
In DC?

What began as an ordinary spring day quickly spiraled into chaos when an unexpected thunderstorm rolled in, baffling even the most seasoned meteorologists. This sudden turn of events marked the beginning of an unpredictable journey for me, an imprudent individual who despite the tempest chose to ponder about salary increment on the fourth-floor balcony. Fate intertwined dramatically as I was struck by multicolored lightning bolts, catapulting me into an alternate reality. In this strange new world, I found myself in the midst of the explosive event at the S.T.A.R. Labs, a scene straight out of the CW's "The Flash" TV series. This unpredictable twist of fate thrust me into a realm where fiction and reality collided, leading to unforeseen adventures and challenges.

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27 Chs

Ch - 8 Triple Helix Genome?

"Those are some pretty logical points, and we apologize for getting irritated. But you should also try to understand that we are trying our best to help you while figuring out what happened to you." Eobard said in a calming voice, seeing the situation getting tense.

"I also apologize for taking my frustration out on you. Thanks for helping me. Even though I'm not sure what is happening, I will cooperate with you in any way I can. So go ahead, Ms. Snow, you can take my blood." Swayam said, seizing the opportunity to calmly communicate with the trio.

This time, unexpectedly, when Caitlin extracted Swayam's blood, it didn't disintegrate like it had before. Cisco noticing this, became curious as to why this happened. Previously, even his own attempts to extract Swayam's blood had failed. He began to think about what had changed. He realized that since Swayam was unconscious before, his body might have been in a kind of self-preservation mode, explaining the unscientific reactions. The second possibility was that Swayam's body didn't allow the extraction without his consent, but now that he had given his consent, it worked.

As Cisco pondered this, Caitlin, who had put Swayam's blood sample under a microscope, suddenly exclaimed, causing the others, including Swayam, to look towards her.

'It's incredible.' Caitlin thought to herself as she observed Swayam's DNA. It was like seeing a whole new world of DNA from a new perspective.

Normally, a drop of blood contains around one million to one billion cells, each with two strands of DNA. However, Swayam's cells had a triple helix genome with a sparkling golden hue, tightly bounding each strand. Though the molecular bond was slowly degrading, which also explained as to why they hadn't been able to preserve his blood previously.

After observing his blood for a while, Caitlin handed the microscope to Dr. Harrison Wells, who also exclaimed in amazement. Dr. Wells then looked toward Swayam, who was watching them.

Feeling uncomfortable under their gazes, Swayam asked, "What is it, Dr. Wells? Why are you looking at me like that? Is something wrong with my blood?"

Eobard, who had remained silent, eventually spoke, "I have seen many things in my life but nothing like your blood before." Seeing that he was about to be bombarded with questions, he continued, "Don't worry, nothing is wrong with you. It's just that your DNA has somehow become otherworldly, completely new. This could possibly be due to the particle accelerator explosion and the wave of dark matter, which might have affected and altered your physique."

As Harrison Wells explained his new discoveries to Swayam, Cisco was reviewing the CCTV footage of the night of the particle accelerator explosion, focusing on the spot where they found Swayam unconscious. What he discovered was mind-blowing: Swayam had appeared out of nowhere. Even when he slowed down the footage to one-hundredth of speed, the result remained the same.