdom was a vast plain landform. Mountain peaks were relatively rare. In contrast, the land here was very fertile and full of grain. This city also had the reputation of Balak's Granary, which was Suotuo City.

Compared to Nuoding City, Suotuo City was undoubtedly a lot more prosperous. Even in summer, the streets were full of people and people were constantly coming and going.

In the afternoon, the blazing sun was like fire.

Two young people walked in from the north gate of Suotuo City, a man, and a woman. They both looked like teenagers. There was no drop of sweat on their foreheads. The strong sun in the sky seemed to not affect them.

The young boy's long black hair that reached his waist was tied randomly, and there were a few strands of hair hanging down on the temples of his forehead, and his black eyes were as deep as stars, and there seemed to be endless mysteries hidden in them. A pair of sword eyebrows seem to have been carefully decorated, just right.

There was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which gives people the illusion that this person has good cultivation.

Ye Zhiqiu had grown from the original delicate and immature person to a handsome young man. The imperial robe draped on the outside made him look a lot sunnier, and made people want to get close after a glance.

The girl next to Ye Zhiqiu was naturally Ning Rongrong, and she has also changed a lot. She was about 1.6 meters tall, nearly one head shorter than Ye Zhiqiu. In the beginning, She had a slightly fat babyface. At this time, it was just natural without any fat. Wearing a light blue short skirt, half revealing her slender snow-white thighs, and the waist was not full of a grip. The only flaw was that the chest was still in the growing period.

The two people walking together were both handsome and beautiful and were simply a match made in heaven, which attracted a lot of passers-by.

In the past five years, both of them had changed a lot, and their strength had also improved a lot. After Ning Rongrong had Ye Zhiqiu's supervision, She also worked a lot in her cultivation. At this time, She had reached level 28 spirit power. She was only one level worse than Tang San and Xiao Wu.

As for Ye Zhiqiu himself, he had already passed level 30. Except during the college vacation, they were basically inseparable, and their relationship was getting deeper. Although the relationship was not confirmed due to the blockade of another titled Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, the two of them were even closer than those couples whose relationship was confirmed.

When the four of them were about to leave for Shrek there was a minor accident, so Ye Zhiqiu and Ning Rongrong arrived one step earlier than Tang San and Xiaowu to the Suotuo City.

Su Yuntao hasn't forgotten the idea of ​​pulling Ye Zhiqiu into the Spirit Hall. In desperation, Ye Zhiqiu used a shadow clone, and after giving the clone the instruction, he brought it back to Su Yuntao for business. He still remembered Su Yuntao's happy appearance at that time. Probably... it was his bonus this year that finally came down. To avoid trouble, that there were two Ye Zhiqiu. Ye Zhiqiu naturally had to leave first with Ning Rongrong.

'Hope that Su Yuntao will not miss me too much in the future...' Ye Zhiqiu sighed silently.

"Tomorrow is the day to sign up in Shrek Academy? Let's find a place to take a break first? I'm a little tired after walking all morning..." Ning Rongrong took Ye Zhiqiu's arm and said coquettishly.

"Okay, I have a good place in mind, let's go." Ye Zhiqiu rubbed Ning Rongrong's head indulgently and smiled.

Rose Hotel, if he remembers correctly, the plot will start from there. Therefore, the Rose Hotel had been secretly bought by Ye Zhiqiu.  Don't ask him where the money came from, his motto was simple rob the rich and help the poor.

In the past five years, Ye Zhiqiu's situation was very good. Some clones had already gained a lot of fame. Of course, the clones did not act with Ye Zhiqiu's face.

They had a common name, Xiao(little). Each clone has its code name. Such as Ye Liangchen, Zhao Ritian etc.


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For next chapter   :-


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