
In a Xianxia with a Smartphone

In the world of cultivation nothing is certain....dragons fall and mice thrive , seas boil and fire freezes . It is a magical and dangerous world that is held in balance only by the 'Dao', the great equaliser, but it's anything but equal. Cultivators roam the lands, monsters terrorise them, and dragons rule over them...in the meantime common folk suffer. Feng Jian is one of those commoners, but he isn't 'common' by any means as he has something that shouldn't exist in this world...a smartphone. *Ting* ( Upgrade of Camera features complete! Gained: Slow Motion capture 5000 x, 3D capture, Night Vision capture)

SilentTreatment · Eastern
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


Jian was greeted by a young monk, and when he was asked about the purpose of his visit,  he said he was looking for head monk Liang. As soon as he heard that the young monk directed Jian through the place. Besides sand gardens there were also numerous small ponds that dottedthe place, and to cross them they had to go over some  short cresent shaped bridges. It truly was a place of calm.

"The head monk is here. Just wait here as I tell him about your visit." The monk said at Jian who was still curiously looked around. 

"Ah...okay...."The monk opened the wooden door in front of them and with two steps was inside, leaving Jian all alone once again. This waiting gave Jian some time to contemplate about his 'employment ' at the Three Peaks monastery.  

' If Suyin didn't lie to me then the monastery will provide me with the materials and means to start my cultivation , and in return I'll have to forge some demon slaying weapons.Man, I really don't know how I've managed to do that,  but I guess I'll do as I've done before.' Jian furrowed his brows 'Still, I really need some quiet place for me to play the recorded mantras, if I don't want to raise suspicion.'

Numerous thoughts passed through Jian's mind as he waited and one of them was the upgrades he did to his phone. Firstly, after the battle between Suyin and the ghost path cultivator he understood that he couldn't really follow their actions with his eyes,  they were to fast. So, using half a month of no activity he managed to get the camera to record at slow motion up to 2x. It wasn't a really useful thing as he wouldn't be able to use it Ina real battle,  but it would be useful for training. He wasn't a fighter or had ever taken martial arts classes in his old world,  but he knew that knowing your opponents moves would make him much more capable. He knew that professional fighters spent numerous hours watching recordings  to try to find their opponents rhythm and habits,  and in this world with no technology only he had that luxury.

' Still, I'm only capable of recording only five minutes of normal speed video , and about two minutes of it slowed down. I really need to make the best of it....

As Jian was thinking about his other upgrade the wooden door opened and the young monk invited him inside. As he entered he was met with strong insence , mumbled mantras and many statues  of various Buddha's in different positions.  Some seemed welcoming,  some passive  and some looked angry.  Jian's eyes thought were locked at an old man who was sitting cross-legged on a prayer man chanting some mantras.

His voice seemed etherial as it echoed on the room,  and it looked as if it wasn't a mantra beeing chanted but a well written poem. It made Jian a little squeamish to look at the old monk,  but feel such reverence  and power emanating from such a distance. He had a clean shaven face, a pointy nose, buff like someone who went everyday at the gym, and a pair of bushy brows.After a minute the monk stopped chanting his mantras and the room fell into silence, but only for a second as the monks calmd voice was transmitted into his ears. 

"You must be the young man Suyin went to find....and found you she indeed has. I'm the head monk of the third peak, you can call me head monk Liang.....and you?"

"Ahhh....my name is Feng Jian,  and I'm indeed the one Suyin went out looking for....although some unexpected visitor came."

"The ghost path cultivator...." said the head monk as he closed his eyes." Indeed that was quite a surprise for us to,  but what surprised me more is when I heard that you managed to escape his grasp. 

Such a feat shouldn't be possible for a non cultivator.....such as you that is."

As he heard those words Jian tensed up, but he had expected that kind of question.' I guess this is what Suyin was talking to me about.' Jian seemed to hesitate for a while,  but it wasn't that suspicious as someone who had went through such am experience would be hesitant to talk about it.

"I was really lucky  head monk Liang. The ghost path cultivator fortunately let his guard down towards meb, and I used that opportunity to strike him in his nether regions....uhhh....you know....

"Amitabha Buddha,  what a great response." said Liang as a slight smile was seen on his face. "If that's the case then you were indeed lucky....and as luck has it, you have come to us. 

Pertaining to the situation of you being able to make demon slaying weapons, you will  be tested,  but that is besides your status of residence. You will be granted a token so you can be recognized as a guest of the temple.  Until then I suggest that you rest....it's been a long journey for you."