
In Between Time

A 26-year-old girl aiming to become the greatest scientist accidentally travels back in time and turns ten years younger. She meets Alex a boy who possesses dangerous dark magic who has a goal of destroying the world.Will she help him or will she light his dark heart. And what of her? Will she return back to her time and forget about him?

Rie_Gloria · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 4

"They are after me..." Alex begins telling me.

"Why? What did you do?" I ask curiously.

"Look you don't need to know. Tomorrow I will take you back to that old lady and you'll stay with her." he answers coldly.

"But why can't I stay with you? I can help you...I am smart." I say pleadingly.

He then stands up and heads out. "I'm going to grab us some food." He says as he leaves. I remain alone. I fidget my fingers nervously. I then stand up and walk to the messy table attempting to clean it up.

I spot a device that looks like a microchip.

Huh? Is the past suppose to have this? Or did I go to the era in which technology begun?

I then spot a round object. I pick up the object and scrutinize it carefully.

"What are you doing?"

I am startled by the sudden voice and I drop the object. Alex then quickly walks towards me and I gulp nervously. He then bends and picks the object up.

"Don't touch my things!" He says looking at me sharply and I feel a shiver down my spine.

"I'm s-sorry!" I blurt out.

"Here! I brought some food...Eat." he says handing me the basket with bread and I mutter a thank you. I ravenously eat as I watch him work on the round object.

"Um..." I nervously clear my voice but then I hold back my question.

"What? Just say what you want to say."

"Um... what is that?" I ask expecting a yell.

"Oh this..." He says tossing the round object back and forth. "I even don't know."

And with that I remain silent hoping not to delve further into his business.

"Once you are done you can sleep on the bed it's almost dark."

"What about you? Where will you sleep?" I ask him and he shrugs and says "Just sleep will you!"

I nod and reluctantly lie on the bed and watch his back as he works. Without knowing I doze and I am in the world of slumber.

"Hey!! Wake up!!"

I am woken up by the sound of Alex.

Right! I'm not at home anymore.

I sit up and rub my eyes.

" Are you even a human?!" Alex asks looking at me questioningly.

"What! Did I snore too loud? I'm sorry I f I disturbed--"

"What snore! I'm talking about how you sleep as if you are dead!"

"Whaaat!! I'm sure that's not true!" I say pouting.

"Well then I Will escort you to the old lady and you can have your bath there." Alex says gathering his things.

I follow him silently back to the cottage. And Jim rushes to greet us.

"Hi! Good morning!" He says amiably. "What happened to your knee?" he questions me.

"Oh...I fell yesterday but I am fine."

"I am leaving. Show her to the old hag." Alex says and I watch him leave.

"That guy, seriously." Jim mutters to himself.

"Uh...does the lady have a name? I mean all he calls her is old lady and old hag and it wouldn't be right if I also call her that--"

"It certainly wouldn't dear." I jerk at the sudden voice behind me and I turn. "Just call me Cecilia." She says walking me to the cottage. Jim waves me goodbye and leaves to his business.

I then take a bath and wear the clothes Cecilia gives me. Apparently mine are too peculiar.

"I'm going to the market. Wanna come?"

After spending time with Cecilia, I learn that she is a very friendly woman. Although old she shares the lively heart of a teenager.

I nod and together we head out to the market. While Cecilia talks to the fruit vendor I wander off and bump into a young girl apparently about sixteen.

"Aren't you the girl who was with Alex?"

"Uh yes. I'm sorry!" I say bowing.

"Do you know Alex?" She asks

"I... just met him recently."

"Let me warn you... keep you distance or else you will get hurt!" And with that she runs off.

Keep my distance? Why??

Lost I thought I almost didn't hear Jim Call me. He approaches me and I decide to ask the question on my mind.

" A girl just told me to keep my distance from Alex why is that?"

"Oh that... Alex is...let's say special." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Special? How?"

"I don't think I have the right to tell you... Knowing Alex, although we are not real siblings, he will hate me if I told you..."

"Wait you are not real siblings?"