
In Between Time

A 26-year-old girl aiming to become the greatest scientist accidentally travels back in time and turns ten years younger. She meets Alex a boy who possesses dangerous dark magic who has a goal of destroying the world.Will she help him or will she light his dark heart. And what of her? Will she return back to her time and forget about him?

Rie_Gloria · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Chapter 3


We run toward the voice. We find a young boy screaming and rolling on the ground. he then gets up and starts laughing.

"I got you! I knew you would come!" the laughing boy says pointing at the boy with me.

"Um...Why were you screaming?" I ask the boy and he suddenly turns to me.

"Brother? Who is this?" the boy says to the boy who is presumably 'Brother'

"This is...what was your name again?"

"It's Brie!" I huffed irritably.

"Oh right and this here is my little brother Jimmy."

The other boy,Jimmy, speaks up and says "Please call me Jim! Oh don't worry about him he's just a bit grumpy." I nod in agreement. For siblings they are so different. I am glad at least i have met someone nicer. I clear my voice and ask " Um...what is his name?"

"He didn't tell you? I see...well his name is Alex." Jimmy responds gladly.

"Hey! It's my name! I get to say it whenever i want!" Alex retorted angrily. "Anyway, you wasted our time! We were going to the village." He continues as he walks back to the way we came from.We follow him silently. He then leads us to a cottage and knocks. An old lady opens the door.

"Hey old hag!..I brought you a lost item." He says looking at me.

"What?! I am definitely not an item!" I say to him.

"Oh...look at you dear, lost at a young age. Don't worry I'll take care of you.Please do come in!" The old lady says to me leading me inside her cottage.

"Wait!"I turn to Alex. "Aren't I suppose to help you?"

"No... putting you in danger will not be helping me. This old hag will keep you safe."

Suddenly men wearing armory approach.

"Uh...Alex? The king's men are coming over."Jimmy says.

"Argh! We have to go!" Alex says and abruptly grabs my arm and starts running behind the cottage. We run through the forest. The path we follow is bushy and thorny making it hard to pass.

Unable to match his tremendous speed I trip and fall injuring my knee. He stops and turns to me.

"Are you okay?" Alex asks me bending over to see my bleeding knee. Behind us the men are almost reaching us.

"Can you stand?" He asks and I nod as I attempt to stand but I fall back down. He sighs and then carries me up and my face glows red in embarrassment.

"W-what are you doing?!" I ask him.

"Oh so I should leave you here right? Don't worry the king will only chop your head maybe cut your fingers and bury you. It's not that hard really." He says as he returns me back to the ground.

I shiver at the thought of being chopped.

Which kind of king does that?! Who exactly is this king?

"No... please don't leave me here!"

And with that he carries me on his arms.

"Now hold me tight. I won't be responsible if you fall."

I hold him as tight as can.

"Hey! I said hold me tight not chock me! Ah... Nevermind that let's move!"

He carries me and we head north. We then arrive deep in the forest where we find what looks like a tree house.

"Wow!" I exclaim excitedly. He lays me down on the grass and says "Wait here I'll treat your wound."

He climbs the tree house and returns with water and a clothe. He then kneels besides me and with the water wipes gently my wound.

I wince in pain. He then ties a clothe around my knee. My heart flatters seeing him acting gently.

"That should do it! Now let me help you up to the tree house."

He says and helps me walk up to the tree house.

The house is steady and unlikely to fall. It is spacious. In the far corner there is what looks like a bed and in the middle of the room there is a table with lots of stuff. It is almost as messy as mine back at home.

I chuckle at the thought of Alex and I sharing a common habit and he raised an eyebrow at me.

"You should rest up." He says leading me to the bed but I shake my head vigorously.

"I have injured my knee not my heart! I'm not sick!" I quickly told him.

"I'm just trying to be considerate! " He says and walks to his messy table.

"At least tell me why we are being chased!" I say getting to the point.

He clears his voice.