
In Black Clover with stellar magic

Mike is your normal everyday guy. Being bored he found enjoyment in anime and comics. But he unfortunately died one day in an car accident. Now watch him reincarnated in black clover and raising to the top step by step,as he hates to be a normal medicore person again in another life where people with strength are respected and worshipped. .................................................................................. MC is an not a hero type who goes to save everyone but if he can and it doesn't give him trouble he might help them and he is the type mostly to speak realistically. .................................................................................. This is my first novel so expect many mistakes and amateur writing but I will try to improve my skills. .................................................................................. All the black clover contents belongs to their respective owners and only oc's are mine. .................................................................................. Hope you like this novel and enjoy it as much as me. if you like it please support it with power stones and positive ratings. And i would also like your helpful reviews which can make me a better aurthor.

whitedevil · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs


Mike makes his way out of the woods and reaches the chester village.

'This place hasn't changed much, maybe 2 years isn't much time to have many changes here. well let's find miles-san if I remember correctly his house in this direction'

Mike's lazily walked through the forest and greeting the people he recognized. And people were are happy to see Mike made it safely out of the woods.

Mike stands in front of a wooden house and knocks on the door.

"Miles-san, I'm back"

"wait, I'm coming" comes a surprised voice. And the door opens and miles stood infront of mike and seemed relived.

"well, look who came back I thought you forget this old man" says miles teasingly

"No no ,after I came back from the woods I came to you first miles-san" Mike said hurriedly

"well,whatever kid come in first let's talk inside" and Mike goes in and miles closes the door.

"well,now kid tell me everything" said miles smiling

Mike also smiles and starts telling all the things that he witnessed and done while avoiding the dangerous times in which he almost died and the remaining things he narrated them like a story.

Both Mike and miles enjoy this peaceful and pleasant conversation between them and time passes until it's night.

"so then when do you plan to go for the upcoming grimoire cermony" miles

"well, tomorrow after meeting with Reinhardt captain I was planning on going there miles-san" Mike

"so, then you know how to go there good good" miles

" (°=°) " Mike

"ahahaha, you should see your face right now" miles

"ah, stop teasing me miles-san I forgot about that" Mike said Embarrassedly

'ahhhhh, how stupid I'm I didn't consider this point at all' Mike

"sigh, don't worry I've a spare map which leads to the village where there is an grimoire tower ,now lets have our dinner " miles

"well thanks, and I'm also feeling quite hungry miles-san let's eat" Mike

And both miles and Mike had an sumptuous and heartly dinner and had laughs and chuckles all in all a pleasant day.

On morning one can see Mike is packing all essential things like food, water, pair of clothes and many more.

And than he goes down and had an good breakfast with miles and starts to go out of the house. And after that they both stood face to face with each other. And then Mike starts to speak.

"Thanks for your care all this time miles-san I hope you can take good care of yourself " Mike

" Be careful kid and never do things which can make you regret whatever they might be " miles

"I will , good bye miles-san" says Mike and slowly goes far and far away and disappears from the horizon.

"Good bye,mike"

Mike then moves forward towards the kingdom knights base to wish his final farewells to captain Reinhardt who taught him in knight crash course.

Mike arrives in front of the knight squad base and enters it. He moves forward walks towards the staff department where one can arrange oneself a meeting with the squad captain.

I arrived in front of the staff desk and who was taking care of it was a new soldier I've never seen before maybe joined after I left.

"Good afternoon. My name name is Mike I was also a trainee here before under Reinhardt captain so came here yo meet captain so is it possible for me yo meet him now" Mike

"wait a minute, I will ask for confirmation" Mike

"Thank you" Mike

After a few minutes...

"please come with me, captain is waiting for you" soldier

"ok, please lead the way" Mike

And they both walk towards the Captain room. And as a basic manners he maintains his position 1 feet back as to show courtesy to the leading party.

This was basic etiquette subject in knight course so even though you wouldn't act like a young noble all of a sudden at least you can save yourself some embarrassment in front of them.

And they arrived in front of the captain's room.

*dong* *dong*

"Captain, I've brought him can we enter? " soldier

"come in" captain Reinhardt

"This is the person I've told you about sir, the one who wanted meet you" soldier

"ok you can leave" captain Reinhardt

The soldier salutes Captain Reinhardt and goes away and closes the door slowly.

"so what do you want now, mike" captain Reinhardt

"yes sir, I'm fine you don't have to worry about me" Mike

"oh, are you intentionally highlighting the fact that I didn't ask about your health you who was in knight course under my direct supervision when you just came back from the woods which are said to be dead zone for ordinary knights" captain Reinhardt

"of course not, it must be your imagination dear captain" Mike

"you are going yo do this until I ask you about your well being right? " captain Reinhardt

"I don't know what you are taking captain" Mike

"sigh, how have you been Mike " captain Reinhardt

"fine, now wasn't it very simple captain" Mike

"what? "captain Reinhardt

" what? " mike

"Hah, you are going for the grimoire ceremony, aren't you? " captain Reinhardt

"yes captain, that's the plan" mike

"well then ,off you go don't disturb me" captain Reinhardt

Then suddenly mike bows and says "thank you for all your guidance and care for me captain I will remember all your teachings to heart and will become a great magic knight"

"Now don't be so emotional, life is a long road and everyone must continue their journey on it" says captain Reinhardt and throws a token towards mike and says "this will help you when you enter other villages so other knight squads don't misunderstand you and if you can become a magic knight then the token isn't needed magic knights have almost access to all places in clover kingdom"

" Thank you captain, so this might be the last time I will come here so good bye captain, please take good care of yourself" says mike and goes out of the office.

'good bye, mike' Captain Reinhardt



Outside the village mike is staring at the village entrance and checking the map once again for final conformation.

'Looks like this is the place where grimoire tower is, this isn't bad, says mike and enters the village'

"Halt, state your purpose here" says a guarding knight of Harrison village

mike takes out out the token captain Reinhardt given and shows it to the guarding knight and says"I'm here for the grimoire ceremony "

The knight inspects the token for its Authenticity, after conforming it he allows mike in to the village.

'now it's almost time for power up'


Sorry yesterday I wasn't able to give an update as I'm busy so it took some time. so enjoy the chapter and do please comment on it and tell me if there are any mistakes.

If you like this fan-fic add it to your library and support me with power stones.

p.s : This is my biggest chapter till date.

This took so much and all data wiped once, had to re-write it again hope you like this chapter.

whitedevilcreators' thoughts