
In a Xianxia with a Smartphone

In the world of cultivation nothing is certain....dragons fall and mice thrive , seas boil and fire freezes . It is a magical and dangerous world that is held in balance only by the 'Dao', the great equaliser, but it's anything but equal. Cultivators roam the lands, monsters terrorise them, and dragons rule over them...in the meantime common folk suffer. Feng Jian is one of those commoners, but he isn't 'common' by any means as he has something that shouldn't exist in this world...a smartphone. *Ting* ( Upgrade of Camera features complete! Gained: Slow Motion capture 5000 x, 3D capture, Night Vision capture)

SilentTreatment · Eastern
Not enough ratings
20 Chs

Triple Peak 3

"Hah...haah..haaaaaaaaaa......slow down! I can't keep up." Jian stopped to catch his breath,  but no matter how hard he tried  , he didn't seem to fulfill the wishes of his lungs for oxygen. He was feeling lightheaded and his throat was parched; he had been climbing the stairs to reach the monastery for about two hours and he couldn't really feel his legs anymore. 

"It seems that you're a little tired...yyaaaaaa..." nonchalantly said Suyin as she yawned " Well, I have good news for you,  we're almost there, only one more hour."

"One hour...are you kidding me!? You call that almost there?"

Suyin frowned " Well, if I hadn't been keeping up with your pace I could have arrived there in less than an hour. It's your fault were taking this long."

"And you think I don't want to go faster? I just can't....so what do you say about taking a little break from climbing....and why the hell are these stairs so uneven?!" angrily shouted Jian as he missed his step for the uptenth time. " Couldn't you just level these stairs,  then it would be much more easier to climb."

"By these stairs,  are you referring to the steps you are climbing...the sacred Ascension Steps the founder of the Three Peaks monastery created by himself? These sacred steps....."

Jian lowered his head to look at the uneven steps and only one thing crossed him mind.' These steps are sacred? Then why am I suffering like I'm in hell to climb them?' With a grunt Jian once again continued climbing,  but after half an hour he was dead tired. Even if he wanted to he couldn't take even one more step up those stairs.

"Hahh....water....I'm dying here." hoarsely said Jian as he looked towards Suyin, but the later just begun to chant some mantras." What....are...you doing?"

Without missing a beat she answered with a strange smile on her face. "I'm praying for a safe passing for you."


Jian could only cuss for his fate as he was looking at the blue sky.' Dammit, I haven't even begun the road of cultivation,  and I'm already fed up. If everyday is like today then.....' Jian got out of his stupor as he looked at Suyin's bald head, and in it he found his motivation. ' If I started cultivating then there might come a time when I'll be stronger than her...then...hehehe...'

"Ohhh...it seems you have come to terms with your mortality; that means that my mantras are working."

"I doubt....of course they are working....huppp..." Jian got once again on his feet, the bag of clothes on his back weighting on him. He hurriedly moved his feet even though it felt like they were logs and  barely managed to catch up to Suyin.


In less than an hour Jian and Suyin managed to arrive at their destination. Jian barely managed to take his final step,  exhaustion had permeated into his soul. He was in the brink of collapsing  and fainting,  missing the magnificent place he had finally arrived. Two huge stone pillars were at the entrance of the ledge that seemed to have been cut into the side of the mountain. 

The pillars seemed to have grown up from the moutain, or maybe the mountain was carved up for them to remain. Right next to each pillar were the ten meters tall status of two guardian deities; man shaped guardians who watched over the entrance of the temple.  They donned little clothing as they were displaying some kind of martial arts moves; their fierce expression deterred anyone from trespassing .

Passing the pillars there were numerous one storied buildings that were the perfect ratio of stone and wood. Their roofs covered with brown earthen tiles and their sparse sand gardens made this a place of calm and tranquility.

"We're here, we have arrived at the third peak of the Three Peaks monastery. " said Suyin as she looked with admiration at the place. She looked at at it for a long time and seemed to be lost , but when Jian wanted to nudge her she immediately moved.


"Stay here for a moment,  I'll talk to one of the monks and accommodate you into one of the empty abodes.  If you need for anything ask for head monk Liang,  he will be notified of your situation and will arrange for you.   

For the meantime I suggest you rest and get used to the place,  but don't slack of, and be mindful. If you're called upon,  I suggest that you answer as truly as you can, I wouldn't recommend anything else."

"Uhhh....I get it...but what if I want to speak to you.  I really don't know any of these other people....and I only trust you."

Cai Suyin turned towards him and clasped her hands" Amitabha Buddha,  I'm flattered,  but this is where our paths divide. I hope you achieve your goals as soon as possible." With those words she left Feng Jian.  He couldn't help but follow her with his eyes until he couldn't anymore,  and a feeling of sadness passed over him. She wasn't the easiest person to talk to or the best road companion,  but she was his only acquaintance in this place.

"Well, I'm all alone once again.....yaay...