
In Black Clover with stellar magic

Mike is your normal everyday guy. Being bored he found enjoyment in anime and comics. But he unfortunately died one day in an car accident. Now watch him reincarnated in black clover and raising to the top step by step,as he hates to be a normal medicore person again in another life where people with strength are respected and worshipped. .................................................................................. MC is an not a hero type who goes to save everyone but if he can and it doesn't give him trouble he might help them and he is the type mostly to speak realistically. .................................................................................. This is my first novel so expect many mistakes and amateur writing but I will try to improve my skills. .................................................................................. All the black clover contents belongs to their respective owners and only oc's are mine. .................................................................................. Hope you like this novel and enjoy it as much as me. if you like it please support it with power stones and positive ratings. And i would also like your helpful reviews which can make me a better aurthor.

whitedevil · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs



Mike is roaming on the streets of Harrison village collecting information on current Affairs in clover kingdom.

Though he obtained some information due to the many random talks thanks to his enhanced hearing most of it is useless like,

"you know Brad wife gave birth to twins"

"Gary is getting married to selene next week,at last I thought it will take him forever to ask her"

"my son's health is not very good recently I hope he gets well soon"

"looks like the grimoire ceremony is coming I wonder if there are any good mages this year"

"yes, I've seen it,that 100 feet snake that which was rumoured to be be roaming around the forest"

"my son's going to part take in the upcoming grimoire ceremony he is definitely go to become a great magic knight"

'hah, so much useless information I doubt this village can give me anything useful' Mike

Mike knows he is in black clover world but he isn't completely sure in which Time Period he is in now.

According to the information he collected grimoire ceremony takes place in another week and the grimoire tower is way too big to miss in this small village so it isn't a problem to find it.

So his next task is to find in which time he is currently in so he can plan his actions accordingly.

Then Mike went on to roam the village to collect information. And he kept roaming the village until it's night, then he found an inn booked an room had dinner and went on to sleep in his room.

Next day he was roaming through the village he saw a boy stealing some bread and running away and some people are chasing behind him and the kid runs in the direction of our Mike.

'hmm, why is he running towards me and why did it kinda feels like a cliché,what am I an 3rd rate cultivation novel hero,what next I'm gonna defend the kid and try reason with them and they are gonna say "are you courting death? " and I'm beat them and they will bring their leader who might be this village Mayor's kid or something and then he will come and say the same thing and I'm going to beat him too and then his father and after beating him he will use his connections and will bring someone and he will also have some connections and they will have some too and will make me run all my life with stronger opponent each time tries to kill me and I will train very hard to defeat them and slowly reaches the peak of the world, now after considering it for a while that doesn't feel so bad' Mike

The kid runs towards the Mike direction and tries to just go on his way but Mike suddenly stops him and keeps the kid behind him and -

'ha, what the heck this guy doing' the kid

"wait don't do anything to the kid, I will pay for the bread "Mike

"oh,ok fine" chasing villagers

"no, listen to me I will p- , what? " Mike

"we said okay, you can pay for the bread and we will forget this" villagers

'what is this twist isn't this supposed to be an eternal enemies scene what are these people doing, hmm maybe they are thinking about charging heavy prices and loot me ok, there is still a chance'

"ok, here's the money for that bread" 'now time for a fight to become mortal enemies' Mike

"ok let's go guys" villagers.

'so much for all that thinking,it's all pure waste of time damn you! cultivation bullshits. now where's the kid' Mike

"Hey kid, do you know it's not a good thing to take bread without paying?" Mike

"I'm not a kid I'm 10 years old I know you have to pay for bread I'm not an idiot? ok and I'm stealing cause my brothers haven't eaten for days " kid

'Hmm, this kid is so malnourished and should be very hungry but still he didn't try to eat it probably trying to take it to his brothers' Mike

Then Mike took the kid back to the bread shop brought some more bread and told the kid to bring to his brothers.

Then they both went to the place where the kid lead and then Mike gave the bread and watch them silently while the kids Devoured them instantly.

'what age these kids are and kind of life they are leading hmm well life is not fair not everyone is like miles-san who gave me food, shelter and job so to make sure that I won't get used to free stuff just because I'm kid ' Mike

Then Mike began to think what he can do to them so they can stand on their feet and gain a long term benefit and arrived at the conclusion of knowledge.

So that day he has taken them to the forest and started to teach them how to write and how to read as they were old enough they got the hang of it soon.

So afterwards he decided to give them some basic notes on how to survive in forests and what to eat and what not and how to identify Poisinous plants and mushrooms.

He also gave them some self written notes on how to train oneself effectively and some self defense training moves. And he gave them some reality wake-ups and lessons like

"Don't expect anything for free work for it and earn it by yourself"

"One of the most powerful weapons one can have is knowledge so preserve it and use it wisely"

"Rules are put by the strong, if you are stronger you can bend them easily"

"people only see the end results so don't complain when no body appreciate your hard work"

"Be United,until a certain level team work mostly gives positive results but against absolute strength everything is useless"

"Always try to give to give your best in everything so even if you loose or even die you can have no regrets as you done everything you could do"

"Don't blindly train hard, train smart it will give you greater results"

"I hope you can take these lines to your heart and some may think why I have helped you? Because once I was lost and didn't know what to do like you but a kind person helped me and guided me so I can stand by myself so this is kind of my way of repaying him by helping you showing a clear path and give guidance.so what you can do and how far you can go is up to yours"

"And don't think of something like you owe to me this is also for myself to repay the man that helped me. Now take care,be united and be grateful for what you and don't complain about what you don't have and I've brought some necessities like food and clothes so you can be safe for some time" Mike

Then Mike gave them the things he brought and left. And from starting to finish all the kids are silent and didn't talk anything but after Mike went away they started crying as no one was this nice to them and brought them things and cared for them.

They remembered the times he patiently teached them and guided them in training and brought them food in these 3 days.

They all taken his words to hard and united as one to help themselves and also others.And also they vowed to become like Mike who can help others and become someone who shares happiness.

And two cloaked figures from far away watched all of this from the day Mike started helping the kids and slowly went away into the depts of the forest.

Even though Mike knows their existence he choose to remain silent as he sensed they don't have any evil intentions and he sensed someone strong who is protecting the cloaked figures from the shadows.

'so they finally left, I take my words back this village managed yo surprise me' Mike

Then Mike Mike went to the inn had dinner and went to sleep.


MC didn't suddenly became hero don't worry he just helped cause he didn't had anything first when he came in to this world but miles helped him so it's his kind of way to repay him that's all.

P.S : currently my biggest chapter.

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