
In Between Time

A 26-year-old girl aiming to become the greatest scientist accidentally travels back in time and turns ten years younger. She meets Alex a boy who possesses dangerous dark magic who has a goal of destroying the world.Will she help him or will she light his dark heart. And what of her? Will she return back to her time and forget about him?

Rie_Gloria · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 5

Jim remains silent. Just then Cecilia walks up to us.

"I'm done we can go now..." She says and Jim walks away.

I then decide to ask about the two brothers not being siblings.

"Well those two are like my family. I found Alex one day wandering in the forest and took him in. Jimmy on the other hand I found him on my doorstep when he was a baby. Ever since that day I have raised them as my own." She say as we walk back home. We arrive home within minutes but I can't help but think of what the girl in the market meant by keep my distance.

"Um... Cecilia I'm going to look for firewood. I'll be back!" I say and head to forest not waiting for her response.

Although I told her I was going to get firewood I knew where I was going was not related to firewood. I told this lie so as to get answers to my questions.

I walk through the forest trying to figure out the way to the tree house. I walk around for a few minutes and I get lost.

Suddenly, I see smoke in the air. I decide to to find the source of the smoke so I walk towards it. After a few minutes I finally reach the source and my eyes widen at the sight of Alex.

"F-fire is..."

Alex turns to me.

"What are you doing here?!"

"Why is fire coming from your hands?" I ask pointing at his hands which he immediately hides behind his back.

"I asked you a question didn't I?" He asks purposely avoiding my question.

"What I'm doing here doesn't matter... just answer me!" I answer him.

"Fine if you are not going to answer me then they no use for me to be here. I'm going."

No! I don't belong to this world. I should not delve any further into their business. I should focus on going home my career, my sister are all there but...Why? Why do I feel the urge to be involved? Why...

"No! Wait! I will help you!" I say grabbing his arm. And he turns to me.

"What? You will help me do what! I might be evil--"

"I don't care! I will help you! But in return you will help me get back to my time." I say as loud as I can.

"What do you mean your time? That reminds me...those weird clothes you were wearing yesterday. Are they from your time?" I nod as he continues "So you are from the future?" I nod again. He then pauses for a moment as if deep in thought.

"Fine then. You said you will help me even though I'm evil right?"he says eying me quizzically

"Evil?! You were joking right?" I ask shocked.

"I don't joke. Or have you changed your mind?"

"No...I will help. But with what?"

"We can't talk about it here come with me..." He drags me to the tree house.

I made the right decision right? There's no turning back now is there? I did what I could...

"Hey Did you hear what I said?! I said sit down I'll explain everything."

I am brought to reality at the sound of his voice and I nod and sit.

"Okay first you are going to help me finish my gadget." He says point at the round object from yesterday.

"Yes but what is it?"

"It is suppose to explode when I throw it on the ground."

"So a bomb?" I ask.

"A what? Oh is that what you call it in your time?"

"Yes and they are very powerful weapon...why would you want to make a bomb?"

"To destroy this filthy world." He says his eyes full of ambition.

"Huh?! A bomb can't destroy the world!"

That's why I have this..." he says and he conjures what looks like fire from his hands. And I gasp.

"You are going to use heat to increase the explosion of the bomb?!"

"Exactly! But not just heat. Dark magic too!"

What on earth have I gotten myself into?

"So will you help me? Or you change your mind."

I think for a second. He has many interesting items that might help me to get back home. I decide to agree to help him but what happens if he destroys the world?