
Tolerance among others

Kira and her friends sat in class with her as she eventually saw Zack and Jack walking in together as Jack held a bleach blonde hairstyle and sea blue eyes as he glanced the classroom and saw us along with Zack as they walked our way.

The girls here at this school like them a lot and some even think they're brothers but little do they know they work together in the mansion.

Jack was just as tall as Zack, he wore white wristbands but with a black shirt with red tears in them as it was the same on the shorts.

"Hey Jack *said excitedly* How's the guild life going since Sir Cain had let you go for it?" One of the girls asked as Kira looked at her wide eyed 'Wow Nyla sure is happy to see Jack' She said to herself mentally as she saw that her dark skin friend practically eye Jack like a hungry predator "It's been fine" He said while facing the front of the class.

"I think there's something you should know...." Zack started to talk as he looked at Jack as he looked very serious as Jack's face still showed an uncaring attitude.

"And what would that be?" He replied as he raised an eyebrow at him "Alright class time for us to get settled today we have a new student and his name is Indra Niklaus Tempest" They all heard Kira's mom say as he walked in with his hair in a ponytail as some of the wild locks of hair framed his face perfectly.

He wore a red shirt with a black vest with black cargo shorts to match as there was something off as everyone watched Jack slowly stand up as they watched Jack stare him down.

"Jack?" Kira tried calling him as Indra looked at him as they both made perfect eye contact as there was heavy tension in the room "Indra you can sit in the open seat right in front of Kira" She quickly said as he made his way over to the chair with his bag.

"Okay so today we're gonna show you all guild forms and how to know which guild to apply for and how to do it"


Indra sat in the combat room alone as he had ate his lunch 'Now this is bullshit...I'm not used to a calm environment I want combat, but then again how exactly would I get that?' He groaned loudly as he sat there silently.

"Move it wimp!"


The sound and the voice made Indra curious as he got up and looked outside to see a group of men and one with a a girl huddled up on him, I then decided to get a closer look as it was a spry guy doesn't seem much like a fighter as he was on the ground.

His red hair was neck length as his button up white long sleeve collared shirt was dirty, his black trousers got dust and dirt from the floor and his dress shoes got a couple scuff marks on them.

This was wrong in every aspect and no one wasn't gonna do a thing to help him as he saw the people he fought yesterday as he clinched his teeth "Aren't any of you gonna do anything!" He said angrily as they looked at him as if he was crazy.

"You wanna do something? What can you do up against them? They're too strong and the strongest person we have is Jack and there's only one of him" They laughed at him as he just started to realize how things work around here, everything was about who was on top and the guy that was on top was the guy everyone feared but the guy on top only fucked with the people that was weaker than his actual opponents.

"And that is also his guild" Nyla commented as Indra put it all together it all meant Jack wasn't gonna be challenged and since he was there guild mate they would leave his friends or family alone.

Indra didn't like that not one bit as he balled up his fists "You're all cowards...." He said angrily as it shocked them as he shook with rage "You let someone be bullied and don't care because you're safe, that's not cool not one bit....I know what you all think of me~ that I'm just some soon to be spoiled brat of "Master Siegfried" I was never in his shadow before....so don't start putting me in it now because you fear the path up ahead!" He shouted angrily at them as they was shocked as he even looked her mother and Reyes.

"For teachers I'm highly disappointed in you both...." He said as he started to head towards the group who was bullying the kid "If I have to be on top to stop the chaos.....then so be it!" He said as he pushed his way through the crowds.

The guy was gonna strike the kid while he was on the ground as he raised his left hand and stopped the kick as he controlled his whole center of gravity and waved right as he flew into the locker head first as gasps were heard.

Everyone looked at Indra as he walked up to the red head and once he got closer he realized that it was more a light scarlet as he reached his hand down to pick him up as he kept an eye on the group as the girl went over to get her man off the floor.

"Why'd you do that?" The guy said as he got up as they made eye contact as his eyes widened "Y-Y-Y-Your Indra Niklaus Tempest! The Son of Siegfried Tempest, the sole survivor of the Dragon Kin and his Assistant known as the Dragon father of murder like the biblical Cain" He said as Indra looked at him as he shook under his gaze.

Indra turned around as he saw the guy getting back up as he was getting angrier by the minute "You think just because your the son of the Dragon you think you can just show up and cause trouble? News flash brat it's eight of us one of you" He said as all of them started chuckling.

"I think you need a reality check....because in the next few seconds you'll be the only one standing" They all started to laugh as the boy was back on his feet "Yeah right go get him!" He said while they charged Indra he stood behind them all.

Within that split second bodies flew everywhere as they was in the lockers and all over the floor as he continued his walk to the boy as he was confused just like everyone else that was watching.

"You bully those weaker than you to instill fear that you're the strongest one around so no one will challenge you...." He felt a tap on his shoulder as he jumped and fell as it was Indra as he got even more scared as he turned back to the crowd as it wasn't a clone it was actually him.

"So let me give you a reality check, there's always someone stronger than you are and majority of the time they're at your feet, if being at the top meant that much to you to not do it fair and square....." Everyone saw that his eyes was glowing purple with a black sclera as there was a red full circle on his forehead as his power was growing by the waves as as the ground started cracking with each step and suddenly the boy realized they wasn't at school anymore but a dark plain as there was a glowing titan version of him as it was staring him down as if he was a mere ant.

And once he swung down on him he flenched and closed his eyes but nothing came as he opened them to see that he was back at the school as Indra was face to face with him "You're gonna earn you spot back and by earn I mean take back from me" He said as the boy started to scramble away from him as his group followed in suit along with the girl.

Indra will forever remember his face, a skinny boy with long black hair as he dressed like a rich kid with a attitude like the world owes him something, he looked at the boy as he was shaking and from the looks of everyone else they was beyond shocked.


Indra was walking as he noticed the group that would be at the mansion later as he looked at them and kept walking away, as he held his bag over his right shoulder as they watched the red head watch him from the distance.

"Hey!" Kira said as she ran up to him as he was shocked "Oh! Uh...Hey" He said not knowing what to say as he fiddled with his fingers "How about you come with us for a little while" She said as she saw the confusion in his face.


"Whoa! Wait isn't this the Tempest Mansion!? I don't belong here!" The red head tried running off but was grabbed by Zack as he stared at him blankly "Get your ass in the house" He said as he gulped and walked with them to the Mansion.

Once they opened the doors he was in awe with how huge everything was as he watched two of his teachers slip on a black cloth with a DragonKin design on there arm as they continued to walk ahead of them all.

"This is where we live Jason, we are servants of Master Siegfried himself and in exchange we get paid and we live here in the mansion until we request a home of our own" Kyla said as she smiled at Jason even though he was at a loss for words.

And never did he ever think Zack and Jack lived together either they all was this close because they worked together under the command of a man who can annihilate a country if he wanted to.

"Where's Indra?" They heard a voice behind them as Jason screamed and jumped away as it was Cain as they all bowed slightly to him as Jason did nothing but shook in place as Cain began to stare at him.

"Hmm? A hybrid....." He came closer as he squinted at him as he then nodded "Ahh you're a interesting little fella" He said as Jason was confused "I thought sleeping with another race was taboo for your kind, but then again you aren't built like no warrior either"

"H-Hybrid? I'm no hybrid I'm a full blooded Elf" He said as Cain raised a eyebrow at him and chuckled "Kid I smell beast-kin in your blood....I've killed plenty of people to know a Hybrid when I see one" He said as Jason was confused.

"We thought he came here Sir and grabbed the boy he saved at school today and thought that maybe he could be of some use to us" Reyes said as Cain looked at the boy "Maybe, Have you ever killed anyone?" Cain asked him as he was about to fumble over his words.


"Have you ever stolen from anyone?"

"No why would I do that?"

"I see...you're an innocent, don't worry I'll fix that very quickly" He said as his attention went back to the group "Well he needs to be found Master Siegfried and I will be leaving to speak to the clans in hell since they discovered his existence and eventually the gods are gonna wanna have a say as well it's only a matter of when"

"Is he going with you two down there?" Kyla said as he shook his head "Negatory he will be here under the care of you and your daughter and make sure that he does not cause trouble with anyone that could cause damage to his name" They all nodded as Cain looked at the boy.

"You'll be under the training of both Reyes and Kyla....so don't fuck up" He told him as he started to leave as everyone started to question themselves mentally on who exactly what as gonna go look for Indra.

"Why are all of you looking at each other like that?" They looked at the red head as he looked confused "You all look as if you don't care for his well-being out there, all you have to do is bring him back here....unless you simply just don't want to?" He said as they looked at each other as no one said a word.

"Wow...I know I'm a wimp and I'm weak but it's sad to see that his own family doesn't even want to go do something as simple as look for him, I'll just go find him myself" He said as he started to walk away from them as he left the mansion.


Indra was seen eating at a table as he noticed the owner looking at him "What is it sir?" He was shocked as he started laughing nervously.

"It's just that you're the son of the Dragon and it's shocking to see you here at my shop is all" Indra gave a low hum as he nodded "I'm no spoiled brat...I like to eat what the locals serve...." He started sniffing the air as he started looking past the man.

"What is that?" He said he didn't even notice himself leaning over the counter as the man went back there and came back with buns on a tray with powdered sugar on top as it Indra squirm in his seat.

"You actually want this?" He nodded his head slowly as the man gave them to Indra as one by one he started eating them as he was surprised.

"Please don't let those go out of sale!" He said as he grabbed the man by the shirt as he then pulled out his bag of money and dropped it on the table "I'll pay for them" He said as the man immediately started boxing up the rest.

Once he got back to the Mansion he saw Jack and Zack waiting for him as he stopped in place "And what do you two want?" He said as Jack walked up to him slowly.

"Your father and Sir Cain has left to Hell and left Miss Kyla and Reyes in charge of you along with Kira, so my advice to you is to treat them and her with some respect since they're jobs are the ones on the line guarding you" He said as Indra raised an eyebrow "I'll do what I want I don't need none of your permission" Indra replied as he started walking towards them as they clinched their teeth.

They didn't touch him as they let him pass, and once he was at the door he saw the three names that was just mentioned waiting for him as they looked at him as Indra made eye contact with all three and walked into the mansion.