
Imprisoned by the CEO

“You will have to marry me and bear me a child.”  “What the fuck?!” Logic flew out of the window when Grace heard him say that. “Excuse me, what did you just say?”  Maybe, she was the one who had heard him wrong. It could have been anything except marrying him and giving him a child.  “You heard me,” Christian tsked, “but I’ll repeat it. Marry me and have my child.”  Her mouth opened and gaped at me. In her mind, she was trying to make sense about what was going on. How in the world had it come to be? What in the world could make the situation come to this?!  “No?” Grace replied, but then realized that the word was not firm enough. “No.” she said again. Christian frowned, and it seemed so innocent like he had not asked her the most unbelievable thing. “Why not? I thought you wanted to help me. You offered.”  “I offered my help, my brain, my support not my,” she hesitated, “stomach!”  What was the word for it? “Womb,” he provided.  “Yes!” She slapped her hand on the table. “You don’t get my womb!”   “I don’t?” He challenged.  “No!”  “What if helping me out means Lorelai coming out of a coma?”  Grace felt her heart drop. “What?”  Christian nodded. “What if helping me out, agreeing to what you have to do for me, means bringing your grandmother out of the, that she is in?”  ******** Grace  was one strong girl and with the people she put her trust in, that was only a small number, she knew she could conquer the world, or at least she thought to herself.  When her best friend proposed a deal that could change their lives, she made a decision that was going to be mutually beneficial to both of them.  But one renovation led to many and everything has been just a game, a manipulation from him. Everything was full of deceit, lies, planning and plotting against her. Every single thing, right down the fact that only he had been her friend…  Everything was a lie and she had been living it, willingly.  Tropes; Friends to lovers, office romance, best friends, frenemies, marriage of convenience, possessive villainous and morally gray heroes!

Inara_Me · Urban
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170 Chs

The mall - I

Miguel dropped her home. As he opened had over she wondered if she was supposed to give him the bracelet back. Would he ask? If he did not, was she supposed to give it to him on her own? 

"It was wonderful having you by my side for tonight," he smiled as they stood outside her door, "thank you."

She smiled and Chuckled nervously. "Would you like to come in?" She had no idea what to do if he did. 

"No, thank you," he denied, " I have to—'

The door opened and her grandmother, Lorelai stepped out. She narrowed her eyes and had her boss and Grace gulped. 

"You are hot." 

Miguel nodded, "Thank you." 

"I'm a milf." Lorelai looked at him up and down before pointing inside. "I am a sugar momma too. I am looking for a baby."

Miguel did not react and that scared Grace slightly. "Well that is unfortunate because I have one at the moment."

Lorelai narrowed her eyes. "I have a swarovski membership."

Grace's eyebrows shot up. Did they offer that? 

"My sugar momma is a billionaire." 

"Damn it!" Lorelai cursed under her breath and turned to Grace. "I can't have him. You do not let go." 

Grace leaned towards Miguel. "She had dementia and she is my neighbour." 

"Don't come inside then." Lorelai spat and looked at Miguel. "Hit me up." 

Miguel nodded. "I will see." 

Grace's shoulder slumped as the door closed. This was the worst interaction her grandmother had had with her friends, not only that but this was her boss. 

Her damn boss. 

She turned to look at him, "Sorry," she muttered sheepishly. That was embarrassing. 

"She was good," Miguel chuckled as he looked down for a quick second, "I think she might be the only interesting senior citizen I have ever talked to." 

"Really?" Grace scoffed in shock. " I think she likes you too." 

"She does." He agreed. "After all she did tell you not to let go of me." 

That made her blush. " So," she cleared her throat, "you have a sugar momma?"

That made me laugh. Miguel nodded as he laughed lightly and stepped closer. "I do, but I could take you up on the offer."

"Why?" Grave teased back. "Want someone younger?" 

"I can use retinol!" Grace jumped and they stepped back looking at the door. "Give me a week and all my little wrinkles would go away." Lorelai continued to shout from the door. 

Grace face palmed herself as Miguel laughed. "I'll be going now," he shook his head to get rid of the smile, "good night." He said as he kissed her cheek. 

"Good night," she whispered and watched me leave. Opening the door to the apartment and closing the door behind her Grace turned to see her grandmother standing in the middle of the living room with her arms folded in front of her chest. 

"So?" Lorelai asked the raised eyebrow, "Did he give an orgasm?" 



The next day was bright. Thankfully, it was holiday for her. Grace needed it desperately to be honest. The first thing she did was make herself coffee. 

Lorelai, her grandmother, was already on the dining table cutting her fruits in the small pieces that her teeth could bear to tear. 

"Old age is a hassle," she shook her head, "here I thought that my children and grandchildren will take care of me but here I am." She looked at Grace dead in the eye and spoke, "Give me kids." 


"Die then." 

"Thank you Nana." Grace bowed her head in front of the old woman. "Did you take your medicine?" 

Lorelei narrowed her eyes, "yes I took my medicine but you are in need of some vitamin D." 

Grace moaned in pain. The only day she got off she had to deal with her grandmother who would be constantly talking nonsense. " Do you wish to go to an old age home?" 

The elder woman scoffed, "If you do that I will open an Instagram account and report you. People can be really shitty and mean." She warned before raising high tea cup and drinking it with her little finger up in the air. "Now you're going to leave?" 

"Yup," Grace nodded. She was leaving her house on a Sunday for mental peace even though she did not have kids. 

On second thought, she would rather have kids.