
In a Xianxia with a Smartphone

In the world of cultivation nothing is certain....dragons fall and mice thrive , seas boil and fire freezes . It is a magical and dangerous world that is held in balance only by the 'Dao', the great equaliser, but it's anything but equal. Cultivators roam the lands, monsters terrorise them, and dragons rule over them...in the meantime common folk suffer. Feng Jian is one of those commoners, but he isn't 'common' by any means as he has something that shouldn't exist in this world...a smartphone. *Ting* ( Upgrade of Camera features complete! Gained: Slow Motion capture 5000 x, 3D capture, Night Vision capture)

SilentTreatment · Eastern
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20 Chs

Three Peaks 2

As Jian came close the the Triple Peak , he found out that the environment wasn't as devoid of life as he had expected.  A small town was just at the base of the first mountain. It mostly contained two to three storied houses,  all of them in dull brown colors,  but the atmosphere was completely different to the outside looks.

"Here here...the cheapest silk you can find on these lands. You won't even feel it in your skin....

"Get your hot meal,  the best of the best! You don't want to go on the journey on an ampty stomach...

"Do you want to protect yourself from bandits,  do you want a reliable weapon,  then here is your destiny. Sword,  spears,  axes  and every other weapon we have....here here....

Jian was a little overwhelmed by the bustling. On every street and every  corner someone was yelling to attract customers to come and look at their wares,  but he didn't have to wreck his brains for an explanation. He had a guide with him after all.

"You didn't expect it to be so bustling,  did you? I bet you haven't seen so many people on the same place at the same time. So many voice,  so many faces....

"Not really...." Jian was really surprised by the bustling city, but it wasn't that he hadn't seen this many people before.  As a soul from 21st century earth he had been in cities ten times bigger than this, but he couldn't tell her that.

"Is it me or there are more people  are trying to sell thing's than people trying to by them? Are they that desperate to sell their wares?"

"Not really,  it's just that they pay a very hefty sum in taxes and rent,  so they are making every moment count. This is the last stop before heading towards the Triple Peak monastery, a gathering place for both non cultivators and cultivators alike. This place has a history of more than 2300 years,  and it's influence and power is comparable to a mid ranged sect. 

Many people come here for a pilgrimage, some come for spiritual guidance, some come to request the exorcism of rouge devil's and ghost which are haunting their villages, and many others come here to do business. This place is under the protection of the Three Peaks monastery  and very few would dare to  cause trouble here."

" I see, so the Three Peaks monastery is like the ruler of this land?"

"Not exactly." Suyin said as she stopped at a stall maned by a man in his fifties. He looked to be well of going by his attire , especially the gold rings on his fingers. The man turned his head towards Suyin as he finished shouting for anyone to come and look at his wares expecting a regular customer who only looked and would not buy anything, but when he looked at Suyin his eyes shone. He clasped his hand in greeting,  and the sound of his gold rings hitting each other was clearly heard.

"Esteemed cultivator,  I welcome you to my humble stall. What can I do for you today? " the man's delight as he greeted Suyin was obvious. It made Jian somewhat taken aback,  but then he  remembered Suyin's words about the taxes and rent. 

Suyin smiled "Xiong Shen, it seems that business has been going good lately. I see more things on your stall than last time, how fortunate."

"Hahaha, you surely jest, it's just that I've had to expand the type of my wares recently.  Those taxes aren't cheap after all....

"Neither is the protection of the Three Peaks monastery."

"Haha, of course of course.  We really owe the Three Peaks monastery for the peace to freely trade." hurriedly said the man as a bead of sweat formed on his brow.

"Amitabha Buddha,  that is true,  but I'm not here to discuss taxes,  I'm looking to by some medicinal herbs, mostly Earthbound Roots,  some low grade Spiritual Incense , ten year old Ginseng,  Moonshade Flowers,  some low grade food pills....

The man's eyes opened wide as his smile became frozen; not because he didn't want to smile from ear to ear, but because he wanted to remain professional.

"Certainly, is this all that you want?"

"Yes,  that is all. You can send them to me , but send the bill to the abbot of the third peak."

"Of course, of course,  but may I ask you one thing? Aren't these materials bought once the acceptance trial of the monastery? If I'm not wrong the trial isn't until the next year."

Suyin who was about to leave turned around and looked at the man without saying a word. ".....


"Xiong Shen, it seems that you have begun to dabble into the habits of women. It's best not to be so nosy."

"Of course of course....forgive if I have offended you! I sincerely apologize." the man bowed multiple times , and after about a minute Suyin stopped him and left.  Jian who followed behind her couldn't help but ask.

"Why did you turn on him like that? The poor fellow's  heart almost almost gave up on him."

"Too nosey,  I don't like that. Why ask, do you have any complaints?"


"That's what I thought."

Jian furrowed his brows 'This nun really knows how to get on your nerves.'