
In a Xianxia with a Smartphone

In the world of cultivation nothing is certain....dragons fall and mice thrive , seas boil and fire freezes . It is a magical and dangerous world that is held in balance only by the 'Dao', the great equaliser, but it's anything but equal. Cultivators roam the lands, monsters terrorise them, and dragons rule over them...in the meantime common folk suffer. Feng Jian is one of those commoners, but he isn't 'common' by any means as he has something that shouldn't exist in this world...a smartphone. *Ting* ( Upgrade of Camera features complete! Gained: Slow Motion capture 5000 x, 3D capture, Night Vision capture)

SilentTreatment · Eastern
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20 Chs

Cultivation and Forging 1

Another week passed for Jian,  and it had been quite a week . Firstly he had gained a residence at the third peak of Three Peaks monastery, and spent some time making it a livable place for himself. He then tried to make himself accustomed to the place,  but most of his time was spent in the big blacksmithing building that provided a lot  of things the residents of the monastery needed.  From normal iron nails, to swords,  spears and all manner of weapons. You name it , they made it.

Jian wasn't a stranger to blacksmithing as he had spent numerous hours in  this world making things,  but they were mostly ordinary items. He didn't really know how to forge any weapon,  or even known where to find the high grade material for them. 

*Ding dink...

"Thats right,  that's how you do it. First you stretch the metal,  then flatten it,  and then you slowly shape.  It sounds easy when you see it, but trust me, its not."

"I see.....

Jian was currently sweating bullets as he saw a burly man who was forging some kind of sword. The man was not that tall, shorter than Jian , but the aura he emanated made Jian appear smaller in statute. Concentration was plastered on the man's face as he hammered at the piece of metal on the anvil,  sparks flying on his bearded rugged face, but he didn't even blink. 

*Ding Ding...

After twenty minutes the man stopped hammering at the sword shaped piece of metal,  and then quickly quenched it into a big bath if water. Steam rose and formed a kind of mist all around the two of them, making Jian wave his hand to dismiss it.

"Master Gao, this kind of metal really retains heat to much. It almost evaporated all the water as it cooled down. I've never seen anything like it before."

The man called Gao brought up the sword up to his face to examine it, before tapping it multiple times with his knuckles. " Of course you haven't,  most people haven't. " the man turned towards Jian and smiled " This right here is made from Fire Qi refined steel  mixed with other metals for a good transfer and retainment of Fire Qi. It may be not a high end weapon, but it gets the job done for most of low rank cultivators who practice Fire Qi techniques. "

"I understand....." said Jian as he looked at now cooled of weapon with a little envy. He really wanted to forge such a weapon,  but even if he knew how,  he couldn't do it as his strength was not enough to work the metal.

"So, head monk Liang sent you to learn from me huh? "

"Indeed Master Gao, you're a master on blacksmithing after all."

"Heheh....hahaha, you're quite the pleaser, but that's not what makes a good blacksmith. I've observed you,  I've seen your work....and I've got to say, I'm not impressed." seriously said Gao as he looked at Jian. " I've seen much better blacksmiths than you at your age, more knowledgeable,  with higher cultivation...."

After some time the tension could be cut witha knife. Jian looked troubled as the man seemed to ponder for a while,  and then suddenly spoke " Fortunately for you,  I owe the old man a favor, so I'll accept you as a honorary personal disciple for now. Don't disappoint me though....

"I won't....ahh...don't I have to do some kind of ceremony to acknowledge you as my master and....

"There is no need..." The man stopped Jian " You're only a honorary disciple after all."

Jian was a little conflicted with the whole honorary disciple thing,  but he didn't think to much into it. The more the thought about it , the more he knew he didn't know anything.  He had just been swept into a vortex,  and the only thing he could do for now was to keep his head over the water. The monastery was a safe place for him right now,  but he was sure that I wasn't without it's drawbacks. 

' Man , I really have involved myself into something way over my head....haaaa. I gues it beats fearing for life from any ghost or demon cultivator who is trying to kill me. 

Heh,  at least I got a cultivation technique and can start to slowly strengthen myself . It's hard though....' Jian had been given a cultivation manual called ' Scorching Fire ' after he had his cultivation root examined.  When he had heard about the examination he had become worried as he didn't know how it was done, but after just beeing asked for a drop of blood, he calmed down.  The very next day the news came to him that he had a prominent 'fire root' and a secondary 'wood root'. It was quite the good combination he was told , but he would se if it was really true.

He was completely oblivious about the world of cultivators until a week ago;only now having gained some basic knowledge. For starters there were five main cultivation roots ; wood,  fire, metal , water , wind, and earth. After that were the two basic roots of Yin and Yang,  and lastly were the hybrid roots like ice, and lighting .

Besides training on the main cultivation roots,  there was also the cultivation of spiritual roots. The monks of this monastery usually cultivated by this method as it was aligned with their doctrine,  but it was harder than cultivating the main roots,  basic roots or the hybrid roots.