
Another Dragonkin in the midst

Everyone was doing there tasks while the kids trained under Reyes and Kyla, they was breathing hard while the red head was wide eyed and out of air.

Indra on the other hand, sat off to the side reading a book as he didn't pay any attention to anyone as Vince, David, Mathew, Cecile and Jackie looked over at Reyes and Kyla as they looked at him and so did the kids.

"Hey kid!" His amber eyes made contact with Mathew as he fixed his shades while standing up and headed over to him "How come you're not training like everyone else? Success comes from a cohesive unit"

"And who said I was apart of a cohesive unit?" He said while closing the book "You became apart of that cohesive unit when you came here with Mas~"

"Just because I came here as his son doesn't mean I agree with everything else, first off, I'm not a spoiled brat and I will eat what I want where I desire and I will train at my own pace" He said as it pissed Mathew off as he kept his calm as he then smirked.

"Ok kid.....Then how about you back that up after all I might be the one that need the training right?" He said as Indra looked confused as he slowly stood up and crossed his arms "If that's what you're gonna take from the conversation we just had then su~"


Mathew had sent Indra flying through the next couple rooms as everyone was shocked "Growing up we was taught to respect our elders....because our elders always had something up their sleeve that the kids didn't" He said while everyone behind him was shocked.

"Hmm...that was pretty ea~" Before the word could come out he was sent flying hard into the wall, as Indra stood there perfectly fine and unscathed.

"First off....respect is earned" Indra said as he stood there unscathed as Mathew was now hurting bad as he kept throwing up blood as his shades broke and hit the floor.

"Wow, you really know no restraint do you?" Everyone watched Jack say to Indra as he was confused "I know restraint, asking if I use it is another thing" He said as Jack shook his head "You know no restraint and you're still a child, I feel like the list will continue at this rate" Jack said as Indra charged him as he didn't even move but only raising his right hand as everyone knew what was going to happen next.

The second Indra tried to land a punch he was frozen in midair unable to move as Jack's eyes started glowing white as his hair began to rise "You take advantage of your blessing as DragonKin...I heard about your fight with Zack and the others, about how you fought against Ms.Kyla too....I think whatever high-horse you're on your gonna come off it" He finished while throwing him straight through the roof.

"Jack! That wasn't necess~"

"Leave it alone Kyla" Reyes interrupted her last words as she looked at him "But do you not understand if that boy is hurt even in the slightest Master Siegfried will have our heads!" She said as Reyes was still calm and collected.

"You're bound to get hurt during training if Master can't see that then maybe he needs to start" Reyes said as she didn't think about it that way as she watched Jack as he looked at the roof still.

"Just how high did you thro~"

As if on cue he came back down only to be caught by Jack again as he kept him in the air "How does it feel to be held against your will like you did them?" Nothing was said as Indra began to smile evilly as he started laughing "Man you're dumb" He said as he suddenly felt a punch to his face that sent him head first into the wall.

Everyone was confused but they watched the roof suddenly appear as normal as he locked eyes with all of them "It was an Illusion!" They all thought as Reyes smiled, he liked what he saw and could tell there was more potential in him than he thought.

Once he turned around Indra was grabbed by the head and slammed head first into the floor as it cracked upon impact "I'm not that weak you bastard!" Jack said as he then summoned a silver shield as he multiplied three times as there was six of him.

They all started rushing him as the same result from school happened just now as Indra knocked them out one by one and once he was face to face with the real Jack he palmed him in the chest as he flew across the room.

"Let the abomination in me rise....." Indra began to say as his skin began to darken as he charged Jack as they went blow for blow as they eventually locked hands as their strength cracked the ground.

"I won't back down to you!" Jack said as they was forehead to forehead anger clear in their eyes as they jumped away from each other, in that same moment he charged back at Jack not wanting to let up as he defended the best he could.

"Nor will I let you win!" Indra said to him as he punched him throw the wall as he jumped out after him, Everyone that watched looked at the hole they made as Kira started to run towards it but was grabbed by Reyes as she was confused.

"I'll take care of the boys all of you go with Kira" He said as he jumped out the hole as the wall repaired behind him, Everyone began to look at Kyla as she sighed and frowned "Training is canceled for today everyone can go study or practice" She said as she took off.

"That got really intense" Nyla said as she let her hair out of the bun it was in as Shiela a Blue haired and brown eyed color girl started heading out herself, while Kira didn't pay it any mind since she was always the silent type.

'I Wonder what's gonna happen now? Could mom get in trouble for this?' Kira thought to herself as they watched a irritated Zack leave the room.


Siegfried and Cain sat at a table with a boy who they was shocked to see as he looked at them smirking "You two looked pretty shocked, well I would be too if I found out that there was DragonKin living in hell" He said as he propped his feet up on the table.

The boy has long Blood red and Black hair as his eyes were a light Hazelnut color as he was built for his age too "How exactly did you even get down here?" Cain asked as his curiosity was getting the best of him.

"I can travel dimensions at will, as well as send people through them, but I never know where they go nor can I bring them back so I refrain to only teleporting myself through the dimensions" He said as they looked impressed, but Cain had his suspicions of the boy for some reason as he wanted to shake them off.

"I'm gonna step outside maybe that'll give you two sometime to talk" Siegfried nodded as Cain stepped outside as his rampant thoughts was really bothering him, but why? He just met the kid and he didn't act like this with Indra.

'Something about that boy just doesn't sit well with me...I'll just have to watch him for a while' He thought to himself as the Castle they was in belonged to one of the royals too...this all could be a coincidence.....'

"You look stuck in thought" He heard someone say as he turned to see one of the royals a woman as she has blood red hair and abyss black eyes "Your blood pumps a lot when you stress your vessels and it caught my attention" She said as her eyes became a dark gold color as her canines began to show.

"What's on your mind DragonKin?" She said kindly as he faced her entirely and bowed and kissed her hand "Forgive me for catching your attention that way, my thoughts sometimes..."

"Make you think things? Tell me more about these thoughts of yours, why do you worry?" She said as he looked back at the door as her dark gold eyes shined a bit as she looked for a moment then back at Cain.

"Your concern is the child we've found? Afraid that we've corrupted him of some sort?"

"No, I just find something odd about him is all his personality, his eyes even his aura"

"And they all rub you wrong?" She asked as he nodded as she nodded agreeing fully with him "Honestly I've thought the same thing, where we found him was around the area where the first Great War went off between DragonKin, Demons and Gods....I would watch him too if I were you" She said as he nodded firmly.

"Other than that rumor has it that Siegfried has a Son, if I knew any better people would try to reach out and offer their daughters and forge an alliance with him" Cain chuckled as he sighed slowly with a small smile.

"And let me guess you're one of those people?" He said as she looked him up and down, then reached up to his tie and fixed it while also fixing his collar "My daughter isn't the only thing I'm offering as of yet" She said as his eyebrows rose up at what she offered as he cleared his throat.

"I don't think that's a good idea to do that on the job" She chuckled as she grabbed his hand "You're not gonna make me cast a spell on you are you?" She said in a sultry voice as he gulped loud enough for her to hear.


"If you haven't heard I have a son back home...maybe you two could learn from each other and make each other stronger and one day lead our people to back out the rut we're in" He told the boy as he was confused.

"I thought our kind was dead?" He said as Siegfried shook his head slowly "There is a place where they still live, but I cannot go alone and nor would the other races help in such an endeavor either since it would mean the revival of DragonKin" Siegfried told the boy as he looked shocked as he stood up quickly.

"Then I Silas of the DragonKin will glad-fully be yours to adopt and follow in your footsteps and lead our people to greatness" Siegfried liked what he heard as he stood up immediately.

"You are now...Silas Tempest" He said as he started heading for the door, Silas followed behind him out as Cain wasn't seen anywhere in the area they had left him initially.

"Maybe he has been summoned, I will leave a message for him via maid while we take care of our other business while we're here" He told Silas as he nodded as he started walking looking for a maid.

'Whoever this other son of his is he's gonna be in for a huge reality check, I'm gonna rule the people if he's just as adopted as I am I will take his place...even if I have to kill him' Silas thought to himself as he balled his fists up angrily.

'And there's still the plan....'

"Master Siegfried!" They heard someone shout out as it was Cain, he walked back with a woman and a girl but she wore a hooded outfit and nor did Silas care about her.

"This boy, he's very unique I have shared my memory of what he looks like with you just please....if something ever happens I want you to be the ones to take him in" He whispered to them as the woman nodded slowly as he turned away from them and made their way to their next destination.