
New Home


"I actually want to become a parent I don't what you are Indra...do you want me as your father?" He asked as Indra looked at him and smiled "Yeah, I do" He said as Siegfried felt relief as his search was finally over.


They all arrived at Siegfried's home that can pass as a mansion as they stepped out the black limo as Indra was in awe looking at the concrete platform that held designed bushes cut to perfection of Humanoid DragonKin.

There was even huge ponds on both sides that held all types of fish and once they got to the stairs the doors opened as maids and butlers on both sides of the doors waited for us.

"We've awaited your return Master Siegfried and Sir Cain!" They said in unison as Indra became in more awe as he watched Cain step in front of them as he realized that he was dressed a lot like them.

"What happened to the new staff?" He asked as two people stepped up a man and a woman as they held a black cloth around their arms the woman on her right and the man his left as there was a Red and Gold Dragon scale pattern on the cloth they wore.

The man was light toned and stood at at least six foot five feet tall as his dark blue hair hung to the right as the left side of his head was cut, his black empty eyes not really showing too much emotion.

The woman seemed to be almost pale but her cheeks is a rosy red with curly blonde and red hair as her eyes are a beautiful emerald and full of life as she stood at Five feet.

"They are on there way from their tasks sir we've notified them beforehand" The man spoke as he bowed slightly to Cain as he then pointed to Indra "This boy is the son of Master Siegfried, if you remember our conversation well the two of you will make sure his needs are taken care of" He said while Indra was slightly confused at how he stressed out needs as they nodded.

As if on cue a girl had came around the corner as she has blonde and blue hair as her eyes were emerald like the woman and the another similarity they had was there chest size as Indra stared at her.

'Wow' Was all he could he say to himself as she stopped beside who could possibly be her mother 'Well for a woman she doesn't look all bad but there's no way in hell I am having a maid' Indra said as he vanished without anyone noticing.

"You will be assigned Master Siegfried's Son and you will cater to his every need no matter how big or small" She nodded quickly as she started to bow "I will, sir, without fail" She said as Cain smiled slightly.

"Now come here boy and meet your..." Cain and everyone turned to look at where he stood as he was gone while they all stood speechless "Maid" Cain finished as he face palmed and groaned as he was now annoyed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Someone go find him before I lose my damn mind" Cain said as everyone immediately started to search the area as the girl headed back to where she was 'Gone from sight already? He already seems like a handful, nothing comes easy around here' She grumbled to herself as she found herself walking down a hallway and found herself running into her mother.

"Why do I have to look for spoiled brat when I could be doing what I wanna do?" She said as her mother chuckled "Because you're assigned to him and this task is very important especially since this is the child of Master Siegfried" She said as they walked together up the hall.

"I know but why couldn't one of you be assigned to him? Why give us so much responsibility? We're inexperienced" She said as she was starting to look stressed.

"INTRUDER!" Was all they heard as they started running and once they got downstairs they seen a boy shirtless but in pants as he looked like one of those beginner mercenary guys off the street.

She then seen her coworkers who's also her age try to fight him instead even though the boy did look like he was in their age group to begin with.

Her and her mom watched him sigh as he looked at them boringly "What can a guy do to get some peace and quiet around here?" He said as he waved his hand at them as it looked like a force was keeping them there and slowing them down at the same time.

"You all still got some work to do" He said as he waved his hand down as they was forced into the ground as it cracked "How is he this strong!!"

"I can't move!" She heard her friends say as she clenched her teeth as she ran towards him "Let them go!" She screamed as she made ice blades appear in her hands as she started to charge him head on.

She couldn't land a single hit throughout the whole time she swung at him continuously as she began to realize that he was staring at her the whole time not even tired from all the moving and not distracted from keeping her friends down "You're not focused...." He open palmed her in the head as she went flying as her mother caught her.

"That could get you killed in my world" He finished as her ice blades went away as she watched Elvin runes appear as they all was confused 'A Elf?! Like us?! But how!!' She thought to herself as the confusion clearly written her face.

"There's only a limit if you set one....I don't let those obstacles hold me back" He finished as he waved his left hand as the whole hallway became a winter wonderland as they all was frozen in place.

"I've had enough of you kid" She heard her mother say as she broke out the ice "You're fighting on their level and I'm not that weak and you disrespect our people by showing yourself in here dressed as a mercenary" She said as he looked confused.

"Huh?....You think I'm a Elf?" He asked her confusingly "As cool as it would be to be one of your people I'm not, I simply studied your magic and mastered it to a degree" He said while sword was coming down on him but was blocked by two dual daggers as he was now in a outfit that was like a gladiator.

"The elves aren't the only ones with war traits ya' know" He said as he broke free and kicked her away as he held two long daggers with gold handles as they looked like a rose with thorns.

His helmet looked Trojan as the fur wasn't fur it was light or fire as his eyes became a glowing red as there was a black chest plate, forearms, thighs and calves as his Trojan sandals covered the front of his legs.

"May the gods be with you" He said with a smile on his face as he started to charge the woman as she summoned a shield as she was going at it with him as the girl started rushing for her friends.

"Are you guys okay?" She said as they nodded and gave hums of agreement as they watched her mom face off against the boy as he traded blows with her as he started to push her back as she jumped in front of them.

"Wow! you're good, I don't care much for shields but maybe next time we can fight longer" He said as he turned around to leave as the armor and weapons vanished as he then gave one last glance but it was at the girl as he then ran off.

"Goddamnit! That boy just got here and he's causing trouble" They all heard Cain say as he just now showed up as he was accompanied by his other Assistant Reyes as he stood an inch behind Sir Cain.

The woman stood up as she seen her coworker as she was confused "Reyes, why aren't you giving chase with Sir Cain? There's an intruder" She said as he looked at her and her daughter as Cain started to head off towards the direction the boy went whileReyes stayed behind.

"That kid isn't no mere intruder Kyla, from the knowledge that I've just received that boy is the son of Master Siegfried that disappeared earlier this morning" He said while holding his hands behind his back.

"That boy? B-B-But that's impossible he looks like a~"

"Street rat? Yeah apparently he's not into the royalty shebang just yet but he will be taught and since your daughter is what Sir Cain selected for him she's gonna have to tend to everything he desires" He said leaning in slightly as the mother became speechless as they both looked at the girl.

The mother looked as if she now understands the memo as she shook her head no and pointed a finger in his face as if she was about to get angry and out of character "My daughter will not be a whore for a boy, that's not what I brought her in for~ tending to his needs yes but not his sexual needs that should not be a decision taken from her" She whispering the last part to Reyes.

"But if Master desires it be that way...what choice do you really have?" He said whispering back as he shrugged his shoulders hands still behind his back.

"You will come with me into his study and this will be a problem solved immediately! Do you understand Reyes?" She said as he nodded to his coworker.

"I'll talk to Sir Cain immediately" He said while bowing slightly as he walked off as Kyla looked at her daughter while she tended to her friends well-being "All of you get upstairs and start doing the rest of your tasks if they're any" She said as they all started heading for the stairs.


"I can't believe that's what you gotta put up with I know you're stressing out" A girl said as it was four of them in the room as they was in sleep wear.

There was one of the two guys out of the five and his name was Zack as he wore a black shirt and shorts as his silver necklace hung around neck and he was powerful too and the thing about Zack is he takes what he has to do extremely seriously.

His eyes were a dark blue as his hair was jet black as it was wild and unkempt and sometimes in a ponytail.

"To think that Master Siegfried even found a kid is crazy...He was able to use Elven and God abilities at that" A girl said as they all frowned, she has dark brown hair that stretched to her shoulders and brown eyes as well as her brown skin lit up in the moonlight.

"But he was cute though~ didn't you see the way he looked at you Kira? He was definitely checking you out" She said as Kira stopped brushing for a moment as she remembered the eye contact they made.

"He's the Master's son that would never work I'm a maid or his personal assistant or whatever the hell I'm supposed to be *sighs* why do I have such bad luck" She said as they looked at her oddly.

She then looked at them as they looked at each other as the brown skin girl looked at her as she grabbed Kira's hand.

"There's something that your mom wanted us to tell you...."


"But with all due respect sir but I feel like my daughter shouldn't be a whore for your son's sexual needs" Kyla said as Cain stood off to the side as Master Siegfried was writing things down.

"Oh? And who said she was such thing? From my understanding she was to take care of his every need and if it happens to be sexual then so be it" He stood up as he put the pen he was using down.

"But why is the decision who she sleeps with taken away from her? I feel like if it was to happen then it should be something that she wants~ NOT forced because the boy wants it" Kyla said as she then turned to Reyes and hit his shoulder.

"I also feel as if the girl's basic rights was robbed from her too, we are already a low numbered race~ and some under your command....the one basic right she has shouldn't be taken" He now turned to look at them as his black cloak following his every movement.

"I agree, but let us also discuss that I have came up with something else as well...." He turned around and handed them a piece of paper as she was confused but when she looked at it her eyes widened.


"I have assigned my son to the both of your classes here just so he can at least knows the area he stays and besides maybe he'll make friends with the younger Elf-kin that's under both of your teachings and he starts tomorrow" He said as he looked at the both of them.

"Unless that will be a problem as well?" He said while raising a eyebrow as they both didn't know what else to say "Is my daughter gonna have to be his maid or assistant in school? If so I don't want that for her she's already here under your service the least she deserves is a normal life outside the mansion" He nodded as she took the paper and headed out the room with Reyes.

They walked down the hall together as she was stressed out as she ran her hands through her hair "I didn't think I'd win that argument...let's just hope he knows how to behave in class" Kyla said as Reyes chuckled.

"I wonder how he would react when he meets Jack....that fight would be one I would love to see" He said as she remembered that her daughter and Jack where the top two of his class but Zack also is just as good as her daughter.

"I don't know about that...he was able to handle me~ but then again nor was I going all out against the kid" Kyla said as she thought about the boy she fought.

"We'll find out when the time comes but until then.....we're his guardians outside the Mansion with the green light to test his abilities" Reyes said as he gained a small smirk.

'I can't wait to see what kind of specimen I'm working with now I hope you exceed my expectations young master Indra' He thought to himself as they soon went there own separate ways.